Why is the science advisor African?

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Sep 2, 2010
Sorry guys I do not mean to start a flame war, but shouldn't it make more sense to make the science advisor European and the war advisor African? Historically, was it not the Europeans (and in a few cases Asians) that contribute to the advances of modern technology?

Of course it won't take away the enjoyment of the game for me, but it just seems a bit out of place.....:rolleyes:
Made an account to post this, i dunno this isn't blatantly racist and i wouldn't guess this would be locked. But im always surprised at the censorship on these forums, so thats a toss-up.

To the topic, i disagree with you, i could care less if he is black or white or asian. In fact the educated black doctor type character in stories and tv shows have a special spot in my heart. But personally i actually never seen a screenshot of this change, so someone kind enough could link the pic to put this topic in perspective.
Sorry guys I do not mean to start a flame war
What could go wrong with discussing race on the Internet?

but shouldn't it make more sense to make the science advisor European and the war advisor African? Historically, was it not the Europeans (and in a few cases Asians) that contribute to the advances of modern technology?
I think they just don't want to play into the unkind stereotype that Europeans can't wage wars.
Was the person really being a troll?

I would say yes. On a topic talking about the game being colorful this poster said a sentence like "kinda like diablo 3" and atleast to me thats a major source of trolling and flame wars on some parts of the internet i know, could not have been a coincidence trust me. But thats besides the point, the point is mods don't like other posters accusing posters as being trolls, thats only a mods job on these forums. W/e i don't spend too much time on these forums so i don't have a major quam with it, but im just telling you your prolly gonna get a minor warning through private messages.
Can we get a source of the advisor being African?
The clothing, race and ethnicity of your advisers makes absolutely no sense. You're Japan and your foreign adviser is dressed in ancient Greek clothes and you're in modern times and is clearly European when you're Asian..
First, re: thread title: :eek::crazyeye::rolleyes:

Sorry guys I do not mean to start a flame war, but shouldn't it make more sense to make the science advisor European and the war advisor African? Historically, was it not the Europeans (and in a few cases Asians) that contribute to the advances of modern technology?

Disregarding the obvious here, don't the Europeans have a much more storied track record as far as war is concerned?
In heaven:
The military adviser is British.
The cultural adviser is French.
The science adviser is German.
The economic adviser is Jewish.
The dancing adviser is African.
The drinking adviser is Irish.
The please turn over adviser is Polish.
The bad driving adviser is Asian.

In hell:
The OP has a voice.
maybe each civ could have a specific person hold each advisory position, China's military adviser could be Sun Tzu, England's science adviser Sir Isaac Newton, etc.

of course that would limit great people, and most will probably ignore advisors after the first few games anyway if they're anything like civrev

also usa science adviser could be neil degrasse tyson :)
Advisors can be citizens of the world. Might be inmigrants too, so the "race" you recognize might mean nothing. No matter wath civ you're rolling, they might still look the same.
In heaven:
The military adviser is British.
The cultural adviser is French.
The science adviser is German.
The economic adviser is Jewish.
The dancing adviser is African.
The drinking adviser is Irish.
The please turn over adviser is Polish.
The bad driving adviser is Asian.

In hell:
The OP has a voice.

What's the drinking advisor for lol?
Moderator Action: Closed
Moderator Action: Just wanted to add a reminder that the right thing to do if you believe someone to be trolling is to report their post using the Report Post button (under the user's avatar). Publicly accusing others of being trolls usually only starts fights and doesn't help to solve the problem.
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