Which Movies Have You Seen Lately? VI - The Sequel Five Sequels in the Making


99% Lightspeed
Apr 8, 2008

If this is what you do after watching a film, please tell us about it in this thread, we'd love to hear​

The most recent film I saw was Dr. Strangelove with my Film Club at school, was just as good the second time around. To continue my streak, the next couple movies I plan to see are all Kubrick ones (specifically A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket).

How about you guys? :popcorn:

Hmm... what makes them want to show Gattaca? Was it like the only movie laying around the office? I mean, I watched that in bio freshmen year, which at least makes sense.

It's part of our school's extremely stupid 'One Question' doohickey. So some freshman (the only people to care about this) chooses some stupid question to be the focus for the next school year. Well, this year's question is something about maintaining our creativity/individuality in our increasingly technological world. So they thought showing Gattaca x3 was a good way to approach the question.
That doesn't sound very creative to me, in fact, it sounds like the teachers are caving into the technological world instead of being creative :crazyeye:
Saw True Grit which I thought was good. I think this and the original are equally good, but in different ways.
I just saw the Guardians of Ga'Hoole film. Not bad, but the owls kept me from taking it seriously. I'm not sure at the filmmakers target audiance. It is a bit to scary in spots for little kids and anyone old enough to not get scared by some of the parts is going to have a hard time getting into a film populated by talking owls talking about how you should trust yourself.
True Grit- 7/10. I was expecting it to be fantastic, so I was a little disappointed. It was still a decent movie, but the pacing was all over the place, and the relationships were not established well at all. It ends up being nothing much more than a slow action movie; not what you expect from the makers of No Country For Old Men.
Spoiler :
Also, the trailers kinda ruined some of the suspense that could've been present. I knew, for instance, that Mattie was going to fall down the hole, so it was absolutely no surprise when she did so, even though the movie was constructed so as it should be.


2001 : A Space Odyssey

I watched both of these baked off my face, I probably enjoyed the latter more but it was a close run thing.
Law Abiding Citizen... kinda cool, but also a bit lame.
Law Abiding Citizen... kinda cool, but also a bit lame.

A bit lame...?

The "bomb is in your cell lol" ending was ********.
Exactly. I would have much preferred him to "win".

There was absurdly no explanation how they moved it from the building to the prison. Instantly it seemed.
I second the above.
Thirded. Great movie, great music, great fun.

Pay attention to the lighting. The movie was famous because Kubrick was able to shoot in all these period buildings with 100% natural lighting, which is friggen shweet.
Hmm... with all this good word, I might just have to bump that up on my list of movies I need to see... :)
Watched Kind Hearts and Coronets. It was absolutely hilarious, good show! Alec Guinness was absolutely hilarious in all 8 of his roles (including the one in which he was a woman) :lol:
Finished watching Alatriste and I'll echo what Yeekim said about it in the old thread. Its horribly disjointed. It stutters from one scene and plot device to the next which makes for an awkward viewing. It is however, beautiful to look at. The cinematography, sets, everything looks amazing in a very Baroque-painting kinda way. The violence is also superb and is worth watching especially for fans of pike and shot warfare.
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