Who are the Great People?

Dain the Space Alien Invader from Venus?
Could be an inhabitant of a small island - perhaps he's a Lanun?

Alternatively, being from a tiny island could be a bit of an insult among the Lanun - the same way city folk sometimes mock rural types. His name bein Dain, maybe the last bit is a jokey reference to Dain the Caswallawn.
I'm thinking Dain is a very common name in Erebus. We know Auric grew up with a boy named Dain, who was of no relation to the Cassawallen.

I'd lean towards him being from an Island which, like the real Cytherea, is one of the Isles of the Aegean.
Kuriotates only have 1 Great Person so far! i think it should be spread out a little more evenly so that all civs are represented.

Great Bard- Furia- Female/Lamia - Kuriotates
Great Merchant- Rusa Periek- Male/Human - Kuriotates
Yeah, I need to flesh out some diversity amongst the Civs. Certain ones are much more fitting in certain areas, and the Kuriotates are most likely to produce great people than any other Civ IMO. But for them it is going to be Prophets, Merchants & Sages. I haven't fleshed most of those out quite yet, so that is why you don't really see the Kurio's up there yet. I did sift through HUNDREDS of REALLY, REALLY CRAPPY CENTAUR PICTURES. I really cannot stress that enough. I guess most aspiring artists adore Centaurs right up until that point where they are... Good?... then they quit drawing them. Finally found one which was pretty decent though, so I tossed him in. I'll be looking for many more non-human types for the Kurio line though (as well as a handful of actual Humans). Cause really, for non-humanoid all I have is Sheiam, Clan & Kurio, and the Sheiam & Clan are fairly unlikely to be producing too many Great Folks (Clan is already well represented IMO, and Sheiam will wind up with a couple of Sage slots still, but probably not too much outside of that, except possibly 1 or 2 Prophets)
If necessary, I can flesh out the backgrounds more.

Great Commanders
Hyksos - Male/Human - Malakim - "It is said, 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend.'" And he is, for as long as you both have the same enemy. You must prepare for what comes after the victory, when they turn on you."

[Note I changed him from Clan since the Hyksos were a people from what is now Northern Turkey, contemporaries of the Mycenean Greeks, so a Near/Middle Eastern people seemed more suited to Malakim than Clan.]

Rivanna the Wraith Lord Male/Human - Amurite - "Objecting to the use of the undead in warfare is short-sighted. You yourself have stated that Amurite lives are our most valuable resource. By using Wraiths to storm the wall of Dis, no living being, no Amurite citizen has had to die for their country. By spending base coin, I have banked the most valuable and still brought off victory! And now you would condemn me for not killing off your sons and daughters in battle! Despite your fair words, you do not value human life very highly." *From the Court of Inquiry after the Siege of Dis*
{Rivanna was found guilty and then scheduled for a court-martial. Valledia had the charges quietly dropped. Rivanna was then made commander of a Black Ops unit where the ends justified the means.}

Captain Uldanor Male/Human - Lanun - "Some men intend to live forever by being the greatest general ever, others by becoming the greatest artist, or sage, or explorer. Me? I intend to live forever by not dying." Words to his sailing master after fleeing the Battle of the Dire Straits.

Great Sages
Asher the Encephalic Male/Human - Kuriotate - "The mark of genius is perseverance in the face of continued failure. Lesser beings quit, assuming their theories are wrong. A true genius will adjust his theories to account for new data, and try again, and again, and again, until he triumphs."

Menolly NuValle Female/Calabrim -- "Success is the mark of genius: failure is unacceptable. There are no second chances. Remember that if you wish to survive in the service of the Lady Alexis and the Lord Flauros."

Abdulkani Male/Human - Sheiam - "Those prating milksops at the academy whine of morality, ethics, and of things man was not meant to know! Bah! And they call themselves sages! What is a sage if he does not make the unknown known? To delve among the secrets of the multiverse, and to uncover the secrets of life ... and of DEATH itself!" Abdulkani, formerly of the Cahir Abbey Academy of Metaphysics

Willim Marlander - Male/Human - Elohim - "As the time-honored aphorism states, 'Knowledge is power'. And, indeed, that is true. But the power brought by certain forms of knowledge is not worth the price." Willim Marlander, Chancellor of the Cahir Abbey Academy of Metaphysics

[The above pairings are deliberate, in an attempt to contrast the different approaches to scholarship in Erebus. One has more latitude in what one can research in the evil civs, but "publish or perish" becomes literal.]

Othmar the Astrologer - Male Lanun. "The stars are right! Aldebaran moves in the sky! Prepare the way so that from the depths unfathomed the Dread Lords may rise!"
Captain Ostanes - Male/Bannor:
You ask what gives us the right of conquest? it is very simple, actually: it is because we win. were we to loose, History would place us alonside the doviello as barbarians. History is written by the winner.

Othmar the Astrologer:
People complain that the gods do not take any interest in the lives of the common folk. yet, at the same time, they complain of the overabundance of constellations... what they do not realize is that the gods are touching their lives through these self-same constellations.
All look fairly nice, but a few might be a bit too lengthy. I might tweak a little here and there later on when I have enough done to bother programming and see what the space looks like. In general though all quotes are more effective when short (if you need to set a scene you can do that in the attribution of the quote quicker than in the text).

I finally checked it out, and thus far I have 1 representative from each Civilization except the mercurians & Infernal, though I am going to claim Hastur as Infernal for the time being since those two are kinda hard to fit in at all. It'd be nice to make the Scion of Heaven have a tie to the Mercurian though just so that every Civ can be represented at least partially in the lists.

EDIT: Posted them up, haven't read through them all too much, but since there was a conflict in Othmar I did read both of those, for now I much prefer Thomas's. Just sounds more scholarly and less on the verge of Prophetic. I'll see if there is a nice spot for the other in a Prophet of some type though. Also moved the Orc artwork off of Hyksos and on to Palpeious, it's a nice piece, but certainly not Bannor :)
Delent Payne: Calabim/male

The Human Body is an exquisite device. so many organs, all so dependant on each other. As Personal Spy Master of the court of Lord Flauros, i've had centuries to perfect my knowledge of the inner workings and innate weaknesses of the body. It is interesting to note how, considering it's delicacy, how much damage it can suffer before failing.

Tilonas Sal
They laughed when i started digging, didn't they? heheheheh... who's laughing now? who's the one who discovered the great iron reserves? who created the mines of gal-dur? ha! that's right! ME!
Does it make sense that onl one adventurer is Grigori? i would really think at least half of them would be native Grigori and the rest wanderers.

Hulik Darkanus- Male/Human Lanun
Hulik's registering at the Innsmouth Academy:
"Name, please." "Oh sure. Hulik Darkanus" "How do...I most certainly do not!" "What? No, that's my name." "Wow. What kind of parents give their child a name like that." "They didnt, i changed it to that. I was tired of getting teased about my name when i was growing up" "What was it?" "Hulik Cox." "......good change."
Hulik Darkanus- Male/Human Lanun
Hulik's registering at the Innsmouth Academy:
"Name, please." "Oh sure. Hulik Darkanus" "How do...I most certainly do not!" "What? No, that's my name." "Wow. What kind of parents give their child a name like that." "They didnt, i changed it to that. I was tired of getting teased about my name when i was growing up" "What was it?" "It was Hulik Cox." "......good change."
Oh, wow. Just wow. :lol:
That's just wrong. I like it.
EDIT: I just hope he does't have a brother named Aylik.
Well, the Grigori are a fairly new Civilization, so most of their population is from other locations I would imagine. People fleeing from religious strife and whatnot. That said, yeah... more of them ought to be Grigori. Initial list was meant as a sample of where the names sounded like they would have come from, but since the Grigori are a "melting pot" civilization, they'd all work for a native.

EDIT: I went through and made every second occurance of the same Civ be a Grigori native instead. Only added about 4 Grigori to the list, but it isn't horrible IMO.
I think that the majority of the adventurers would be human, but not strictly Grigorian. I mean, what actually makes a Grigori? Their civ is largely made up of people who have fled from religion for some reason or another.

Would it be possible for certain adventurers who are not human to start with the relevant race promo? An orc hero would have the orc promo etc.
That one would be beyond the intent of the mod (add flavor). So I should probably go through and set all the races to Human for them. Had briefly thought about having people wonder why the Great People look nothing like what they are described/pictured to be, but dismissed it because none of them really stick around. But in the case of the Adventurer units, that's quite not the case :) Though it could also be argued that they do not quite belong on this list.
I thought that the merchants weren't getting enough love.

Admittedly, my methods have been criticized as being murderous, wasteful and borderline demonic, but I take exception to this; I have never been wasteful.
--Oparr the Underhand, trader and Clan liaison to the Stewards of Inequity.

Meeting foreigners is always tricky; I introduce myself as "Maaerun, human trader." And then they say that I'm obviously not human, and I have to say, "Well, that's not exactly what I meant."
--Maaerun, owner of the Slave Market of Nameless Tower
[He's Svartalfar.]


The Bannor say they believe that human slavery is a sinful abomination, but I call hypocrisy. They use their own people as mere pawns in their hopeless war against the Sheim-- those they conquer are slaves in all but name, working and fighting only to avoid the headsman's axe. Me, I'm just more honest in my nomenclature.
--Belarchass the Slaver


I may be less an eye and a hand, but at least we've all learned a valuable lesson.
--Mavreen Mawklistyr, captain's log #1978, shortly after the first expedition to Doviello lands.


...and finally, appearances are among the most important aspects of the merchant's craft. Even the smallest of cantrips-- a bit of fire on your staff, or giving yourself a faint halo-- can give the impression of wealth and mastery, and, as the Svartalfar say, the illusion is almost as good as the real thing.
--Abdulkani the Mirage, Magic-Enhanced Trading for Fun and Profit.
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