Where is the CIV4 Gold manual


Jan 2, 2009
The hardcopy manual says that the full version is on disk 3, but when I open disk3 I only see a nonreadable .cab file.
Anion wrote a great pdf guide. Find it here.

Welcome to the Forums Summoner. :beer:
It probably wandered off to the bonus material disk - i think Gold comes with one.
I just purchased the Gold Edition, and I have the same question.

The printed manual that accompanies the discs says it is an abridged manual with the full manual on disc 3. However there is no manual on any of the 3 install discs or the bonus disc. :confused:

Is there a copy of the full manual available somewhere for download?

Reading through other related threads (helpfully supplied at the bottom of this thread :) ) I found a link to the Civ IV and the Warlords full manuals at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=6227178&postcount=5

As I've seen noted more than once, information in these manuals may be out of date, and the info available at this site's War Academy, and from searching the Forums should be more up to date and probably more complete.

Hope this helps anyone else looking for the missing manual content.
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