Wheel of Time (WoT) Project! Come help out!


Nov 21, 2003
Hey all, it looks like we're going to be making a Wheel of Time Mod/Scenario.

Right now, all I know is that I am creating a extremely detailed map of Randland. Meaning, the big map in the front of each book, I'm translating it to a 180x180 map. It should be very, very accurate as to location of terrain, roads, rivers and main cities.

As for the rest of the work, DeclaredDrummer has said that he would be interested in doing a mod for the Wheel of Time; perhaps as ambitious as a scenario for each book. I'm not sure how crazy it will get, but we can discuss it here.

My initial thought would be to create a modded scenario using the map of Randland with many cities in place, borders set as they are at the beginning of TEOTW. I suppose we would have around 20 playable civs, but we could work out the details as we go along.

Feel free to chime in thoughts, ideas and criticisms. If you'd like to help out, we'd be happy to have you.
Warning = too cities and improvements = scenario unloadable

I'm interested with a WoT-mod on a void map with starting locations and ressources
Lachlan - I understand your concern. Loading times on some scenarios can be extreme. What will probably end up happening is we will release the map with starting locations, a full blown scenario with all cities, improvements and the works, and a sove game to help on loading time.

Map update - I've got the land mass set and am starting on the rivers. Damn, this is hard work. I've got new found respect for accurate map makers.


Here are the civs I'm thinking of having:

Aiel (Shaido)
Aiel (everyone else)
Amadicia (Children of the Light)
Arad Doman
Athan Miere
Far Madding
Tar Valon
The Blight

Am I missing anything?

Note: Certainly some civs will be much stronger than others. But that will work towards lending a big change in difficulty levels for players. For instance, gaining a domination victory with Arafel would be so much more impressive (and more difficult) than doing it with Andor.
Sounds good so far gater, with Civs we could always make the Children of the Light Barbarians. (LOL) I looked through them pretty quick, Oiger would be a good one if its not in there.
Oh and as far as one Scenerio per book, Nevermind. But I dont think we should do it all at one time. And one more possible civ, Seanchan. Hope I spelled it right. Gater are you using C3C?
Before you start making scenarios for the books, perhaps you could try to make one for the Trolloc Wars?
I was tinking of doing Prelude, with a Trolloc attack on Manethrane. It would most likely be a very quick, Trolloc win no matter what, type of battle.
Amadicia and the Children of the Light overlap a bit too much to have both, IMO. Perhaps the Children would be best off as barbarians (using some sort of graphics mod to make barbarian outposts look like war camps). They would be the only actual barbarians.

Also, if you want to show the Trolloc Wars, these are the Ten Nations:

~ Tar Valon (reference point)
1. Manetheren (reference point)
2. Aridhol (north of Manetheren)
3. Essenia (from Illian city to the Dragonwall)
4. Eharon (south of Manetheren, west of Essenia)
5. Aelgar (Shadow Coast)
6. Safer (Tanchico to Bandar Eban)
7. Jaramide (Bandar Eban through Saldaea to the Mountains of Dhoom)
8. Aramaelle (east and south of Jaramide, north of Tar Valon and Aridhol, south of the Mountains of Dhoom)
9. Almoren (southern edge of Shienar all the way to Essenia)
10. Coremanda (eastern Andor, Murandy, empty lands between Andor and Tar Valon)
Declared Drummer: check your PMs :). Sorry, I was doing something, and didn't see you hadn't endered the chat until after you left. Sure I'll help.
I would be remiss to see the Children of the Light to become mere barbarians. They control cities, have their own little frightening fundamentalist regime, which allows such wonders as the Dome of Light, and who can forget about their Inquistor UUs.

I think the Athan Miere would be a great addition.

There is an actual world map for the WoT in the "World of the Wheel of Time" big (AKA the big white book)

Another scenario could be the rise of Artur Hawkwing and Guaire Amalason (the Second Dragon)
I'm glad to see some interest in the project. The map is coming along well. It should be done mid-month.

I agree, I think The Children of the Light should not be barbarians. I was contemplating just having them rule Amadicia since Amadicia has no real strength other than housing the CotL.

I will add the Athan Miere as well.

We'll start getting some real organization soon...
Of course you are part of we. We all are part of we. It's a collective unit here. Actually multiple maps is not a concern, we can always include two maps in with the (mod/scenario). It gives more flexibility.
Just remember on units: I am not very good at making units. I'm have no idea how the ones I will make for you guys will be, until I know what I need to make. I also can't just draw people out of the air, so it will be based on other units. I hope that I am capable of making what you want, and well.
Will this mod be of the world map? If so then the Sanchean and Shara should be included. I will keep my eyes on this thread. I was planning to do a mod of this after I finished the mod I'm working on now. If I finish it before your done, I'll help out then.

I don't see any reason the Aiel couldn't be broken down to their individual tribes. There are 8, I believe. I don't have my books in front of me. Sanchean would be massive by the way, their continent, which they control all of is almost twice the size of the region that the books take place in.

EDIT: As far as Ogier, I don't think they should really have their own civ, maybe they could be made for any civ that can get a steading. The Steading could be a resource or something. Just my opinion, I'll be happy with this mod either way.
As far as the map goes, it's just going to be Randland (meaning the map in the front cover of the book). It will extend a little more into the Aiel waste however.

tjedge1: Thanks for your input. We'll be happy to take ideas until you are free. Thanks! I think there are 13 septs to the Aiel, but I'll double check.

Gogf: I understand. There aren't too many unique units within Randland anyway, I'll take whatever I can get. I can't do units at all, so I'll appreciate any help.

To all: I think I'll try and come up with an overall gameplan tomorrow. It'll be an outline of what I'm envisioning. That will help us mold and change the direction we are going.

Thanks for all the input!
I'd be glad to help out with whatever, though I haven't any experience with unit modeling or whatnot. I had a half finished WoT Civ2:MPG Scenario, and it was coming along nicely before I lost interest. Things I think I could help with accuracy, unit/wonder/improvement tuning, non animated things i should be able to do. Maybe I'll shock myself and be able to do something I didn't know how to do.

The Aiel really shouldn't be broken up anymore, since Rand came along. They are far from united, but it would weaken them to set them up into so many tribes. They have no large cities so to speak only a collection of defendable holds through the waste (desert towns w/ no water), and they just keep building their Aiel Warrior units :). One could however have the different warrior societies for some flavor (Black Eyes, Dawn Runners, Knife Hands, Maidens) BTW 13 clans the thirteenth of which the the Jenn Aiel, which really isn't a clan.
What I really need help with right now is a list of possible techs. I feel that I can help most by making this real quick. If anyone has some suggestions, let me know and I'll start on that.
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