Who likes Dostoevsky?

My wife wants to weigh in.

There is a book out there titled Love of Dostoevsky. I have a copy of his memoirs. However, Dostoevsky was a believer...but religion was not his interface to existance, his faith WAS his existance. Dostoevsky wrote about the perils of men, whether great or small, accomplished or infamous, all with the metaphor of why men live.

He lived in the archipelogos, horrible horrible place to live...it was there he was given a Bible, and it was that book which rendered him the strength to write Notes from the underground later in Bros Karamosov, at the trial again, his faith really protuded when the defendant spoke of why there is a devil. At the trial in Crime and Punishment similar pattern was exhibited. My degree is in Sociology and English and my forte were the 19th century Russian writers. Writers of their time, Bronte sisters, Hugo, Poe, Twain, Dickens, Tolstoy, Gorky, Golgo; just to name a few were writing about the social conditions of the day, whether child labor, race, insanity, the poor, the end result was that man's instinct was live by faith. The religion of the day was in flux, the church ruled the minds, and it was these individuals who asked "Man what is faith?"

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