Which movies have you watched? 13 - In a world where...

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In a world where coming up with titles is something Hobbs is no good at... ;)

I haven't watched any movies lately but I'm considering rewatching the Beverly Hills Cop series again. Or maybe Rogue One. I dunno. Something.
We're not gonna fall for the banana in the hyper-drive again.
It just struck me as an odd pairing to be choosing between. So my mind went and did what it does. Why not both?
I did what I could with the title. The long preamble doesnt leave a lot of room to work with
I watch Hell or High Water. You know all those movie titles that have nothing to do with the movie and are generic, could be the name of any movie? This is one of them.

However it is a great movie. It checks all the boxes, good pace, dialogue, action, drama, intriguing mystery to discover and it has a superb cast, not the biggest names ever but Jeff Bridges plays a texas marshal. He's a very underrated actor imo. Ben Foster also quite underrated. Chris Pine of star trek and other action franchises fame is probably known more for his good looks than acting chops but he shows some range here.

The plot is quite good. It's a caper kind of movie, actually reminds me more of a spike lee heist film than a western. It's a heist film in a western setting.

Anyway, I recommend it and it's on netflix.
Atomic Blonde. I ought to get this one on disk. And the soundtrack.
Great movie!
Probably my favorite action movie of the last couple of years. The style of fight choreography reminded me a lot of Netflix's Daredevil series. Theron said a sequel was "in development" last Spring, but I haven't read anything about it since then. According the IMDb, the director, David Leitch, is working on the Fast & Furious spinoff Hobbs & Shaw, and an adaptation of the game The Division, so either he's not involved in Atomic Blonde 2 or it'll be a while.

Didn't The Division tank? I am pretty sure it's widely panned by players and critics alike. Movie adaptations of video games are generally terrible, I can't see how this has any shot at success. Though they could take the approach of making it about the game 'in name only' so to speak.
It's Tom Clancy so it'll probably in name only. Tom Clancy is dead and all the stuff with his name on it seems ultra generic army stuff now, almost like call of duty. Even his new Jack Ryan show has nothing to do with any of his books, set in modern times. It's the character's name and that he works for the cia and that's about all that's in common.
I am just back from the US, as I live in Saudi Arabia. While home I saw Crazy Rich Asian on the small screen at the cinema, my wife and I saw Vice, Aquaman and Mary, Queen of Scots. Scheduling prevented me from seeing Shall Grow Not Old.
I've recently seen Bumblebee, Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse, and Mary Poppins Returns, all three were delightful. I'd still like to see Aquaman and A Dog's Way Home.

I'm starting to get together my movie lineup for February: my tradition is I always watch romantic all month (because of Valentine's Day). I have my staples I always watch:

- Love Actually
- Bridget Jones' Diary
- My Best Friend's Wedding
- You've Got Mail
- The Princess Bride
- The Sound of Music

And I love to try out new ones, I'll go on HBO, Amazon, and Netflix and see what's available under "Romance", and sometimes I find something really wonderful. Last year I saw this movie on Netflix called Naked, it's extremely funny and if you haven't seen it I really do recommend you watch!
Ew. Can't you at least throw in Shallow Hal?

Anyway, PS I Love You is a real tear jerker but a good romance movie. The only nicholas sparks movie that I've thought was completely trash was The Notebook, and Sliding Doors is pretty decent.
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