Which Movies Have You Seen Lately? V for Five

holy king

Jan 3, 2003
Vienna, Austria
previous thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=305655

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Rewatched Goldfinger recently - pretty much the definitive Bond movie, one of my favourite films.

Once upon a time in America- the kind of story telling you very rarely see in cinema. (partly because of time issues)

if you want to take 3 and a half hours to watch a movie, watch this movie.

I watched Youth in Revolt today. Started out as a pretty standard Michael Cera film, but turned for the better about 30 mins in when he introduces his more rebellious devil-may-care supplementary persona François Derringer. From then, it's just absolutely hilarious. Cera makes a great rebel, surprisingly.

America, we now have a 2-character Michael Cera, rather than one.

"michael cera movie" is a dictum already?
I watched Whiteout last night. Fairly standard whodunnit fare with the added bonus of Kate Beckinsale. It was set in Antarctica though, but they circumvented that problem by having a scene at the start where she slowly takes of all 20 layers of clothes and has a shower. I congratulate the writer.
Just saw Good Night, and Good Luck.

Twas a very good movie, though a lot more subtle than I thought it would be.
watched the hangover with my roommates, then i showed them the greatest movie of all time:

License to Kill (1989) -- I was on something of a Bond-spree and I downloaded this one a few weeks ago, but didn't watch it until tonight.

Watched The Big Lebowski (1998) after a friend suggested it... I didn't really get anything spiritual out of it like some people do. It's just a movie.

Watched The Wizard (1989) because I wanted to see how awful it was. It was awful.
If more people saw The Big Lebowski as an instruction manual for how to live the world would be a better place. Bowl some rocks, have some oat sodas and do a J every now and then. And don't let Chinamen piss on your rug.
I watched Gran Torino and Up.
Both are recommended. Although I couldn't help to wonder whether the second was a subtle parody of the first. I mean, seriously?:D

Sherlock Holmes and Avatar (in 2D). Both were good, not excellent. I suspect that if I had seen Avatar in 3D I would have liked it more.
Avatar. It may leave you with a feeling of being entertained, but you don't want to remember it too much afterwards lest problems with the movie start to become more distinct than anything it has to to offer in your memory.

But I couldn't help but to finally get pissed off when it won the Critics' Choice award for best action movie instead of District 9. I thought critics were supposed to be more discerning.
Been watching a lot of movies recently off of Netflix:
V for Vendetta
Requiem for a Dream
Pan's Labyrinth
Pulp Fiction
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Boondock Saints
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