Anyone know? I tried looking in the SDK and XML but was not able to find it. Seems like it must be dependent on difficulty as well as a certain time or maybe if there are a certain number of cities founded.
Agreed on DanF ultimately having the last word on these things, nothing better than really knowing how it's coded.Especially on deity i've found barb behavior very complex. Glieses guidelines are correct most of the time, on immortal you can trust they don't enter before 2000 BC, on deity there's much more variety, sometime they don't enter before 2200 bc, sometimes they can hit ~2500 bc or even a bit earlier. I think fjordan's idea of the extra settler is correct and that the far greater variety on deity has to do with the (sometimes big) amount of cities founded early. So it should be worse on Pangeae i suspect.I read somewhere they enter if the average number of cities / player >= 2. Dunno if it is per continent and whether the extra settler of Deity is solely responsible for the earlier date or that there is another factor.
I guess once again we are dependent on the guru DanF.
Hear here. I dont know where we would be without Dan's amazing ability to nail down these answers so quickly and efficiently.@DanF. . . good work again, one day all your findings should be bundled in a guide i think.
If the barbs have calculated AREAAI_OFFENSIVE for their AreaAI (huge numbers of ATTACK barb units, most likely after random event; normally it's AREAAI_MASSING) they will straight target their chosen city without any such restrictions.
If the barbs haven't founded a city on your landmass yet, they only need TWO attack units for that AreaAI.
Correct = increased my knowledge while watching the barbs storm my improvement-less 100Just to make this clear "Huge = 2"? (Probably a case of increasing knowledge, such a nasty remarks in comments could be confusing). It does make more sense though as I've indeed noticed that after some point barbs go straight to my cities in hordes; even if I had ring 3.
Only the total barbarian population on your landmass (NumBarbCities likewise). So with 3 barb cities on your continent size 4 each, the barbs need N = ((3*4+3+1)*20)/100 + 2 = 5 roaming attackers for AREAAI_OFFENSIVE (hmmm, actually not *that* many).More seriously, Numbarpop= the total population in all barbarian cities?