Why are horses so rare now?

Blake's changes only affected food resources however, he did nothing about strategic or luxury ones. He mainly wanted to balance things out a bit more so people didn't end up with a scad of seafood resources to start with.

Then he pretty much failed, since I still see those civs that start with 3-4 seafood resources.
The "Seafood Madness" issue was one which he was working with up until he started working on BtS code. I'm not sure it was ever truly fixed, and I seem to have had a few Seafood Special starts since installing BtS.
It's still possible to get coastal start with a few seafoods, but the 5+ ones are now extremely rare. Also, part of the "seafood madness" problem was the way starting location was chosen. To adhere with some rules regarding civ placement sometimes a starting location was pushed a tile or two to the water, with one tile wide peninsula created for the starting location. After that, seafood was almost only possible choice for starting spot beautifier. That "pushing the civ into the sea with one tile wide peninsula" shouldn't happen after Blake's changes - if I understood it correctly. And thus, seafood madness shouldn't happen on the same scale.
In BTS, horses are seriously rare. Why is this? They must've done something to it. I played a large pangea map and there was only 1 horse resource. But in every game I played they're never close to me. I've been playing as English or Greek lately so no matter to me but I think it's weird that they've reduced this resource dramatically.

I wonder why.

I think you used "Balanced" option.
To chime in late here, I've noticed horses seem more rare as well in BtS. In my current game, I'm almost screwed because I have no access to horse, can't even find a source of horses to attack, and all my enemies seem to have them. I have a decent sized empire with plenty of ivory and other stuff, but no horses to make a cavalry at all.

Probably time to change strategies and go for a space race victory, I guess.
If all your enemies have horses, they can't be very rare?
is this thread still alive? I think the "seafood madness" starts were and are intended to make up for starting in a spot where most of your potential 2nd city sites are made upof tundra or other undesirable plots. That's where I used to always see the "seafood madness."
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