If necessary, I can flesh out the backgrounds more.
Great Commanders
Hyksos - Male/Human - Malakim - "It is said, 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend.'" And he is, for as long as you both have the same enemy. You must prepare for what comes after the victory, when they turn on you."
[Note I changed him from Clan since the Hyksos were a people from what is now Northern Turkey, contemporaries of the Mycenean Greeks, so a Near/Middle Eastern people seemed more suited to Malakim than Clan.]
Rivanna the Wraith Lord Male/Human - Amurite - "Objecting to the use of the undead in warfare is short-sighted. You yourself have stated that Amurite lives are our most valuable resource. By using Wraiths to storm the wall of Dis, no living being, no Amurite citizen has had to die for their country. By spending base coin, I have banked the most valuable and still brought off victory! And now you would condemn me for not killing off your sons and daughters in battle! Despite your fair words, you do not value human life very highly." *From the Court of Inquiry after the Siege of Dis*
{Rivanna was found guilty and then scheduled for a court-martial. Valledia had the charges quietly dropped. Rivanna was then made commander of a Black Ops unit where the ends justified the means.}
Captain Uldanor Male/Human - Lanun - "Some men intend to live forever by being the greatest general ever, others by becoming the greatest artist, or sage, or explorer. Me? I intend to live forever by not dying." Words to his sailing master after fleeing the Battle of the Dire Straits.
Great Sages
Asher the Encephalic Male/Human - Kuriotate - "The mark of genius is perseverance in the face of continued failure. Lesser beings quit, assuming their theories are wrong. A true genius will adjust his theories to account for new data, and try again, and again, and again, until he triumphs."
Menolly NuValle Female/Calabrim -- "Success is the mark of genius: failure is unacceptable. There are no second chances. Remember that if you wish to survive in the service of the Lady Alexis and the Lord Flauros."
Abdulkani Male/Human - Sheiam - "Those prating milksops at the academy whine of morality, ethics, and of things man was not meant to know! Bah! And they call themselves sages! What is a sage if he does not make the unknown known? To delve among the secrets of the multiverse, and to uncover the secrets of life ... and of DEATH itself!" Abdulkani, formerly of the Cahir Abbey Academy of Metaphysics
Willim Marlander - Male/Human - Elohim - "As the time-honored aphorism states, 'Knowledge is power'. And, indeed, that is true. But the power brought by certain forms of knowledge is not worth the price." Willim Marlander, Chancellor of the Cahir Abbey Academy of Metaphysics
[The above pairings are deliberate, in an attempt to contrast the different approaches to scholarship in Erebus. One has more latitude in what one can research in the evil civs, but "publish or perish" becomes literal.]
Othmar the Astrologer - Male Lanun. "The stars are right! Aldebaran moves in the sky! Prepare the way so that from the depths unfathomed the Dread Lords may rise!"