Wheel of Time Unit: Asha'man (Oct. 4, 2004)


Uncle Cam
Feb 4, 2004
St. Louis
Welcome, :)

This is a unit based on The Wheel of Time series written by Robert Jordan. Its ultimate destination is for the W.o.T. Mod that is still in the construction phase, but feel free to enjoy it until then. Hope you like it! :D

*AND please be kind, it is my first unit! ;)

Credits: (so many are due)
To Kinboat first of all for creating the model for my unit, allowing me to borrow some of his effects, and for answering a million of my questions. To Ripptide for helping me to understand 3DS Max with his wonderful tutorials. To Dease for the work and time he put in helping me out with the palette. And to Steph, Cyber Dreyk, and Moenir for their incredible programs.

Download Asha'man
(repost with Lightning problem fixed)

Preview of Attack A:


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Pretty damn cool! Here's to many more great units from you, good sir! :beer:
I look forward tot he WoT mod... your map is beautiful... Any interest in doing a unit for "The Others" from George Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series? Wouldn't want to take you away from progress for the WoT mod, but I figured if you like WoT, you might like SoIF too... I'm redoing an old map I did for it from scratch and I think all I'd need is a unit for the Others and the rest of the scenario could basically involve importing the medieval europe conquest.

I've got other projects right now, so no rush at all, but I'd like to set this up at some point if you're interested. :) It can definitely wait until the WoT mod is finished. If you're not familiar with SoIF, that's cool too.


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Not very familiar with SoIF myself, but it sounds interesting.

@CamJH: Very nice unit, especially for a first. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
Huzzah for magic guys!
That turned out quite nicely :D

(Are you looking for a Trolloc unit? Don't some of them have goat heads? It's been ages since I read any of the series... I might make up a trolloc model)
Anyone care to give a quick explanation as to who/what this guy is/does in the Wheel of Time universe? (never read the books)
I came across a small problem with the lightning attack, that only occured when attacking directly from the west, which caused a visual error. I had play-tested it earlier, but I guess that one frame had alluded me. :) Oh well. I have replaced the download in the first post with this issue corrected. Sorry for the hassle.

Thanks, :D
@ Owain
Sounds cool, but I probably won't be able to lend out my services much until I get some more units created for the WoT Mod. Then we'll talk. ;) I'm not familiar with SoIF, so you'll have to aquaint me. I'm glad you liked the map as well, that was a lot of tedious work... so is unit making to an extent, but I think this is more fun. :)

@ Kinboat
Are you serioius?! Because don't toy with my emotions like that if your not. :) I would absolutely LOVE a Trolloc unit. They have all kinds of different heads, as I'm sure you can recall. Wolf heads, Ram's heads, Eagle's heads... just about any fearful animal's head. :)

@ everyone else so far :)
Thanks for all the compliments. It means a lot, especially since this is my first attempt. :)
Ashaman are kind of male magic users who have been trained to use magic for fighting and battle almost exclusively. In some role playing games (Rolemaster) you have Warrior Mages which is kinda the same thing.

At the same time, in the WoT series, the male side of the magic is tainted with evil so that eventually every Ashaman goes mad. That's why male magic users are universally feared and hunted down by female magic users.

BTW: Great unit, CamJH! Hope to see many more!
Wolfwood said:
Ashaman are kind of male magic users who have been trained to use magic for fighting and battle almost exclusively. In some role playing games (Rolemaster) you have Warrior Mages which is kinda the same thing.

At the same time, in the WoT series, the male side of the magic is tainted with evil so that eventually every Ashaman goes mad. That's why male magic users are universally feared and hunted down by female magic users.

I noticed he is dressed in a 18th-19th century style. Does wheel of time cover the entire historical timeline, or stay mostly in this era?
@ Neomega
Here's an exerpt from a glossary. It is a tad bit lengthy, but at least it's detailed. :)

Asha’man (Ah-shah-mahn):
(1) In the Old Tongue, “Guardian” or “Defender,” with a strong implication that this is a defender of truth and justice. (2) The name taken by followers of the Dragon Reborn, men who have come to what is now being called the Black Tower in order to learn how to channel. Some have dreamed of channeling despite all the dire risks, while others remain only because passing the test for the ability to learn to control it before it kills them. They train not only in using the One Power, but in the use of sword and in fighting with hands and feet. Their training concentrates on ways in which the One Power can be used as a weapon, and in another departure from the usages of the White Tower, once they learn to seize saidin, the male half of the Power, they are required to perform all chores and labors with the Power. The Asha’man, who wear distinctive black coats, are divided according to level of knowledge they have achieved, the lowest being a Soldier. The next level is Dedicated, marked by a pin in the shape of a silver sword worn on the coat collar. The highest level is called simply an Asha’man, marked by a red-and-gold enameled pin in the shape of a Dragon worn on the coat collar opposite the silver sword. Unlike Aes Sedai, who go to great lengths to make sure that those they train are not allowed to mover dangerously fast, the Asha’man are pushed hard from the beginning, most especially in learning to use the Power as a weapon. As a result, where the death or stilling of a novice of the White Tower during her training would be something spoken of with horror for years, at the Black Tower it is expected that a certain number of Asha’man Soldiers will die or be burned out attempting to learn. The existence of the Asha’man, and their connection wit the Dragon Reborn, has caused a reevaluation among some Aes Sedai of the immediate necessity for gentling, but many have not changed their view at all.
CamJH, cool!

Kinboat, a ram's head trolloc would also fit perfectly as a WH Beastman, thus killing two Evil Mutated Bad Guys with one stone. :D
That was my initial thought :D

And I knew there were different types... I just couldn't recall what kinds (blasted memory... Too many books squeezing out the important stuff... like my phone number :D ) The eagle headed one might look interesting too.
There are goat, bear, wolf, eagle, ram, etc etc etc ad nauseum Trollocs. Pretty much any wild animal.
Excellent unit (and range of attack animations). Keep up the good work. I'm a big fan of the WoT series. I look forward to the mod.

(Let's hope that Robert Jordan lives long enough to complete the series).....

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