Who was the best GoT antagonist?

Who was the best GoT antagonist?

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Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
A simple question. Choices are:

-Tywin Lannister

-Cercei Lannister

-The Mountain

-Ramsay Bolton

-The Night King

-Euron Greyjoy


I think Tywin was better, followed by Ramsay. Mountain is just a footsoldier, Nighking was a joke in the end and Euron was a joke from the start to the end. Cercei was middle of the road, most of the time. Hodor was always terrible, though :)
So soon we forget Joffery. :lol: Or maybe the High Sparrow.
And my favorite Olenna Tyrell.
Olenna is gray imo, not an antagonist. Roose at least isn't insane - Tywin isn't either, but he has a more central position to the plot so i chose to present him as an antagonist. I forgot about Joffrey, cause he sucked :)
Others were bad but just way too peripheral (Locke, Freys etc).
ramsay, for shear villainy.
Tywin. Ruthless but logical. Didn't do anything out of character. I liked Roose Bolton as well and Locke for standing up to Jamie's entitled attitude.
Cersei's only an antagonist depending on your point of view. If you're a Stark, she's certainly your enemy. She's not evil or anything, she's simply fighting for her own survival and what she views as hers. She's a woman who was forced to marry Robert Baratheon and endure repeated rape ... she loves someone else, and she's trying to ensure the best future she can for her children. She does have to be ruthless, but she has people plotting against her who want to take everything she has from her.

I still choose Tywin, especially since he really represents everything that's wrong with the patriarchy. He views other people (especially women) as pawns for his use and disposal as he sees fit to reach his own ends. He definitely seeks power and more power, and he takes advantages of opportunities to improve his already strong position at others' expense. He's ruthlessly cunning and he knows how to work around his enemies' strengths ... like he couldn't beat Robb Stark by the sword, so he defeated him using his pen. He's also not cruel and he is an effective administrator and ruler, so you can respect his management ability and his competence while hating everything he stands for.
Cersei's only an antagonist depending on your point of view. If you're a Stark, she's certainly your enemy. She's not evil or anything, she's simply fighting for her own survival and what she views as hers. She's a woman who was forced to marry Robert Baratheon and endure repeated rape ... she loves someone else, and she's trying to ensure the best future she can for her children. She does have to be ruthless, but she has people plotting against her who want to take everything she has from her.

I still choose Tywin, especially since he really represents everything that's wrong with the patriarchy. He views other people (especially women) as pawns for his use and disposal as he sees fit to reach his own ends. He definitely seeks power and more power, and he takes advantages of opportunities to improve his already strong position at others' expense. He's ruthlessly cunning and he knows how to work around his enemies' strengths ... like he couldn't beat Robb Stark by the sword, so he defeated him using his pen. He's also not cruel and he is an effective administrator and ruler, so you can respect his management ability and his competence while hating everything he stands for.

Shes not really a good mother though. Particularly in the case of Tommen she doesn't want whats best for him or will make him happy, she wants to keep power and keep him as her little boy forever.
She's not evil or anything,
You obviously watched a different show than I did.

How many innocent people did she kill when she blew up the church along with the few that were actually her enemies? (just one of many examples) We won't even talk about those that she had tortured.
There wasn't a single decent one. What a sorry bunch of fools. Littlefinger was at least half convincing in the beginning (should be added to the poll), but he'd never have survived that long.

You obviously watched a different show than I did.

How many innocent people did she kill when she blew up the church along with the few that were actually her enemies? (just one of many examples) We won't even talk about those that she had tortured.

But but... she's a woman!
Cersei in the TV Show, Littlefinger in the books.
I like how Aidan Gillen plays Lord Petyr, but I consider unpardonable how this character has lost substance in the TV show.
No need to even look at the poll, "who was the best" in GoT means "Tywin Lannister" nearly regardless of what the "best" is.
Special prop to Charles Dance for his stellar interpretation.

Cersei's only an antagonist depending on your point of view. She's not evil or anything
Seriously, you're frightening me.
Daenerys Targaryen, a villain since the second season.
One needs to distinguish between the crazy gamblers and the calculated rationalists. Tywin & Dany & Littlefinger rationalize (but do it the wrong way), while Ramsay & Euron & Cersei just do crazy horsehocky because they like it/they've become crazy. The first one is more menacing: I don't think anything can top Roose's "Don't make me rue the day I raped your mother" for sheer villainess though. So my vote above is Tywin like apparently everyone's. :)
One needs to distinguish between the crazy gamblers and the calculated rationalists. Tywin & Dany & Littlefinger rationalize (but do it the wrong way), while Ramsay & Euron & Cersei just do crazy **** because they like it/they've become crazy. The first one is more menacing: I don't think anything can top Roose's "Don't make me rue the day I raped your mother" for sheer villainess though. So my vote above is Tywin like apparently everyone's. :)

I voted for Tywin too although I think Circei was a more interesting character, but for sheer calculating evil Roose is the clear winner for me.
This list is void without Joffrey and Littlefinger, but especially Joffrey. I mean you include Euron but not Joffrey? You talked all that squeeze about how dumb Euron is but then include him over all the much better villains? Even High Sparrow (and Septon Unella) is more worthy than Euron.

C'mon @Kyriakos do better... SHAME SHAME SHAME :p

EDIT: I'll add that for all the complaining you do about Arya... to snub her main tormentor, "The Waif" is also a big miss. I'd also include Walder Frey for giving us the Red Wedding alone.
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This list is void without Joffrey and Littlefinger, but especially Joffrey. I mean you include Euron but not Joffrey? You talked all that squeeze about how dumb Euron is but then include him over all the much better villains? Even High Sparrow (and Septon Unella) is more worthy than Euron.

C'mon @Kyriakos do better... SHAME SHAME SHAME :p

EDIT: I'll add that for all the complaining you do about Arya... to snub her main tormentor, "The Waif" is also a big miss. I'd also include Walder Frey for giving us the Red Wedding alone.

Like D&D said, i "kinda forgot" about Joffrey ^_^
I considered Roose, but since Ramsay was in i chose to not have two Boltons. I included Cercei (despite Tywin also being there) cause she has a major role.
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