Moderator Action: I'll probably regret this, but I've just reopened the thread. Please be civil.
Moderator Action: I'll probably regret this, but I've just reopened the thread. Please be civil.
Specifically why does 4 matter
Like, I expect the law to respect bigots themselves. Bigoted heterosexual people have the right to marry and reproduce, why would a gay person labelling someone else a bigot matter
4 is only even applicable because a few bigots use the pretense that they speak for all Christians to add weight to their disgusting views on the world. Then when they are justifiably denounced they extend their claim by saying that it is Christianity being denounced, not bigotry.
All major world religions reject gay marriage. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Islam totally rejects it across all sects and all major denominations of Christianity reject it.
All major world religions reject gay marriage. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Last of all, most gay people do conform to society. I think you are taking the actions of extreme gay activists and thinking that all gay people are like this.
Saying the same hopelessly inaccurate things in a second thread doesn't make you any less wrong.
Well, we have finally found some consistency in Civman...he also takes the actions of extreme Christian activists as indicative of all Christians, extreme homophobes as indicative of all heterosexuals...
Children need to be raised in an environment with both a strong male and female influence.
Yes, I meant to say "Most gay people do conform to society." I should have looked at my post more carefully before posting it to check for errors.
Anyway, most of us don't dress up in bustiers and lip-sync to Madonna songs. In fact, I hate musicals and almost never go to the theater even when visiting NY.
Why [do children need to be raised with both a strong male and female influence]?
OK thanks, I guess I didn't notice that.
1. Marriage can mean different things to different people. Just because it has been between a man and a woman (or multiple women) through most of history doesn't mean we can't expand the definition. Blindly adhering to tradition isn't really a justifiable reason.
2. I think when a gay couple has a child either through adoption or other means it is something you need to consider and to think about having a male or female figure in their life who will be close to them. This could be a grandparent or an aunt/uncle or close family friend. A heterosexual mother/father couple seems ideal as parents but we see in reality it's not unusual for it to not turn out that way. I think the individual parents are far more important than just coming to the conclusion that these people are great parents because they fit a preconceived notion of what those people will be like.
I will also add, when the OP says "they" this does not mean all gay people.
4. Again, who is "they"? I'm gay and some people in my extended family are Baptist ministers. I grew up going to church on occasion and I have respect for organized religion. Don't take the actions of some extreme activists to represent all gays.
5. How often does this really happen? I agree that it doesn't make sense to teach gay marriage. I mean, I didn't learn anything about heterosexual marriage in school. I think it's laudable to teach tolerance for people who are different and maybe this is what's happening. It's a difficult subject. I wouldn't want people to accuse me of indoctrinating students in a particular ideology. I think instead, I would want to instill the belief in children that even if people have different beliefs or lifestyles than yourself, you can accept them.
6. We've gone over this before in this thread. You're greatly exaggerating the frequency of gay sex scenes on TV.
8. I find this a bit strange as well, this expansion of LGBT to include an expanding number of groups. I'm not saying I'm against it entirely but I wonder if it really helps for people to be so preoccupied with their sexuality if they're uncertain of it in the first place.
Last of all, most gay people to conform to society. I think you are taking the actions of extreme gay activists and thinking that all gay people are like this.
There's some evidence that optimally they need exposure to both male and female role models.
But marriage has existed between a man and a woman for 1000's of years. It may have only been classified as a sacrament in the last 900 years, but that is irrelevant. It is a religious ceremony and has always been so.