Who should poll regarding wonder building

Who should do the honor?

  • The President

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • The Vice President (would give him/her something to do)

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Minister of Interior

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Specific Governors where food caravans or potential wonder cities are located

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Develop a new cabinet position for this duty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA
Posting a poll now as a citizen rather than Dep. Interior.

I think that we should OFFICIALLY decide upon the cabinet member in charge of wonder polling.

My thoughts are that once we have a requisite number of food caravans, that a list of wonder options should be presented and voted upon. Should a specific wonder be chosen (there should be a choice to "delay wonder" or "don't build any wonder"), then a follow-up poll should decide upon the city.

This cabinet member should also have the leeway to post a poll even if we don't have the exact amount of caravans in the case of National Importance (i.e. another civ has started one, we could have the ability to supplement the caravans with the purchasing of the remaining shields, etc.)

Please, as always let's put forth some discussion here as well.

I reserve my comments, as always, until a dialogue takes form.
Very good poll!

Well since governors will generally want to build wonders in their own provinces it would probably make sense to give the task to another department. The interior minister would probably be best because they are not overloaded currently.
Interior Minister was my thinking, too. The Pres has enough to do, but it should be a national level position, not a regional level one like a governor.
Originally posted by Leowind
Interior Minister was my thinking, too. The Pres has enough to do, but it should be a national level position, not a regional level one like a governor.

I agree, that's exactly why I didn't make the poll regarding the construction of JS's.
I think it should be the governor, becouse it conserns mostly the city where it is built.
Originally posted by Stormbringer
I think it should be the governor, becouse it conserns mostly the city where it is built.

Which governor ? Do we need a poll to decide which province gets the wonder ? If so, we would need two polls (instead of one) with a lot of information (about the cities, land, etc.). That's twice the work and bureaucracy. It really makes no sense.
Very nice poll , with all the information nessecary and appropiate option's. :goodjob:

I voted the the interior ministry, as it will now come under the juristriction of youre department ,and we need capable leader on that position at this moment. ;)

Organize it well ,and youre polling system onto this matter will serve as a model for administration's to come.
Has to be the president, the pres has the best idea of the overall feel of the game, plus knows where all caravans are, production potenial of cities, where enimes are and so forth.

Farming it out won't be as effective, and only Sci wonders are mated to ine city (Duckpond) so they can be built antwhere, preferably where they can be protected.
Good arguments from all of you. This is a hard one.

I agree with AoA that the President would probably be the best, but we can´t put everything on him. The governors are concerned only with their own provinses and lack the mandate to post polls regarding other cities. The Interior Minister has that mandate and nothing to do at he moment, but may lack the needed overview.

Hmm. I think I´m going for the Interior Minister. He should have no troubles looking up the production base of all cities. All our food caravans are AFAIK on the mainland so they should not be too hard to monitor.

We need rules on how to handle conflicts between wonder polls and governor polls. Let´s say that a governor posts a poll about for example Athenae and the outcome is to build a caravan. The Interior Minister then posts a poll regarding what city to build JSB and Athenae is choosen. (Sounds familiar?) What decision has the higher priority? IMO the wonder poll should override the governor poll. What do the rest of you think?
Thanks to all for taking part in this discussion so far.

I have to apologize for any confusion that this poll may have created in combination with my poll regarding the National Wonder Building Program. In that poll, we basically came to the conclusion that the president could override certain city building options and substitute food caravans for later wonder building. To give the president that authority and then post something differnet about who should do the polling for wonder building may have caused some mix-ups.

However, I do think that the system can work with the president watching over caravan production and a differnet cabinet member taking care of the actual wonder polling. I agree with AoA in that the president has a better "feel" for the game - he should know as he did an admirable job in that capacity himself. Yet, this same argument could be used for just about anything - from military to diplo to city building. He/she certainly has a better feel for all of those areas, but as Mr. Spice mentions that office has a lot to do already.

I think that the VP, Interior Minister, or another office could capably take on this responsibility. Just as the president should announce "The English have attacked, we need a poll from the military advisor" there could also be something along the lines of "We now have 6 food caravans and the ______ should let me know what to do with them."

I voted for the Department of Interior, not because I'm the Deputy of the Department (still Hippo's department, Duck, though I can't get a PM to him) or because I think that the department has nothing to do (I've tried to do several things there, Mr. Spice. :)). I just think that it fits.

A few more votes and we'll see if we can't get an answer and then that person should get a poll up and running ASAP as we are in wonder competition even as we discuss.

Thanks again to all who are voting and discussing.
Originally posted by Kev
I voted for the Department of Interior, not because I'm the Deputy of the Department (still Hippo's department, Duck, though I can't get a PM to him) or because I think that the department has nothing to do (I've tried to do several things there, Mr. Spice. :)). I just think that it fits.

The department of the interior deals with:
New city building
Internal trade (Caravans)
Tax/Sci/Lux rate
And Expansion polls.

But I've gotten no help in ANY of these departments thus far. I'm not saying it's your fault Kev...because it's not. It's Hippo's ;)

But that is what your position is supposed to do.
Originally posted by CornMaster

The department of the interior deals with:
New city building
Internal trade (Caravans)
Tax/Sci/Lux rate
And Expansion polls.

But I've gotten no help in ANY of these departments thus far. I'm not saying it's your fault Kev...because it's not. It's Hippo's ;)

But that is what your position is supposed to do.

I guess I should have looked closer at the duties where they're listed.

I would never have considered new city building or expansion under the Interior's domain. I guess I figured that the expansion duties would have been folded into the foreign ministry seeing it as more external. Thanks for that "heads up".

With the Tax/Sci/Lux rate, that's difficult to really do without being able to play around with the numbers first hand. Nobody can really vote to change it if they don't know what the effects will be. Putting more in science may lower turns but also put us in a financial deficit. I should have thought to ask, but can I really say OK, what happenes when we boost science by 10%? OK, then how about adding luxuries by 10%. Now, how about science by 20%." You get the picture.

Internal trade is tricky. Specifically, when a commody caravan is completed who then polls as to the decision to send it to foreign lands or national cities?

So, when all is said and done, I can see where the expansion part is workable with the information and screen shots given in the turn threads.

However, with those other two, perhaps we should reconsider something: allowing some other cabinet members to download.

In this way, the Interior Minister can manipulate the Sci/Tax/Lux rates to study the effects and include the potentially beneficial ones in a subsequent poll. Further, it would then be easier to take stock of commody caravans and list the cities that demand that item in a poll as well.

I know it was discussed before, but it never really hit home until now as to how much goes into these decisions. Should there be a discussion thread to revisit this?
Originally posted by CornMaster
Yep...it's a lot of work. :)

Anyway...check your PM's. :)

Anyone can download the game.

I sent you an answer just a sec ago.

I didn't realize that anyone can download!!! I thought the pres and the governors only. Is this really true?
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