Where is my money coming from?


Jun 15, 2010
Been overfocused on culture, so I'm a bit hazy on economy in CivIV? As far as towns, do they contribute anything at all to your economy when you $ percentage is set to zero? Also, I tried keeping track of my income on a city after I built a harbor and customs house and the trade amounts certainly went up but the city income was unchanged. I do need to make mention that I used WB to add those improvements within one turn so its possible that maybe they might've changed had I waited a few turns and checked back. Are trade $ reflected in the cities income? If not, then if I have my $ percentage set to zero then where is the cities income coming from if not trade and towns? Is it all coming from improvements?
Been overfocused on culture, so I'm a bit hazy on economy in CivIV? As far as towns, do they contribute anything at all to your economy when you $ percentage is set to zero? Also, I tried keeping track of my income on a city after I built a harbor and customs house and the trade amounts certainly went up but the city income was unchanged. I do need to make mention that I used WB to add those improvements within one turn so its possible that maybe they might've changed had I waited a few turns and checked back. Are trade $ reflected in the cities income? If not, then if I have my $ percentage set to zero then where is the cities income coming from if not trade and towns? Is it all coming from improvements?

I'll try to answer these, although I'm a little hazy on the questions. First off, if your $ percentage is set to zero with Science at 100%, all income from towns and trade routes will go to research. They will not generate any gold.

I think you're getting confused between gold produced and cities income. You have to look at both :science: and :gold:. A city has a few ways of producing gold with the slider at 100%, but even then the extra income from towns and trade routes will go to research.

For most of the game, it's unusual to have your slider at 100% research and 0% gold. Before your second city and if you have a small empire with a very good gold-producing city with a high-income shrine are the only times I run 100%.
Not really sure what your asking here, but whatever your sliders are running at cottages, towns and the intermediate stages will still contribute to your economy.

In case you don't know :commerce:, which is the stuff you get from tiles (like town ones) and trade routes is not the same as :gold:.
:commerce: gets put into the slider to be split into :science:, :gold:, :culture: and if your playing BTS :espionage:, the amount of each depends on the % of the sldier. So if your at 0% :gold: and 100% :science: those towns will provide :science: for your economy rather than :gold:, and :science: is alot more important! Trade routes provide :commerce: too, and the amount can be seen in the cities trade box, found above the building list on the city screen.

Some things however can generate pure gold that is completely unaffected by the slider, these include religious Shrines, Merchant and Priest specialists, settled Prophets, Great Merchants and Great Artists, state religion buildings if you have The Spiral Minaret and some others, you may also be getting GPT deals from AIs.
I couldnt phrase my questions so well since I'm not really completely up on differences of pure gold and commerce as far as what generates each but all in all, you answered my questions.
Ghpstage basically said it. Commerce comes from tiles and trade. You then tax that commerce to produce beakers, espionage, and culture; anything left over after that is converted into gold.

So for example, if you have a city that's working two gold mines (6 commerce each) and a mature town (4 commerce), and has four trade routes with other cities in your civ (1 commerce each), then that city is generating 6*2 + 4 + 4*1 = 20 commerce. If your research slider was at 0% (and we'll assume that your culture and espionage sliders are also at 0%), then that city would make 20 gold per turn. If the slider was at 50%, then the city would make 10 beakers and 10 gold. If it was at 100%, then the city would make 20 beakers and 0 gold.

This is all before multiplier buildings/civics take effect. Let's say you had a Library (+25% beakers) and a Bank (+50% gold) in that city. At 0%, you'd make 0 beakers and 30 gold. At 50%, you'd make 12.5 beakers and 15 gold. At 100%, you'd make 25 beakers and 0 gold. There's no point building gold multipliers if you're at 100% research! (though the happy/health bonuses from markets and groceries can still be useful)
Yeah, the trick with "gold" vs "commerce" is just knowing
gold = :gold: is one a stack of gold coins, not multiplied by things like banks, sliders etc. Goes directly into your gold pool in the top left.
commerce =:commerce: is just one coin, generated by cities (including but not necessarily working town tiles), trade, etc. Multiplied by things like banks, markets, wall street etc.

Hit [F2] to view the breakdowns of income / expenses.
Actually, gold IS multiplied by markets, banks, etc.

It is true that at 100% science, markets don't affect the gold from commerce, since there is none. But if you have a market, grocer and bank and running a merchant specialist, have a shrine or a corporation or any of a few other ways to generate gold in the city outside of commerce, then that WILL be multiplied.

gold is figured by:

((total commerce * % of slider to gold) + (total gold from specialists and buildings)) * building multipliers + wealth.

Your total gold per turn input is the sum of those per town + gpt deals with the AI.

I'm not sure if partial gold is carried over like partial beakers are (ie, if you have two cities that make 2.75 beakers, your total beakers will be 5, not 4)
It does affect the gold from commerce. 0*25%=0.
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