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Who came first; The Chicken or the egg

Who came first?

  • The chicken

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • The egg

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • other (please specify)

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters

Sir John

The evil one...
Jan 15, 2003
Norway, Bodø
I want to know who u think came first and why? (dont start a evo vs faith discussion in here please)
My new theory evolves around the world (and thus both chickens and eggs) being created by me in some weird traumatic episode along time ago. Whether I created the chicken or egg first I cannot recall, though logic would dictate that as whatever the chicken evolved from evolved there would have had to be a chicken first to lay the egg, but then again that chicken would have had to have come from somethign itself, mebbe a bit of bacteria that got mutated by evil space aliens, who infact are actually reponsiable for these strange ideas I have of having created the world in the first place...

Nah, it's a good poll, just a hard question to answer...the kind of thing you can ponder intill the rememnts of your sanity dissapear and still not have the answer to.
The egg was laid by a lizard... like... bird, thing. Probably very much like a chicken distinguishable only by the fact that it wasn't a chicken :)

Do chickens taste like dinosaurs? :confused:
The ''chikin'' (like the ad : ''eat mor chikin'')
The egg came first, as the chicken had to be an evolutionary step above its birthparent, and it was kept warm by the animal it was spawned from.
The rooster!
Dinosaurs laid eggs long before chickens ever existed, so eggs.
Hmm, if Curufinwe was here. He would give his Evolution speech in here :).

I would say Other since another Bird could have evolved from an anceant bird tha tone day came to be a Chicken.
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