Which movies have you watched? ΙΔ' - The House of Asterion

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C'mon, man, Rogue One is awesome.
I didn't get any sense of racism in in the movie. (I mean, we can go all academic about how the whole 'epic white guy saves the day and gets the hot princess' trope has its roots in racist conceptions of different peoples, same with the orientalist/exotica setting. However, the movie was nowhere near as problematic as, say, 300.)
Well, yes, white hero + coloured villains/underlings/allies will always entail criticism for racism, but at least they weren't caricatures, then?

It might do for a rainy Daria-less cable afternoon.
It's Iota Delta, iota being the Greek symbol for 10 and delta the symbol for 4. Simple, really. :)

(Ignore the fact that iota is the ninth letter of the modern Greek alphabet!)
Yeah, well, you need 27 letters to make it work.

btw this last week I caught the Humphrey Bogart special so that's The African Queen and The Barefoot Contessa added to the tally. I'm becoming a regular Owen.
Well, yes, white hero + coloured villains/underlings/allies will always entail criticism for racism, but at least they weren't caricatures, then?
*Shrug* I wouldn't call the villains colored. The enemy king is of the same race as the 'good martians' while the Big Bad is your generic villain played by an English guy in a vaguely threatening and geographically ambiguous accent.
But yeah, definitely worth a watch. Until John Carter actually gets to Mars the movie makes no sense so don't think too hard.
I am disappointed OP did not name this thread "What utter trash have you been watching?". In Greek, obviously.
I am disappointed OP did not name this thread "What utter trash have you been watching?". In Greek, obviously.

Google the title :shake:

It's Iota Delta, iota being the Greek symbol for 10 and delta the symbol for 4. Simple, really. :)

(Ignore the fact that iota is the ninth letter of the modern Greek alphabet!)

Because f (which used to be the sixth letter) no longer exists. (neither does koppa and sampi)

Well, yes, I did know that, but it's hard to explain in a single line of text.
Finally caught Wanted on Netflix the other night.

Surprisingly satisfying, and really liked how it ended.
Really? That's good to know, because I'd read somewhere that it wasn't that good.

So up until now (and despite Angelina :love: :yumyum: :groucho: ) I'd been kind of avoiding it. Might now give it a shot myself one of these evenings...
Really? That's good to know, because I'd read somewhere that it wasn't that good.

So up until now (and despite Angelina :love: :yumyum: :groucho: ) I'd been kind of avoiding it. Might now give it a shot myself one of these evenings...
It's not going to win any awards, and you might find it a bit predictable, but taking that into account it's a thoroughly enjoyable action / chase movie. The most mainstream elements of the Matrix crossed with the most mainstream perception of Jason Bourne, would be a good way of putting it.


Also the cast take it 100% seriously, and I really enjoy films like that.
Finally caught Wanted on Netflix the other night.

Surprisingly satisfying, and really liked how it ended. It was very self-contained in a way action movies (especially with a high-paid cast) don't normally let happen.
It's not going to win any awards, and you might find it a bit predictable, but taking that into account it's a thoroughly enjoyable action / chase movie. The most mainstream elements of the Matrix crossed with the most mainstream perception of Jason Bourne, would be a good way of putting it.
An underrated movie. Timur Bekmambetov has a pretty good eye for action scenes (I also liked Nightwatch, but I haven't seen Daywatch or Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter). And for 8 years, until season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil, Wanted had the best portrayal of the Marvel Comics character Elektra.
Night Watch is excellent, imo. Day Watch is pretty good, but loses the pacing of the first by rapidly introducing more and more supernatural themes (as it kinda mashes the second and third books together a bit). Still definitely a good watch if you're a fan of deliberately exaggerated camera work.

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter is definitely a good watch. If this is a kind of movie you're into in general, then Priest is something I'd recommend. Pretty cheesy future-fantasy action, but Paul Bettany and Karl Urban (as he always always does) do well in leading roles.
^Now you must tell us whether you like Tom Cruise or not.
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