Which Films have you seen lately? Certificate 18

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Oct 16, 2021
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss
I downloaded the latest Bond last night, and am slowly working through Daniel Craig's series. Enjoyable romps, but hardly asking anything new of the audience.
Beavis and Butthead do America (1996).

Also, Francesco Rosi double feature: Uomini contro (1970, in English, apparently, Many Wars Ago), Cadaveri eccellenti (1976, Illustrious Corpses).

10/10 all three.
Also, Escape from LA is awesome.
Straight to VHS in the mid 90s, I believe. It was one of the first movies I ever saw. I remember being more impressed with it when I was seven years old.
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maleficent . Would say too much deaths and kinda a wrong thing about hero and tyrant and whatever but possibly is so soft when compared to Grimm Brothers stuff .
No Time To Die - Pretty good. Bad guy’s plan didn’t really make sense. 6/10

Old Henry - A solid western shoot em up. 6/10

Casino Royale - Still the best Bond. 8/10
Casino Royale - Still the best Bond. 8/10

The 1st Bond movie [now forgotten] where Barry Nelson plays CIA agent Jimmy Bond?

or the one with seven James Bonds to confuse the enemy?

or the Daniel Craig version where the French casino is moved the Adriatic for no good reason?

Bah! while one is tempted to choose the breakthrough Goldfinger, this has so many plot holes, I'm going with Thunderball. :thumbsup:
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I saw Master and Commander, which was a brilliant movie. It's kind of depressing to watch though, because it reminds you that a movie like this would never get made today. There's so many slow scenes, everything builds up slowly, there are slow scenes with speeches and deep interactions between the characters. The kids and young adult population of today does not have the attention span required to process this and enjoy it. They need fart jokes and explosions, and super fast camera cuts, so whenever this movie gets remade it will be much different than the original.

One thing I didn't understand though. The French ship is faster and has more guns.. In the first hour of the movie they run from it, because it can mess them up. But then.. They leave the decoy. and.. after that they start chasing the French ship? I didn't really understand what happened there, I must have missed something. I thought the decoy was a great idea, but I thought that they were going to rig it with explosives or something, or sneak up behind the French ship while it investigates the decoy. But.. nope? Deploy decoy, then run away? Then suddely it doesn't matter that the French ship is more powerful, and you can just chase it at your hearts content? I obviously missed something here.

I gotta say though, the scenes with the ship engagements are so great.. Everything feels so real. It really pulls you right into the action. Seeing the kids on deck get called "Mr. Johnson" or whatever was eye opening too. These days kids have it too good. Let's throw a bunch of them on a boat! If they live through it, it should lead to a great amount of personality growth and maturing.

I also loved all the scenes that were a bit philosophical and all the scenes hinting at Darwin and evolution. Amazing that such details made it into the movie. These days like I said it would have all been fart jokes and exploding buttholes

I also saw Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings to rule them all.

Wow, this movie was visually stunning. It was like a comic book brought to life pretty much, with beautiful landscapes and dog/dragon/things and .. the fighting scenes were very intricate, done in a way that made me think "I don't know if I've seen anything like this before". I mean, I have seen kung fu action scenes, but these ones seemed a bit more.. cartoony? Maybe it was that the camera wasn't bourne jerking around so much? I'm not sure, but the fighting scenes were fun to watch.

And like, the more you watch this movie, the more silly stuff they throw at you.. but it's done in amounts you can easily accept, so by the time there's flying dog dragons you just think: "Ok, there's flying dog dragons now, let's do this". It gets sillier and sillier, but you're there to witness more of the spectacle, and it doesn't ever get too silly it seems. It was way over the top for sure, but somehow they made it work. So overall I enjoyed this movie.
it is about having the "wind gauge" . After getting behind the French frigate the English one can attack at will or something . Really complicated to explain when one is simply an amateur like me in "sail-combat" things . The French one of course can rotate 90 degrees and dare the British one to come on , except in general terms the overall numerical superiority of the English fleet caused the French to concentrate in long range shooting , as far as it was possible in those days . And the British chose heavier firepower in the shape of carronades , lightweight short range guns that can still cause extensive damage . Once the opening bid failed , with the French ship unable to cause heavy enough damage , so that it could follow the surprise salvo with a boarding or the English ship simply surrendering and Russell Crowe character opened the gap and turned it into a race , which could last a month and would possibly end with running into a second English frigate or a whole fleet , it was over . Yeah , the boarding thing with the swords and pistols , where the French frigate held the advantage with its larger crew . Except it would be hard against working English guns and the longest such battle happened between an Ottoman ship and a much smaller English frigate , during an interdiction where the British fleet supported the Greek Rebellion like in a peaceful way . Lasted some 28 hours with breaks and stuff or something . Firepower is deadly when you can't match it . Even more , fighting the British Frigate was a diversion from the true mission of the French frigate , which was conducting commerce warfare and capturing British merchant ships . Makes money , provides some encouragement to French Navy crews to face off the much larger English Navy , because the usual best end to such service would tend to be a decade as a POW in England , forces the British to protect their Merchant fleet , decreasing the power of their Navy in direct attacks on the French Merchant Marine . It was quite correct for the French captain to run and ı think it was the general wind direction forcing him onto land that made him to turn and fight . A battle he was quite likely to lose . Because defeating the British could/would have cost him too much . If his ship was damaged in any serious way he would possibly never make it back , encountering another British warship always to be expected .

and uh , the children were also for something that will never be accepted today .

edit : spelling
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Il tuttofare (2018), directed by Valerio Attanasio. A story told in an extremely comedic tone about how a young law student graduates and manages to be forced into a citizenship marriage, negotiate with organised crime, and more. It somehow remains funny throughout.
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