What'ya think? It's round two...

You see, last year's schoolwork from my side has been terrible. My sole goal for this year was to fully develop my schoolwork, attemp to show that I was able to participate - I have always had the brains - as last year I got a written warning because of inactivity. And I don't know why, but of some reason, after a mere week, something just happened. I wasn't able to participate. I wasn't interested, not in anything, really. I had this weird urge to stay in bed. While my earlier trips with Simone always had been romantic and exciting, I began simply liking sitting in the dang couch watching Simpsons or something. Or even lying in bed. We spent time every weekend, her wanting to go somewhere while I just thought it would be too expensive or that I was too tired. Eventually our relationship evolved into some weird substance, where she was the taker of initiatives, me being some puppy following her, and unintended by her I think I kinda began becoming her accesory.

So, well, this has escalated somewhat. I often spend several days at home, lying in my bed having Friends running in the background on repeat while surfing on the internet. Or, surfing here, that is. I feel awful. A second warning from school rolled in as well. I spoke with Simone often and we have discussed it a number of times (We have always had good communication), she knows how I feel. And no, it's not like I am wanting to feel that way, I have really been fighting it, or tried to be.

Kind of sounds like signs of depression. You might want to talk to a real psychologist.

As for insomnia, read a book on psychology---that'll put you to sleep.
I suspect the OP had some psychological issues about getting serious with his girl that made him depressed---hence not doing anything with her. Current depression is being depressed about the past times.

But yeah...doing something positive/passionate or talk to a shrink---don't mope.
Eh you're really fine, I know it. I'm sure you feel better already. Just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and take a look at the things in your life that are most important, and then go get them taken care of.
Not to ruin the negative vibe of this thread, but that was an incredible cross-functional joke. You just won the game, heh. ;)

I got in passing from someone more educated than myself in neuroscience that learning and sleep parts of the brain are closely tied together. Hence I figure I do get tired from learning new stuff. It may be a natural sleep pill.
Dummies guide to Psychology.
I understand where your going with this. With it being close to Valentines Day, I'm guessing you dont want to be alone. Not just for Valentines Day, but for the rest of your life...

Okay, so I'm your age group. I'm 18. (your around 18 right? if I read it right)
Last year, I took out a girl for Valentines Day. We went to a movie...nothing special. I bought her a rose and that's it. Few months later, we eventually went to prom together. She went to a different school, so I went to 2 proms last year, mine and hers. We had a great time. But at her prom, I told her that I really liked her, but she just hugged me and said to get to know her better....on the way home about 7 AM in the morning from her house, I was crying in my car....I was tired, pissed off, sad and mad at the same time.....But I got through it.

We eventually went to my prom about 3 weeks later. Once again we had a pretty good time. And once again after leaving her house I said I liked her, but she just hugged me again..etc...That was pretty much the last straw...I gave up on her there and then...BUT at the same time, during her prom AND my prom....she was always texting another boy....her friends said before all the proms though that she liked me, and I liked her...but it didn't work out that way.

So pretty much for the last year, I haven't done much. I was over her in about month or 2...I wasn't going to live the rest of my life being sad...I knew there were other girls out there and I wasnt giving up!

I went out on about 1 or 2 dates since last year....I never compare girls. You do NOT compare the girl your out on a date with, with your last girlfriend. All you think about is your ex...you need to see the whole picture of the girl your going out with.

I must say though, going through girls and school at the same time sucks! believe me I know...its part of life! Life ain't perfect, and it's never going to be.

In my opinion a girlfriend should be there for you and you can tell her anything. you two have to work together in order fall in love. Also you have your whole life to fall in love!!! I should be listening to my own advice I know...and I'm trying really hard!! The thing that works is ACT YOURSELF! then the right girl will come along.

I'm going to leave you with this final sentance:

Falling in love is so damn hard.

This one's from a song:

"...each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride"

Have a good day! I dont know if I helped any or not, but just remeber there are people out there that care for you!!!
Damn, Simone stayed with you even when you did nothing all day? I woulda held on to her, but whatever, its your life.
Also, I am in no position to give relationship advice to anyone.
This is going to sound cold, but we all have the urge to stay in bed. Get up.

It's not that I don't want to be supportive. But the best support sometimes is tough love. So turn off the TV; hell, sell your TV. Learn to live without it. Stop watching empty TV shows.

There's no "answer" out there that is going to fall into your lap and make things click. If you got really happy last year and found a great girl and still fell into this spiral, then I don't think someone is going to be able to tell you the meaning of life and suddenly put your life back on track for you.

Now, don't start hating yourself, but be self-critical. Think of the privileges you have, and the opportunities (you're getting an education at least), and things might not seem so bad. Many people in this world don't have the choice not to work hard, because the alternative is poverty. The stability that allows you to slouch in your work and personal relationships and still have a bed to sleep in is a great privilege.

I can't tell you much about the clinical side of depression, but if you have a genuine desire to improve your condition, enforce a bit of discipline on yourself, and try some exercise. Exercise improves your mood. Even if you're tired--especially if you're tired--go for a run, do some pushups, for 20-30 minutes a day. This will actually release chemicals in your brain that improve your mood; it's not am empty saying.
You know, they say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But yeah, turn off the TV, get some exercise. Hey man, I'm 17 and I suck in the romantic realm. So yeah.
It is very typical, especially for the hopeless romantic, to get lazy once he gets what he wants. I speak from experience. I shouldn't say "he", the killer of almost all relationships is complacency.
You see, last year's schoolwork from my side has been terrible. My sole goal for this year was to fully develop my schoolwork, attemp to show that I was able to participate - I have always had the brains - as last year I got a written warning because of inactivity. And I don't know why, but of some reason, after a mere week, something just happened. I wasn't able to participate. I wasn't interested, not in anything, really. I had this weird urge to stay in bed. While my earlier trips with Simone always had been romantic and exciting, I began simply liking sitting in the dang couch watching Simpsons or something. Or even lying in bed. We spent time every weekend, her wanting to go somewhere while I just thought it would be too expensive or that I was too tired. Eventually our relationship evolved into some weird substance, where she was the taker of initiatives, me being some puppy following her, and unintended by her I think I kinda began becoming her accesory.

So, well, this has escalated somewhat. I often spend several days at home, lying in my bed having Friends running in the background on repeat while surfing on the internet. Or, surfing here, that is. I feel awful. A second warning from school rolled in as well. I spoke with Simone often and we have discussed it a number of times (We have always had good communication), she knows how I feel. And no, it's not like I am wanting to feel that way, I have really been fighting it, or tried to be.

Back a couple of years ago, when I was 16, I slipped into a habit of not turning up to school, simply because I didn't feel like it was worthwhile to get out of bed,and I was tired all the time. While I managed to improve it in my final year of school, I'll regret not turning up as often as I could/should have for the rest of my life because I didn't achieve close to what I'm capable of, nor was it good enough for what I wanted to do after high school. Talk to a shrink, and try and uncover what is causing it, but it is incredibly important to make sure you're at least at school. At least just by turning up, you'll absorb some of the new lessons that are taught that you'd have otherwise missed. Especially since if you're not particularly motivated to even get out of bed, you're not going to do much homework to catch up.

No idea about the girlfriend situation, so I won't comment on that.
I guess that some people like it when it's complicated :)

Reading your story, it seems to me that what you do not do, but should, is assume the consequences of your actions and your choices.
You don't want to go to school? That's fine. Just know that it will be harder in the future - not impossible, but harder - to get a good job
You don't want to do much on week-ends? That's fine too. Just know it might cost you your relationship.
If you don't want to assume the consequences of your actions, then don't do it in the first place.
And you don't HAVE to have a girlfriend - or rather, you do not have to commit to a long-term relationship when you're still in high-school. Looks like Simone understood this :)
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