Which age are you most looking forward to playing?

Which age are you most looking forward to playing?

  • Antiquity

    Votes: 33 34.0%
  • Exploration

    Votes: 26 26.8%
  • Modern

    Votes: 20 20.6%
  • All three equally

    Votes: 18 18.6%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2018
Now that we know a lot of the mechanics in Civ7's ages. I'm curious which age people are most excited by, and why? Is it the Mechanics? Legacy Paths? Available Civs?

Personally, Antiquity is the triple threat for me. Most of the civs I like, goals which are broad in scope, and laying a Civ's foundations would be tough to beat. I'm underwhelmed by exploration, and neutral on modern so far. I'm curious how people's opinions fall in general though...

I even think I managed to keep the question neutral!
Antiquity looks like a lot of fun, but for me, exploration age tickles my curiosity a lot more. I love exploring the map, I feel that exploration is where the map will really open up, I really like the treasure fleet idea. Plus I feel that Antiquity will feel a lot more like previous titles than exploration; I like changes in gameplay, welcome them, and am really really hoping that the age switching will live up to the hype I've built around it in my head.

EDIT: Also... Civ games have, for me, like many people here I think, been more fun at the start of the game than later on. I'm really, really hoping VII changes this dynamic to let us enjoy mid and end games that are much more exciting than in VI in particular.
I'm also an Antiquity person both for the history and the gameplay. I have mixed feelings on Exploration. On the one hand, I think the way they've built it around opening up the map so exploration again becomes a big thing is promising. However, the mechanics of Exploration feel unnecessarily rigid to me, and I'll have to experience them before I decide how much I like that. Modern is my least favorite historically, and mechanically I thought industrialization was interesting but otherwise it didn't excite me. We were shown very little of the cultural/scientific side of Modernity, which tends to be my thing, but it seemed a little bland.
Exploration, I am excited for an AI programmed toward an oversees expansion dynamic that I have never seen play out in civ-like. I am also excited for religion to be a nonfactor in the other two ages and maybe even to play with it in exploration.
I go with antiquity and feel similar as Zaarin. Antiquity seems to be the most open to play and I like the civs. It's the everything-is-new-map-and-competitors-feel. I like the introduction of forced exploration in the exploration age but for my taste it comes too early. When I play older Civ iterations I often choose Terra or Continents with islands maps and enjoy this exploration and colonization age. What I don't like in Civ7 is that it seems to start right away with the beginning of the age, so in the early middle ages. IMHO the exploration phase should come in the middle (around 1400). The early middle ages (=exploration age) was all about the Migration period (300-900 with Germanic peoples, Steppe peoples like Huns, Avars, Magyars Khazars, then Vikings and Arabs). I feel this is left out in the game or we are presented with a map that has emerged after these movement of peoples has ended. Your former antiquity age empire has been taken over by a new (evolved) people but the fun of actually conquering (Normans, Abbasids or Mongolians) or resisting conquest (Byzantines, Ming) is left out. I know it's supposed to happen in the crisis period but let's not fool ourselves - an experienced player will master the crisis. So in the crisis age as Rome you defend your empire against Barbarians and then the exploration age comes - and they have taken over (currently as Normans or Spain (Vandals/Visigothic).
Edit: I know this is eurocentric but then much of the exploration age mechanisms are eurocentric.
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I would have liked to choose two: Antiquity and Exploration. If I have to choose one, it's Antiquity though, and that's what I went with in the poll.

I don't care much about modern, as my interest in history after 1700 is only selectively, and I never really enjoyed that part in civ games in the last decades. Hopefully, it's a bit different this time, because it won't be quite as boring. But still, judging from civs, legacy paths, and mechanics, Antiquity and Exploration are preferred. And I really hope that the graphics in the modern age are vastly improved (soon) after release: if railroads (for me maybe the most fun aspect of the modern age) and cities look as ugly as in the current build, the Modern age loses even more points in comparison.
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I like a lot of the European Civs, like France and Netherlands where your uniques kick in mid game after you have turtled and set up infrastructure. Now ready for a push.

So I choose exploration. Seeing my first game as Greece into Spain. Spain looks ready to maximize expansion in the mid game, after turtling as Greece. My style.
I went with the three. While the way the game is made makes sense for people to like or be more interested in an specific age, I'm really more interested in playing the full game and see how it feels.

I even think I managed to keep the question neutral!
You did one of the most neutral so far, albeit if you also give the option for 3, maybe would make sense to also give options for each possible 2. Or maybe have the three options and let people pick more than one option if they want (not sure if polls here allow that though). Still for what you're going I think it already works well.
modern, curious to see how the AI will handle air combat this time.

so I'll surely do one of two modern starts in my first games, but then I'll go back to antiquity starts, for the complete civ experience.
The first two ages, but since there is no such option, I will choose Antiquity :egypt: over Exploration :queen: since I liked almost all the leaders (I would have preferred Marcus Aurelius or Scipio Africanus to be the Roman leader, but we might get another one later), all the civilizations and all the Unique Units and Infrastructures that were picked in the former age. The Modern Age :nuke: is significantly less interesting to me than the other two. As are the leaders and civilizations (future or current) of that particular age.
I'm surprised how evenly divided it is! That's probably a good sign.

I think it was probably better not to put in a choice-of-2 option, it would have gotten a lot messier... I did put a dent in the floodgate by offering "all 3" but I think people would have complained without it. I also left out "none" to try and avoid a screaming match...
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