What might personality traits be other than fundamental differences in the wiring of the brain?
Nobody knows exactly what the balance between nature and nuture are- and, doubtless, it changes from person to person- but Asperger's represents more than just a few quirks. It's a fundamentally altered way of processing information, particularly emotional information. Autistic people, including those with Aspergers, basically lack the empathy that comes naturally to most people, and so interact with other people rather differently.
Has anyone shown that Asperger's sufferers have grossly odd brain morphology?
I believe studies have shown that Asperger's brains are biological different, but I'm not going to try and start lecturing. I honestly don't know enough about it, and I'm not going to pretend to be an expert. Suffice to say, it's more than just a personality type. I know this sounds like the most horrible cop out, but if you google around, you should be able to find some stuff about it.
With training and therapy anyone can partially 'overcome' aspects of their character. Of course we need to understand a person's character before we try to change it. That should be part of being a family member or teacher without having to rely on syndromes.
Why? If it's possible to guide people and make everyone happier for it, why not? There's no reason that Asperger's people, or those they associate with, should be made to suffer unnecessarily. It's hardly like it's "cheating" to diagnose and define these sorts of disorders.
That's all a load of crap made up by some "doctors". Back in the old days, these "syndroms" didn't even existed.
Just like atoms, x-rays and Neptune didn't exist, you mean?
Well, this so called syndrome, along with many others, is invented only to boost sales of drugs, and some "doctors" careers. So, I don't consider this "syndrome" good or bad, I consider it non-existent. I consider leeches ("doctors") that promote it bad.
Right, except that Asperger's Syndromes cannot actually be treated through medication, so that's basically a lot of rubbish.
Healthy outdoor activities cure this "disorders" much better than some placebo pills.
Yeah, you just made that up. There's no pills, and "healthy outdoor activities" are incapable of alter someone's basic biology.
There is decades of research which speak for the existence of Asperger's. What evidence do you have against it, exactly, given that your paranoid "they made it up to sell drugs!" thing is demonstratably false?