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What's your favorite artifact and why?

That seems rather recent to be considered an 'artifact' - or at least a major artifact.

My first thought was the Rosetta Stone. When that got translated, it opened up so much more knowledge about ancient Egypt.
Do fictitious ones count?

It's not much of a spoiler, but why not. Just in case some folks haven't seen paint run before.
Spoiler :


Can anybody guess why this is a good artifact?
^^^ :lol: The least you could have done is to provide the name. I guess the mods and sockets are optional.
@Joeco Welcome of CFC Off topic.
Does Statue of Liberty comes in the "Artifact" category ? It sure dues when the astronauts discover it in the movie "The Planet of the Apes". My favourite artifact('s) are the ancient Mesopotamian batteries A.K.A "Baghdad batteries" - It turnes out Benjamin Franklin was not a first man to came across the idea of the (as he called batteries - a "Laden Jar" ) ;)
Is it an unknown language ? (There are 3 chapters IIRC : "plants" , "baths" (of all things ?!) and "astronomy" .... I think ) Maybe it's an elaborate hoax , but there's so much "work hours" put into it it makes some scholars scratch their heads ;) Some linguistic specialists even say it can't be just "gibberish" , but IDK - I am no expert ;)
Is it an unknown language ? (There are 3 chapters IIRC : "plants" , "baths" (of all things ?!) and "astronomy" .... I think ) Maybe it's an elaborate hoax , but there's so much "work hours" put into it it makes some scholars scratch their heads ;) Some linguistic specialists even say it can't be just "gibberish" , but IDK - I am no expert ;)
No one has figured the manuscript out. Not the language nor the plants shown. It is a true mystery.
The Statue of Liberty is a monument. I wouldn’t call it an artifact even if it were older. I wouldn’t call the Statue of David or the rock relief at Abu Simbel artifacts either.
If we count the statue of liberty, we can count the Uffington White Horse. I was a child near it for a while, and it is amazing. It is was created some time between 1380 and 550 BC.


Nearby are multiple other significant sites, that could make the whole place an "artifact".

Spoiler Near by :
The hill where St George slew the Dragon is about 50 yards away, which is impressive since he is not known to have visited this isle. You can see the spot where grass will not grow because the dragons blood was spilt there:


There is a pre-roman castle that was the site of a pretty major battle when the bloody romans came over here within about 1/2 a mile:


A bit of a walk down the oldest road in the country is a long barrow, I cannot quite remember what happens there, but it had something to do with leaving money on the stones and Wayland the Smith would shoe your horse or something. Mostly I remember that it smelt like a toilet. This is really old, built over the years about 3590 to 3400 BC.


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If we count the statue of liberty, we can count the Uffington White Horse. I was a child near it for a while, and it is amazing. It is was created some time between 1380 and 550 BC.


Nearby are multiple other significant sites, that could make the whole place an "artifact".

Spoiler Near by :
The hill where St George slew the Dragon is about 50 yards away, which is impressive since he is not known to have visited this isle. You can see the spot where grass will not grow because the dragons blood was spilt there:


There is a pre-roman castle that was the site of a pretty major battle when the bloody romans came over here within about 1/2 a mile:


A bit of a walk down the oldest road in the country is a long barrow, I cannot quite remember what happens there, but it had something to do with leaving money on the stones and Wayland the Smith would shoe your horse or something. Mostly I remember that it smelt like a toilet. This is really old, built over the years about 3590 to 3400 BC.


Looks more like a praying mantis!
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