[BTS] Who are your favorite Leaders/Civs?


Mar 25, 2024
Greetings, I'm looking for any and all opinions on the question above, whether you're a Settler or Deity player, or anything in between.

As a Monarch player myself, here are my personal Top 3:

1. Hannibal of Carthage: I love this leader! I got my first win on Monarch with him, and since then, there have been many more. His trait combo (Financial/Charismatic) is great. Financial for an ecomonic advantage throughout the whole game, Charismatic for the early happiness and warmongering (way better than Aggressive or Protective). If you get Ivory (non-Isolation ofc) it's almost a free win, plus the flavor ;) He can do well on all types of maps, although water maps are more suited to his Civ. His early game expansion can be a bit tricky, since he has no production boost and no easy barb defense, but once you are over the hump, he's very powerful and a lot of fun to play!

2. Pericles of Greece: Has great synergies which feel very rewarding. He is the only leader where I can get Cuirassiers ~1000AD with consistency, since he just pumps Great Scientists out like crazy, and if you can get the Pyramids, and go into early Rep, he out-techs the AI's (on Monarch) even harder. His starting techs (Fishing/Hunting) are weak, so similarly to Hannibal he potentially faces some early game problems, but being Creative and getting free border pops helps a lot. He also does well on most maps.

3. Catherine of Russia: Imperialistic/Creative just means that I'm able to grab a lot of land quickly, although the usefulness varies depending on the quality of said land. Although she isn't particularly great at anything besides expansion, I often manage to squeeze neighboring AIs, even sometimes denying them key strategic resources, thus making them an easy target. She is definitely more suited to land heavy maps, I usually play her on Pangaea.

Looking forward to your takes!
Hi avantion and welcome to the forums! I think you should have added a rule that forbids anyone from picking Huayna Capac. ;)

I'm rather fond of Willem van Oranje. I enjoy the convenience and flexibility of his Creative trait and, as you say, Financial is very useful throughout the game. I also like Elizabeth - also financial, and Philosophical means I can skip through the tech tree with ease.

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
Hi avantion and welcome to the forums! I think you should have added a rule that forbids anyone from picking Huayna Capac. ;)

I'm rather fond of Willem van Oranje. I enjoy the convenience and flexibility of his Creative trait and, as you say, Financial is very useful throughout the game. I also like Elizabeth - also financial, and Philosophical means I can skip through the tech tree with ease.

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
Thanks, great to be here. Nice to see so many replies already!

Huayna Capac certainly is overpowered, might try Emperor or even Immortal with him ;) I guess I’m not ready for it though, I usually don’t like micromanaging too much, therefore I’m not very good at it.
Willem is a great leader too, I somewhat recently managed a space victory ~1800AD (I’m not sure if that is even impressive) Admittedly, I had a Gold start…

Elizabeth seems great on paper, but somehow I never get it to work properly, my early game with her is soooo weak.
Tend to like the Creative civs in general. Free border pops are so abusable at any level of play.

Organized is my favorite trait though, so I like those leaders too.

My favorites for casual playing around:
-Zara/Ethiopia - favorite trait combo AND he starts with Mining, the best starting tech

-Gilgamesh/Sumeria - powerful overall early game with CRE + Vulture + good starting techs + stronger Archers if you have to use them for barb defense. And he can transition into cheap Libraries or early Courthouses to carry the economy. My easiest games are with Giggles.

-Pacal/Maya - Pacal's kit is pretty great overall: Mining, FIN trait, resourceless metal unit, and can still pop borders early without needing to tech Mysticism (as he starts with it). EXP is pretty meh to me unless you are flat out rushing an opponent, in which case the handful of saved turns on workers + a granary whip can make an attack succeed. But if that *is* in play, Pacal is amazing for dominating 1v1 situations such a Duel map or starting semi-isolated with one guy on a Fractal map because of that + Holkan choking + floating your economy with FIN's help.

-Roosevelt/America - being "'murican" myself he's got the nationalist appeal, but its more about him having the ideal builder trait combo in IND/ORG for when I want to play less meta and more fun. I also love his fast approach to the Great Lighthouse (one of the best wonders in the game on a proper map) which can only be bested by Augustus, so he's my favorite of the 3 USA leaders.

-Darius/Persia - simply the most powerful economy in the game. Immortals are also fantastic early game utility units for anti-barb, early aggression, exploration/fogbusting, whatever. He'd be way less appealing without this UU as an option.

I also like to mess around with Victoria and Shaka sometimes; Vicky can fire out cities with IMP trait that then use FIN cottages to help absorb the early costs. Shaka has cheap Ikhandas and an extremely strong axe rush potential with AGG + EXP for a rapid implementation.
America is the best for new players to practice.

The unique unit and building basically does not exist.

Unrestricted leader to make it even more generic. Protective organised would have been ideal but it doesn't exist. I want something that doesn't affect gameplay too much.
Freddy! I like to stretch my games out as long as possible and always try to finish the tech tree no matter what type of victory I'm going for (Stealth Bombers are fun, sue me). ORG is strong and fun in the late game, especially on Huge maps, and ORG Assembly Plants go up wildly fast. Plus PHI.

I'm also a big fan of Louis. CRE/IND is a solid combo that can let you both rex and nab a couple early wonders, and I actually really enjoy Musketeers as a sort of mech infantry for Cuir rushes.

Neither of those leaders are top tier but as the thread is "favourite leaders" rather than "best leaders" that shouldn't be a problem.

I'm honestly a little suspicious of anyone who says HC, TBH. Like yeah, he's obviously the best, but he's almost too good, you know? What's he hiding?
If I ever need a comfy CIV sesh on Emperor or higher settings, I'll play Elizabeth for those ridiculous Redcoats (even after the post-vanilla updates nerfed them, they're still soooo strong). If I want to sweat, I'll play Byzantium and rush-chop UU cats and finish off with cuirs if any AI is spared the trampling.
I like these guys and gals for various reasons:
- Ramesses
- Louis
- Darius
- Elizabeth
- Catherine
- Willem

And then an Inca game here and there, of course! :)
I like Bismark for the bonus to wonder production. It can mean the difference between getting one and not.
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