Why I used to support gay marriage, but no longer do.


Jan 14, 2012
I oppose gay marriage for several reasons.

1) Marriage is a religious term between a man and a woman and has been for 1000's of years in every religion. Out of respect to religious people they should have chosen a different term.

To try to redefine marriage to include something that is determined to be sinful by all major faiths is highly offensive and disrespectful.

However, the argument was turned into "we want the same common law rights and couples benefits, inheritance ect., so we need the word marriage." Which was really a dishonest argument because they could have had equal rights with a civil union. However, at the time it didn't seem like a big deal to me. Whatever, let them get married. If they want to do it it doesn't mean I have to believe in it and I agreed they should have equal rights.

But it didn't end with marriage. Now they are forcing their beliefs on everyone. They can't just live and let live.

2) I believe children do best when they are raised in an environment with a strong male and female influence. There is a lot of psychology to support this. Children have a strong need for both biological parents. Not that I am entirely opposed to gay people adopting children. I think a loving gay parent is much better than an abusive hetero one, but I believe an environment with both biological parents is best.

3) They want to force deeply religious people to violate their beliefs and be forced to cater/host/photograph gay weddings.

4) The regularly trash Christianity and Christians and label them as bigots although plenty of them support gay rights.

5) They are forcing teaching about gay marriage in school which is against people's religious beliefs.

6) It's constantly intentionally shoved in your face on tv. With gay sex scenes and public displays of affection. I don't have a problem with gay people on tv if it just happens that way naturally, but it's being intentionally put on tv and shoved in your face 24/7. Gay sex scenes are just totally over the top. It's very irritating. I'm not gay and I'm not part of the gay community. I don't fit in there, I can't relate to it, and it makes me uncomfortable out of natural sexual instinct so why would I want to be forcefully exposed to it 24/7/365. No straight person wants to watch a gay sex scene! That is just not what I am attracted to. I don't even like seeing hetero's being affectionate in public.

I don't watch BET, the Spanish channel, or Native channel for the same reason. It is not what I am accustom to. It's not because I don't like these groups. I just don't fit in with that group and I can't relate to it, so don't force it on me thinking I eventually will grow accustom to it. I won't and I can't because I'm heterosexual.

7) In my town gay rights activists made a big fuss because the Mayor wouldn't replace our country's flag with the gay pride flag to show his support. T
hey labelled him a bigot, but the reality was he wouldn't replace the country's flag with any flag no matter what it is. This kind of behavior is very common. If you don't support hem 100% your a bigot. It's childish and adversarial.

8) Now it's no longer gay rights it changed to LGBT and now LGBTIQ. It just keeps getting more and more extreme every passing day. Now they want to be able to choose their gender and what bathroom they use regardless of their biological make-up. You can't choose your gender sorry. You're born how you are born. There is no such thing as identifying as a man, or woman. You are what you are until you get a sex change. It's become one big slippery slope.

People need to conform to society at least a little. Society also has to be accepting, but that doesn't mean anything goes.

Gay marriage was just the narrow end of an even bigger wedge and that is why I no longer support it.
1. Marriage, as a sacred institution, hasn't been around that long in Christianity.

Today many Christian denominations regard marriage as a sacrament, a sacred institution, or a covenant,[208] but this wasn't the case before marriage was officially recognized as a sacrament at the 1184 Council of Verona.

But why do you oppose gay marriage so vehemently? I don't get how it affects you in any way.

You're worried about toilet facilities? Is that what it comes down to?

I've never understood why defecation was a gender issue in any case.
But marriage has existed between a man and a woman for 1000's of years. It may have only been classified as a sacrament in the last 900 years, but that is irrelevant. It is a religious ceremony and has always been so.
I think that's my point though. It hasn't been a religious ceremony in Christianity until comparatively recently. (If by recent we can talk about 900 years. For me, that is recent.)

Before then, marriage, between people who "mattered", was solely a property issue. And after 1100 it became a religiously sanctioned property issue, right up to the contemporary era when people started getting all goey-eyed and romantic about it.
Well, I used to respect peoples deeply and sincerely held religious beliefs but I no longer do. So I can relate to that. :p
Ok I was going to post a longer response to this and maybe I will later but this really stood out to me.

What are you watching where you constantly see gay sex scenes? How often does that actually happen ? Can you name a particular show and tell me approximately how often you've seen it on that show?
I think that's my point though. It hasn't been a religious ceremony in Christianity until comparatively recently.

That's not true.

The Bible was written well before that and marriage pre-dates the Bible.
Marriage is, was, and always will be between one man and one girl whose hand is given to him by her father for a suitable dowry (livestock is a good choice). It is solely for the purpose of procreation and fulfilling the man's physical and household needs. That's the way it's been for thousands of years, so it must be right.
Ok I was going to post a longer response to this and maybe I will later but this really stood out to me.

What are you watching where you constantly see gay sex scenes? How often does that actually happen ? Can you name a particular show and tell me approximately how often you've seen it on that show?

The Tutors
Game of Thrones

Just off the top of my head. I don't know the "frequency" of scenes, it would be quite weird if I knew that.
Marriage is, was, and always will be between one man and one girl whose hand is given to him by her father for a suitable dowry (livestock is a good choice). It is solely for the purpose of procreation and fulfilling the man's physical and household needs. That's the way it's been for thousands of years, so it must be right.

Are you Hindu, or Muslim?
civman said:
The Bible was written well before that and marriage pre-dates the Bible.
Not officially religious sanctioned marriages, though.
Today many Christian denominations regard marriage as a sacrament, a sacred institution, or a covenant,[208] but this wasn't the case before marriage was officially recognized as a sacrament at the 1184 Council of Verona.

The "Tutors"? What kind of game show is that?
And how often have you seen it on those shows? On game of thrones I can recall only 2 gay sex scenes in its 4 seasons.
Are you Hindu, or Muslim?

I am being satirical, that's what I am.

This whole concept of marriage being a romantic commitment between one man and one woman is a relatively recent thing, and you won't find it much in the Bible if at all. I do remember a number of things on women or girls being given to men, however. That and the men having all the say in the family. Those traditions existed for millennia in many, many cultures. By your logic, we should respect that tradition and reduce women into basically property to be traded.
I can understand:

Its one thing to tolerate something it another when its shoved down your throat.

^Thats how I would describe it.
every time i go online to watch old episodes of Lassie i find myself bombarded with lesbian sex scenes on the internet

Don't you?

Hehehe. We could be here all night.

But never mind all that.

How does gay marriage affect you in such a way that makes you vehemently opposed to it?

I don't get it. I'm not in favour of gay marriage for myself (not being gay), but I can see no reason why people shouldn't be allowed to marry whoever they please.

It simply affects me in no way whatsoever.
4) They are forcing teaching about gay marriage in school which is against people's religious beliefs.

Er, I would expect countries to teach their children about new laws and social changes. Just as how current American schools are teaching civil rights legislation.
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