Originally posted by utopia_pov
Only been playing a couple of months but have discovered a few odd tips floating around that might be useful.
1. Saw a tip elsewhere on CivFanatics that talked about 'gifting' to the other rulers during the game keeping them happier with you. Been trying it out in my current game and so far it seems to have a positive effect. While the other player mentioned 5gp as a max gift, I just give them 1 gp whenever another trade is not possible and most everyone seems happy to see me.
Hello. Welcome aboard.
There's a thread in the Strategy Artcles forum by Bamspeedy that tells you more than you wanted to know about AI attitudes and how to use gifts and other incentives to improve relations. There's also a trick suggested in another thread in that forum. If the AI civ doesn't have enough cash to give you full value for your tech you can win friendship by giving him the difference first and then getting it straight back in the tech deal. Sort of a foreign aid plan
Had a previous game where a Russian unit bypassed a line of cities I had up to protect my borders and settled a new city in my interior.
It never works. Make sure you have no spaces within your cultural coverage for them to walk into. It sounds like you were building cities widely spaced, which is not generally effective from any point of view until the very late game, when big cities, pop 20, might provide high production. But by then the game is over.
Question is, was it going to happen anyway or did the isolation help the flip along.
There's another Strategy Article on flip probabilities. Check it out. Unless you are at war, the sort of blockade you created will not isolate a city for trade purposes any more than it was already, and so it should have no effect. I assume you didn't have a RoP with Russia at the time, in which case his city already had no connection to his capital. In fact if you bottled up the units inside the city then the garrison would have grown and that should reduce the flip probability. The main factors affecting flp probability in a city with no foreign citizens are:
- the number of citizens working tiles within your 21 tile culture space. Note, a bigger culture radius than 2 has no more effect, and if he works zero tiles in your area the flip probability is zero.
- the relative distances from his capital and yours.
- the relative culture values for your whole civ and his.
- garrison size.
The most likely explanation for what you saw is either a random event or his city pop increased coincidentally to force him to work more tiles in your 21 tile space, increasing the flip probability.