Which Films have you seen lately? Certificate 18

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I've always liked Boyle and Besson both, since I first saw Trainspotting (Boyle) and le Grand Bleu (Besson), but Besson has gone in quite a different direction and doesn't always impress me anymore, while Boyle keeps delivering I really loved Slumdog MIllionaire and so need to check out Sunshine.

Thinking about it, it seems what I like most about Besson's films is Jean Reno :cool:, though his visuals do make a strong impression.
Besson's Leon (The Professional) is absolutely amazing. Probably the best film he has made imo. Le Femme Nikita is a sort of front runner for Leon and Jean Reno also has a small role in it.

Boyle's Sunshine is also great; the visuals and score in particular are tremendous.
I watched Cleaner, which was a fun story but I found it full of way too much filler. A lot of personal details of the ex cop's life that I didn't feel really mattered to the story at large. They tied some of it in near the end, but by then I was already a bit disillusioned with the whole thing. Overall not bad, but it was a fairly simple plot line and the elements they added to make it more complicated didn't really work for me.

I also watched The Fifth Wave, which was un unremarkable and in some ways stupid movie about an alien invasion. Still ended up watching the whole thing though, so it wasn't Skyline levels of bad.
Saw Sunshine in the theatre when it was out back then. Great movie. (My - you might like it if you haven't seen it) Been meaning to watch it again (think it's on Hulu). Totally forgot it was a Boyle film He sure has some good ones. Only just recently saw Slumdog Millionaire.

(The Fifth Element)

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