Which movie(s) have you seen recently- VIII Remake of the 80s

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proud 2 boxer
Apr 29, 2007
gatech alum
well we hit Footloose, Tron, Karate Kid, Nightmare on Elm Street, 21 Jump Street, The A team, Dukes of Hazzard, with a semiremake of The Thing and upcoming remake of Robocop, so who knows what else will come about!

As for me, I just watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
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It's been a while since the ol' heartstrings was pulled. A fun time traveling romance! Who'd a thunk it? It's actually funny and sweet at moments and not the worst plot.

Saw the original Star Wars for my film class.

After not seeing it for like a decade, I forgot how good it actually was. Makes me want to re-watch The Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi.
Carnage (2011)
Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly (well John isn't much of a star but I like his acting) Some cast and Roman Polanski at the helm.
The idea is interesting. The plots has a lot of interesting elements, the acting is gratifying. But somehow it doesn't really convince in its message.
the art of getting by
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the internet severely lied to me about what this movie is; I didn't look at it beyond a couple forum posts--though watching the trailer now it's actually a good trailer. Some guy said it was supposed to be sad romance, and others kind of agreed. Because the main character is a loner guy and he tries to get the girl, yada yada yada. Standard Sundance Film rom"com" (i.e. romance but sadder tone, but sometimes lighthearted), seemed worth a watch, and as I said the trailer actually is what I expect from a sundance film.

This accurately describes the movie instead (a critic): "A dull yet extremely self-important drama about rich, badly parented kids who feel sorry for themselves."

The kid's parental interaction is actually what I like about the film; yes the two main characters (the high schoolers) are self-important but there are very much self-important high schoolers. But it took two 18 year old high school kids and decided to do things like just stick them in a bar/club or have the rich little 18 year old girl just start going out with a 24 year old stupid artist guy.

And then all the sad parts of the main character interactions that made the movie okay went away, like WTH.

terrible ending also. Was going to have it be in my "meh/okay" category but the end puts it in the bad.
Carnage (2011)
Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly (well John isn't much of a star but I like his acting) Some cast and Roman Polanski at the helm.
The idea is interesting. The plots has a lot of interesting elements, the acting is gratifying. But somehow it doesn't really convince in its message.

do you think it has a message?
As for me, I just watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Spoiler :


It's been a while since the ol' heartstrings was pulled. A fun time traveling romance! Who'd a thunk it? It's actually funny and sweet at moments and not the worst plot.

I saw that last autumn. It was a surprisingly good film. :)
Well, yesterday i watched again (last time i did it was like 20 years ago) "Blackbeard's Ghost", the 60s Disney comedy with Peter Ustinov, and i didnt remember how funny, clever and well acted it was, particullary having in mind it was supposedly for kids. It is amazing how the standard has been lowered since back then to today.
You guys remember that Angelina Jolie movie "In the land of Blood and Honey"? I reviewed it like a year ago and said it was mediocre at best. If you want to see a really good movie on the same subject. I recommend Halima's Path, a real gem of a movie, really good plot and overall a great cast. 10/10
The clue's in the name, Cutlass. :) They started off as average at best and got much worse!
that's you interpreting. all i saw was two upper middle class couples with repressed identities quarrelling over nothing.
I saw Nanook of the North (1922). It was an absolutely remarkable and groundbreaking piece of filmmaking for its time. It is, inevitably (I suppose) primitivizing and condescending to the max and there are some serious flaws in the narrative construction, but the camerawork and editing are absolutely brilliant.
The Hunger Games. Somewhat interesting, but not near the hype.
I just watched that and wanted to see more of what goes on in the Capital. The movie wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Lethal Weapon 3 (1992). Wildman Gibson as an LAPD cop terrorizes Los Angeles while trying to catch a deranged ex-cop. Hey didn't something like that happen for real recently? Anyways, in a break with tradition, Mel Gibson is never once tortured in this movie. No electrocution, no stretch-rack, no nipple twists. Didn't see that coming. 6/10
Had to watch to choose two films for my movie class essay, one a French New Wave, and one a blockbuster, so I went with these:

Hiroshima mon amour: Interesting, albeit slow and very different. Though that's kind of the point of the french new wave isn't it?

Die Hard: Can't believe I never saw this before, but yeah, its a fantastic movie. Way better than I thought it would be.
Die Hard: Can't believe I never saw this before, but yeah, its a fantastic movie. Way better than I thought it would be.

It's my favourite Christmas movie. One day when I am a father, me and my children will watch it on Christmas eve.
yeah die hard is really good

then there are atrocities like die hard 4 :/. which apparently looking it up critics like die hard 4 so I don't even know what to believe in anymore, that movie is so bad

its not me exaggerating either. he fights an f16 on the highway. what the f.

*edit in response to dachs*: Iunno what plane, didn't bother to look it up
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