Where are ROM unique units?


Nov 12, 2019
Hello guys,

I've not played Civilization 4 since... around 2010 and I was playing ROM. Now I want to get to it again but people are suggesting me to play AND instead of ROM.

So I downloaded the mod but each civilization only has 1 unique units, whereas in ROM each civ had like 3-4 unique units. I really liked that.

Are they gone in this sequel?
yep.. they r gone, lots of balancing has been done.
But theres tons of new features also. You will love AND if you liked ROM.
Most of the original RoM unique units were not "true" Unique Units with extra abilities, only units with a different name and art style. AND uses the <CivilizationNames> tag to give certain units built by a particular civilization a unique name and the <UnitArtStyleType> tags to let a particular civilization's units use different art models. So going down the whole separate unit definition wasn't necessary any more.
I don't know. I remember the romans having equites and the greeks having toxotai or pletastai. I loved that :\
They are still there, but you will only see the names on the battlefield. They won't show up in the Civilopedia. A Greek Slinger is a Peltasts.

A Roman Mounted Infantry is a Cavalry Auxilia.
Uhm, okay.

I really thought they had their own stats in ROM but They could have been simply skins. I guess in AND civilopedia only shows altered units as unique units, whereas units with the same stats are treated as skins.

thank you!

Sorry to bump this. Maybe it's normal but I tried this in the world builder mode and when I spawn cavalry as romans they are not caavlry auxilia. Is it normal when playing from the world builder?

(Please, apologize me, I know it's just cosmetics but I like it and I don't want to start a game and find out I failed to install the newest version of the mod or anything else.)

Sorry to bump this. Maybe it's normal but I tried this in the world builder mode and when I spawn cavalry as romans they are not caavlry auxilia. Is it normal when playing from the world builder?

(Please, apologize me, I know it's just cosmetics but I like it and I don't want to start a game and find out I failed to install the newest version of the mod or anything else.)

Cavalry the unit or Mounted Infantry? Only Mounted Infantry get the "Cavalry Auxilia" name. It should work for any unit on the field but only on mouseover. Units on a build list keep their normal name.
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