All the good ones have Financial, Philosophical, or both. Many were mentioned above, but I am interested to see the reasoning behind Justinian...he doesn't have either good "tech" trait, or even a trait like Creative that gives cheap libraries. Does he just focus on technology in the game? Qin, the Chinese Emperor, has Protective and Industrious...those don't strike me as the choice traits for tech generation. Culture victory, though, is quite easy with China.
Mansa Musa, Elizabeth, and Washington were the kings in Vanilla, but I would vote for Washington again based on his traits: Charismatic and Expansive combined allow for huge cities that can generate a lot of trade revenue and commerce.
Wang Kon, Darius I, Elizabeth, Mansa Musa, Hannibal, Gandhi, van Oranje, are all Pericles solid bets. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two good ones, and the number of leaders with either Financial or Philosophical traits numbers well over a dozen.