How often do you see gay sex scenes on Spartacus? Not having seen the show and just going by your original post I would expect several per episode but somehow I doubt that.
How often do you see gay sex scenes on Spartacus? Not having seen the show and just going by your original post I would expect several per episode but somehow I doubt that.
I saw it years ago, but as I remember probably at least 1 every 2nd or 3rd episode and their scenes were totally over the top. I just remeber there being a lot. Even the hetero ones.
There's no way I would ever watch that series with my family. I'll put it that way.
You say we should "respect traditional marriage" because it's been around for a long time. But marriage based on romantic love is actually much, much less traditional than the system of a man marrying a girl who will serve him with her father's permission after a suitable dowry.
Thank you.
I have absolutely no problem with gay people, but I am a firm believer of live and let live.
Live and let live means that you leave them alone and they leave you alone. But denying someone the right to get married isn't leaving them alone at all, it's intruding upon their lives and dictating what they can do with them.
I didn't say traditional marriage. I said marriage.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. It should not be re-define as "traditional marriage" that is BS and this is exactly what I mean about gay marriage being the narrow end of an even bigger wedge. A prime example.
I saw it years ago, but as I remember probably at least 1 every 2nd or 3rd episode and their scenes were totally over the top. I just remeber there being a lot. Even the hetero ones.
There's no way I would ever watch that series with my family. I'll put it that way.
So you're talking about shows known for strong sexual content that is mostly heterosexual but with some gay scenes. Thats hardly having it shoved in your face every day.
So you're talking about shows known for strong sexual content that is mostly heterosexual but with some gay scenes. Thats hardly having it shoved in your face every day.
Because I'm not gay. I don't want to watch 20 gay sex scenes in one season. Homosexuals are 3.8% of the population so who do they think is watching this? Mainly heterosexuals.
Some people intentionally shove it in people's faces because they think if you see it enough you will become accustom to it. This is not only untrue, but it is highly irritating. If I wanted to watch gay sex scenes when I watch tv I would be gay and probably just watch gay porn instead.
I don't watch tv to see straight sex scenes let alone gay ones.
I think that's my point though. It hasn't been a religious ceremony in Christianity until comparatively recently. (If by recent we can talk about 900 years. For me, that is recent.)
To be fair, the Jewish tradition has held marriage as an important part of civil life. A contract between men and women. Although not really a religious ceremony, it is in the Torah.
To be fair, the Jewish tradition has held marriage as an important part of civil life. A contract between men and women. Although not really a religious ceremony, it is in the Torah.
You say we should "respect traditional marriage" because it's been around for a long time. But marriage based on romantic love is actually much, much less traditional than the system of a man marrying a girl who will serve him with her father's permission after a suitable dowry.
Honestly, marriage should not be about love. It should be about business and kinship, just like old times. It signifies that a man and woman (or man or man, or woman or woman) have decided to link their families into one family and that any children raised under them are part of both families.
It's really nice and gay (haha!) if you love the one you marry, but shouldn't be the prime motivator. No matter how much I like to be romantically involved with a certain woman, I have entirely other criteria for marriage, in which case I will look more closely to her social pedigree and whether I'd like to see her personality traits among my children, which is pretty much irrelevant when selecting romantic mates.
While I am not particularly hostile to the thought of adoption by gay couples, and according to some metrics, they outperform straight couples (probably because they can plan when to have children or not), one should not be blind to the potential pitfalls of it. Repression of homosexuality is arguably justified in societies where infant mortality is much higher than in modern-day Western societies.
Islam has more influence than Christianity. Do not for a moment think a society where Christianity would be as dominant as Islam is in Arab countries would be any friendlier. Orthodox Judaism and Christianity are not that different from Islam. However, the Western world has secularised. The Arab world hasn't.
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