Who can help me to create a Venezuelan civilization?


Jul 1, 2013
I have some ideas to make a modern Venezuelan civilization (for BNW) but I do not know how to make MOD's. I can get the artwork.

Who joins me? :)

> Leader: Rómulo Betancourt (credited as the Founding Father of Venezuela's democracy)

> UA - Tierra de Gracia (Land of Grace): worked Natural Wonders provide more :c5happy: and +2:c5gold: OR even yields/gives raw :tourism: (like BNW Eiffel Tower), OR alternatively to that, perhaps each Natural Wonder add +10% :tourism: output after researching Radio OR even all of these combined (:c5happy:+:c5gold:+:tourism: plus the Natural Wonders normal output). (You know, since Venezuela has wonderful Natural Monuments that attrack lots of tourists yearly: Salto Ángel, Orinoco River, El Pico Bolívar, Catatumbo Lightning, Los Roques Island, la Gran Sabana, or Canaima National Park, etc) BUT as Natural Wonders are so rare and random, we can add that resources that require a Mine (Strategic resources: Iron, Coal, Aluminum and Uranium - Yes, Venezuela has Uranium, Luxury resources: Gold, Silver, Copper, Gems, Salt) give +1 :c5science: and +1 :c5gold:

> UU - Merchant Diplomat: (I have not decided on a good name so far. We could use Merchant of Venice graphics) Replaces the Great Merchant. It cannot build Custom House or perform Trade Missions. It can perform a Diplomatic Trade: uses :c5gold: to boost a huge amount of influence of :c5citystate: and gain culture in another Civ's land performing a Diplomatic Trade. It can write political treatises.

> UI - Palafito: May be constructed in coast and lakes. When worked, it produces +1:c5food: +1:c5happy: and connects the resource on the tile. Only two per city are allowed.

Another possibility: > UI - Refinería/Oil Refinery OR Oil Fields: Double improved Oil resources +1:c5production: and +1:c5gold: OR +1:c5culture: (Since Venezuela is LA oil production powerhouse and -according to estimates, has the biggest oil reserves in the world)

> Tentative Color Schemes: red wine and yellow // red wine and blue.

In order to create more balance, the UA can take effect only in Golden Ages.

I can also provide the names of the cities in order of importance.

This could be a great Civ for taking the advantage in late games.
Thanks for your time.
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