(Careful: this is a very long post, folks.)
Why not a darker version of Civilization?
No, I dont mean turn your brightness and contrast all the way down. (Rim shot.)
I want a Civilization game that has more b@lls.
Ill grant you that Civilization has come somewhat of a way in terms of incorporating some of our historys more regrettable elements into the game. You had some fundamentalism in Civ2, but the way all the governments were more or less undefined in that game, it didnt really matter. (And the entire government was altogether scrapped in Civ3. 9/11 proximity, you think?) By the way, does anyone else think that fundamentalism was the best kind of government in Civ2? If you built a crapload of science structures, which I always did and continue to do, you didnt suffer too much from the technological setback, plus you made a crapload of money, everyone was always happy, and there was no peacemongering senate to prohibit you from kicking a$$ whenever you damn well pleased. It seemed like a no-brainer to me.\
Anyway, in Civ2, the most, lets call it, controversial aspect of the game was the loosely characterized fundamentalism. Civ3 didnt carry the torch that much farther in that regard. Again, the fundamentalism was removed, but at least you had some fascism in there. (I dont doubt for a second that the folks at Firaxis got letters about that.) But at the end of the day, fascism sucked as a government. In fact, all governments that didnt allow you to spend money on projects, I outright avoided all the time. In Civ3, much like in Civ2, enabling Democracy was a substitute for the Disable War option in the options menu, so in Civ3, I would just stick with Monarchy. (Could spend dough on projects, AND nobody b!tched about wiping the floor with the other civs.)
As you may have inferred by now, I like my wars in Civ. I mean, come on, who doesnt? Isnt one of the many trips of Civilization that of being a ruthless destroyer? I dont want to get into that old videogames are outlets for evil inclinations debate, but you get the idea. Surely, if I were to really inherit the presidency of the United States, I would not rule it as the imperialistc, theocratic police state (yeah, it already is, haha, whatever, you friggin Commies) complete with a caste system and a state property economy as I am currently doing in Civilization 4. But just as much as I liked to play doctor or cowboys and Indians when I was a kid, I enjoy playing autocrat in Civilization 4. And I know Im not the only one.
Yet it seems as if no matter how many appetizing pro-bastard features are introduced in the Civ games, they always turn out being watered down somewhat and not made into the pure tools for terror that they could be. Take Civ4, for example. Yeah, you have Police State as a civ, with the icon of what appears to be a heartless constable representing it. What was it again, you have lower war weariness and more experienced units? Yeah. The end.
Is that supposed to be enough to whet my appetite for a simulated Fourth Reich? (Im not a Nazi, Im just making a point, please dont call me out on this.) The changes from, say, Hereditary Rule to Police State are virtually invisible. Democratic civs continue to be friendly towards me, and every citizen across the board is hella happy and propping up parades for me every lunch break. (Yes, gaudy parades are a defining characteristic of any respectable autocracy, but my citizens seem to really be loving the misery Im trying to put them through. That kinda kills it, you see.)
Dont get me wrong. I love the introduction of civics in Civ4, and I think the makers did an acceptable job with them, at least for what could be technically considered (if one discounts SMACs social engineering) the first attempt at a feature of the kind in the Civilization series. But if the truth must be told, well, there arent too many distinguishing factors among the civics other than some half-a$$ed benefit and/or penalty and an AIM sized avatar. Everyones always talking about how to make Civ5 better. I say, do the so-far unprecedented in Civilization: make the governments actually MEAN something. Im talking a whole world full of differences, because thats how it has tended to be throughout history after all. The United States and the Soviet Union had far more differences between themselves than simply an extra food shield in irrigated squares and a discount on cottages and granaries.
Getting back to Civ4, so aside from the somewhat unsatisfactory Police State civic (and, similarly, slavery), you had some other lets-go-bada$$ elements in the game. We got to kick it with Stalin at least, although some of the less sensitive historical purists such as myself remained a bit disappointed by the chronic omission of Hitler. (That however is a different story, and one for which Germanys stringent anti-anything-that-even-rhymes-with-Nazi laws are to blame.) See, on that note, its not even so much that I would like to play as Hitler myself (I can be my own murderous dictator, thank you very much), as much as I would like to play against him. Same with all the crap Im saying about more possibilities for brutal regimes. They could be a bundle of fun whether youre playing as them or against them.
Look at religion. Yeah, its in there (much to the initial chagrin of hardcore atheists such as myself, but I will grant you that theyve ben a major part of history and all of that), but I dont want to sound too much like one of those its all political correctnesss fault loudmouths when I say that Im not too sure how much I care for the whole no particular characteristics, dont wanna offend anybody, remember, Firaxis never printed the cartoons approach to religion the makers took. That whole disclaimer about it in the game manual was rather embarrassing to read. Im also a little perturbed by Mr. Meiers seeming double standard dare I say it, outright hypocrisy. Every effort seems to be made not to offend anyone in the slightest, because you know, these Firaxis guys are decent and open-minded people, of course. Next up, stay tuned as we remorselessly and unabashedly rip on the leader of the free world and, by consequence, on the ONE HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS who still support him.
Seriously, does anyone else think those sketches were in bad taste? You dont have to be a Bush supporter to believe that those things were in bad taste. Not to mention, unfunny and unoriginal to a fault.
But I digress.
It all seems to come down to Firaxis not wanting to get too many letters. Thats why they dont dare toy around with religion, they minimize the brutality of slavery to an avatar, and they shy away from emulating the real life repercussions of oppressive regimes in the game. True, they arent the only ones in the videogame community or elsewhere driven by this safety-first ultra-caution, but I always wanted to believe, like Im sure many of the games fans do, that Civilization was a (for the better) different kind of game, a more intellectual and mature one. A game which, by requiring a particular cerebral and strategic effort by its player while involving him/her into a very insightful tour of history featuring some people, places and events which some of us dont even hear about until college, sets itself aside from the overwhelming majority of videogames out there where its all about save the princess, kill the monster, push the right buttons as fast as you can, keep pushing them, press X for turbo, 4 out of 9 Crystals of Love found. In short, by being the way it is, Civilization attracts to it a, dare I say it, more sophisticated audience. Right?
So it might come easy to give Civ credit where credit is due, and of course I wouldnt be here if I wasnt a fan yet if Civilizations audience is so intelligent and so mature, then why do the games continue to be made as if the audience is made up of over-sensitive idiots wholl get upset over anything?
How many of you would seriously reject a non-family-friendly Civilization game? How many of you, on the other hand, would welcome and embrace a Civilization game that instead allowed for the implementation of intensely brutal and horrifying governments and civics? How many of you would be disgusted by the possibility of taking the role of Kim Jong Il, nuking North Koreas way into Asian dominion and starving the entire continent? How many of you, on the other hand, would delight in engaging in an epic struggle a true clash of civilizations - between yourselves as the Great Depression-stricken but righteous and humane United States against the incontrollably bloodthirsty Third Reich which has managed to conquer not just Europe, but the entire eastern hemisphere and has successfully exterminated every Jew under its rule? (Hows that for religion in the game?)
Is it just me, or doesnt all of this sound fifty times more captivating than How about I trade you spices if you adopt Serfdom, Genghis Khan?
So what keeps such a new take on Civilization from being born, like a Great Person in Civ4? Is it our own morals? Our own supposed decency? Are we so friggin upright that we draw the line for some things even in friggin videogames? Hmm, well, lets look at the game as it is now. You know, even though those troops may not be seen bleeding and make laughably cartoonish noises when they die, at the end of the day, YOURE STILL TRYING TO WIPE OUT AN ENTIRE CIVILIZATION. (And wiping out all of them remains the most basic of victory conditions.)
Is it perhaps the limits of game engines? I dont know, Im no game developer, but I think it shouldnt be too impossible to design some of the features Im about to pitch out here. (Oh, you didnt think I wasnt going to lay out some ideas for this darker Civ, did you?)
Perhaps most probably, its all about the market. After all, Civilization has always been an E (Everyone. Because Everyone begins with an E, you see) rated game. Well, you know what I say? I say, maybe it shouldnt be. Or rather, maybe it shouldnt just be that. Sure, maybe little Timmy is not yet ready to play a game in which you can gas your own people but since when are little Timmy and his peers the sultans for whom we specifically tailor everything? So maybe Timmy can go to bed later tonight, after having played his kid-friendly version of Civ (complete with cute smileys to denote citizen happiness and angry red faces to indicate the opposite I mean, come on, people!) and thats when we, the gutsier, older folks who just so happen to be running this world, and whose prominence on the videogame market surely cant be ignored by game developers, pop in that darker Civilization game and proceed to transform England into a Talibanesque oligarchy, but with Anglicanism rather than Islam or play as secular Arabia and fight against this theocratic British empire.
Heres another thing we should consider. By making way for immoral extremism in this hypothetical game, you are also automatically extending the possibilities for righteousness and enlightenment on the other end of the spectrum. By playing a Civ game in which five out of ten nations are allied rogue states, you are enforcing the moral glory of the other five nations, who are now fighting more devastating and gruesome wars than ever before in the name of goodness and virtue. Take my current Civ4 game I talked about. In a game such as this darker, more realistic one (and you cant argue that what Im proposing isnt inspired by real life civilizations all around, both in the past and in the present), my theocratic, autocratic America would be encouraging my secular and emancipated neighbor in this case, Catherine of the Russians to confront me about my human rights abuses and if need be declare war on me (or protect itself from me) in what becomes none other than a heavily polarized battle between good and evil. In short, the presence of possibilities for inhuman governing would boost the drive for justice of other more humane civilizations. Instead, the way Civ4 works, a history of good trading and a couple of technologies I spared her is making sure that universal suffrage and free speech Catherine is one of my biggest fans. Lame.
Now that Ive done all I can to make a case for this new macabre spin on Civ and hopefully prevent any flame wars (your just sick gigliozzi!!!), I can finally go ahead and pitch some ideas for what some of these new governing features might be.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES The one that comes to mind first. This one could be incredibly multi-faceted. Segregation. Deportation. GENOCIDE! Yes, I said it. All the people in your civilization are categorized, based on their gender, race, creed, and all those other things you cant refuse to hire someone based on. You can have your pick of a particular group of people, and do whatever you want to them. Segregate the gays. Put the Confucianists in work camps. Kill all the whites. Sell the mentally ******** as slaves to other nations. Turn all the newly conquered foreigners into sex slaves for the natives.
Imprison dissidents. Imprison sympathizers. Imprison whoever the hell you want, for no real reasons. Execute rebels. Cut off entire areas of the empire from food and resources. Yes, Im talking about STARVING YOUR POPULACE. Women are not allowed to work or learn. You name it, you can do it. After all, its your own people, you can do what you want with them.
PATRIARCHY/MATRIARCHY/GENDER RIGHTS Men rule completely and women are just objects. Or if you want to, the opposite! That would be pretty damn spiffy, you gotta admit. A nation of Amazons, with a thirst for conquests. Every man is sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor and drained for sperm when reproduction is called for. They are executed whenever they are no longer physically useful or turn out to be infertile. Imagine losing one of your cities to a society like this. Knowing what your own people are going through in there. I doubt that would make you seek a peace treaty anytime soon.
MEDIA CONTROL/CENSORSHIP The best and worst from every dystopian novel you have ever read. 1984. Fahrenheit 451. Anthem. Brave New World. Im talking book-burning, demolition of art, massive censorship, false information, hardcore indoctrination and re-education. Speaking of which, what do you think of newspapers and news networks as a game feature in general?
ROGUE STATES No matter how many civilizations end up being clumped closely together in Civ4 and its predecessors, it seems as if at the end of the day, everyone simply minds its own business. The U.N. Resolutions feature, while mildly interesting, is a joke. Make the civilizations more dependent on a certain global order. Allow for rogue states and superpowers. If Im a puny civ with inhuman civics and no standing army, Im getting my a$$ handed to me. But let me develop some nukes, and see the other civs bow before me. As current events are proving, there are more ways of exercising international influence than simply having a noble history and prominent industry. All you need to be is crazy and armed, and people will listen to you. Make the game like this. Have opportunistic civilizations striking deals with rogue states and other civs confronting them instead, paving the way for one hell of an international crisis or world war. I love this.
TERRORISM Either fight it or be responsible for it. Fund it. Sponsor it. Train for it. You could be a tiny civ flanked by two major superpowers who are always taking advantage of you. Become a hard labor police state and indoctrinate your people (see how it all ties together?). Then, get them to go blow stuff up in the nations that are giving you trouble. Perhaps enlist the help of another puny state desperate for some dignity. Again, this would make the game more fun, because it would allow any kind of civilization, not just the biggest and most sophisticated ones, to have an impact on the game. Or perhaps, you can have an independent terror organization backed by no government in particular spring up here or there with their own agenda. You can choose to join the rest of the civilized world in fighting to eradicate these murderers from the face of the planet or you can unite with the terrorists instead. Offer them protection and support from your country, in return for a few favors from them.
ANTITHEISM Why did they omit this in Civ4? Talk about offending. No religion. None of it. All forms of it strictly forbidden. Its not secularism. Its antitheism.
LEADER WORSHIP Indoctrinate your people into believing that you are the ruler they must be not just willing, but glad to die for. Seclude them from the outside world so much that all they will know is the intolerable misery and cruelty under which you subject them and make them love it. Construct statues and monuments of yourself all over your land. Name everything after you. Make everything about you. Or, just have your subjects obey your every word but secretly loathe you inside. Thats more fun, if you ask me.
These are but a few of my own suggestions. Far from an exhaustive list. We as a species have a bottomless repertoire of atrocities to draw inspiration from. Seems very inappropriate, perhaps even cowardly, to make a game dedicated to the history of man and very conveniently omitting all the bad parts.
Please post your own suggestions/feedback/insults. Thats the reason I started this thread I assure you, not just to listen to the sound of my own typing.
But allow me to close by addressing one last issue: a name for this hypothetical game/expansion pack. So far, Ive referred to it simply as the darker Civ, but I do have a few ideas on what it could be titled too. Here are some of them.
CIVILIZATION: DOWNFALL (yeah, its a little lame, but it does have a certain no it doesnt, its just lame)
CIVILIZATION: DARK SHADOWS (bleh, it sounds kinda cool, but it makes no sense, and besides, shadows are always dark anyway, so thats redundant)
CIVILIZATION: DEATH OF RAINBOWS (okay, its stupid, but its funny, come on)
CIVILIZATION, OR LACK THEREOF (a somewhat witty one for the pseudo-intellectuals)
CIVILIZATION: DYSTOPIA (this ones nice. It gets the message across, and uses a fancy word for it, thereby making it seem intelligent)
CIVILIZATION: HIDE THE KIDS! (creative, no, but mighty practical, and gets the disclaimer out of the way immediately)
CIVILIZATION: NAUGHTY, NO-GOOD CIVS (the way your grandmother would title it)
CIVILIZATION: THE DEATH OF HOPE (overly dramatic? Maybe, but its got the word death in there, which always makes an impact)
CIVILIZATION: THE DEATH OF MICKEY MOUSE (see what I mean? It has nothing to do with Mickey Mouse, but the word Death in there still gets to you. Admit it)
Dont forget to post your ideas for titles as well.
Why not a darker version of Civilization?
No, I dont mean turn your brightness and contrast all the way down. (Rim shot.)
I want a Civilization game that has more b@lls.
Ill grant you that Civilization has come somewhat of a way in terms of incorporating some of our historys more regrettable elements into the game. You had some fundamentalism in Civ2, but the way all the governments were more or less undefined in that game, it didnt really matter. (And the entire government was altogether scrapped in Civ3. 9/11 proximity, you think?) By the way, does anyone else think that fundamentalism was the best kind of government in Civ2? If you built a crapload of science structures, which I always did and continue to do, you didnt suffer too much from the technological setback, plus you made a crapload of money, everyone was always happy, and there was no peacemongering senate to prohibit you from kicking a$$ whenever you damn well pleased. It seemed like a no-brainer to me.\
Anyway, in Civ2, the most, lets call it, controversial aspect of the game was the loosely characterized fundamentalism. Civ3 didnt carry the torch that much farther in that regard. Again, the fundamentalism was removed, but at least you had some fascism in there. (I dont doubt for a second that the folks at Firaxis got letters about that.) But at the end of the day, fascism sucked as a government. In fact, all governments that didnt allow you to spend money on projects, I outright avoided all the time. In Civ3, much like in Civ2, enabling Democracy was a substitute for the Disable War option in the options menu, so in Civ3, I would just stick with Monarchy. (Could spend dough on projects, AND nobody b!tched about wiping the floor with the other civs.)
As you may have inferred by now, I like my wars in Civ. I mean, come on, who doesnt? Isnt one of the many trips of Civilization that of being a ruthless destroyer? I dont want to get into that old videogames are outlets for evil inclinations debate, but you get the idea. Surely, if I were to really inherit the presidency of the United States, I would not rule it as the imperialistc, theocratic police state (yeah, it already is, haha, whatever, you friggin Commies) complete with a caste system and a state property economy as I am currently doing in Civilization 4. But just as much as I liked to play doctor or cowboys and Indians when I was a kid, I enjoy playing autocrat in Civilization 4. And I know Im not the only one.
Yet it seems as if no matter how many appetizing pro-bastard features are introduced in the Civ games, they always turn out being watered down somewhat and not made into the pure tools for terror that they could be. Take Civ4, for example. Yeah, you have Police State as a civ, with the icon of what appears to be a heartless constable representing it. What was it again, you have lower war weariness and more experienced units? Yeah. The end.
Is that supposed to be enough to whet my appetite for a simulated Fourth Reich? (Im not a Nazi, Im just making a point, please dont call me out on this.) The changes from, say, Hereditary Rule to Police State are virtually invisible. Democratic civs continue to be friendly towards me, and every citizen across the board is hella happy and propping up parades for me every lunch break. (Yes, gaudy parades are a defining characteristic of any respectable autocracy, but my citizens seem to really be loving the misery Im trying to put them through. That kinda kills it, you see.)
Dont get me wrong. I love the introduction of civics in Civ4, and I think the makers did an acceptable job with them, at least for what could be technically considered (if one discounts SMACs social engineering) the first attempt at a feature of the kind in the Civilization series. But if the truth must be told, well, there arent too many distinguishing factors among the civics other than some half-a$$ed benefit and/or penalty and an AIM sized avatar. Everyones always talking about how to make Civ5 better. I say, do the so-far unprecedented in Civilization: make the governments actually MEAN something. Im talking a whole world full of differences, because thats how it has tended to be throughout history after all. The United States and the Soviet Union had far more differences between themselves than simply an extra food shield in irrigated squares and a discount on cottages and granaries.
Getting back to Civ4, so aside from the somewhat unsatisfactory Police State civic (and, similarly, slavery), you had some other lets-go-bada$$ elements in the game. We got to kick it with Stalin at least, although some of the less sensitive historical purists such as myself remained a bit disappointed by the chronic omission of Hitler. (That however is a different story, and one for which Germanys stringent anti-anything-that-even-rhymes-with-Nazi laws are to blame.) See, on that note, its not even so much that I would like to play as Hitler myself (I can be my own murderous dictator, thank you very much), as much as I would like to play against him. Same with all the crap Im saying about more possibilities for brutal regimes. They could be a bundle of fun whether youre playing as them or against them.
Look at religion. Yeah, its in there (much to the initial chagrin of hardcore atheists such as myself, but I will grant you that theyve ben a major part of history and all of that), but I dont want to sound too much like one of those its all political correctnesss fault loudmouths when I say that Im not too sure how much I care for the whole no particular characteristics, dont wanna offend anybody, remember, Firaxis never printed the cartoons approach to religion the makers took. That whole disclaimer about it in the game manual was rather embarrassing to read. Im also a little perturbed by Mr. Meiers seeming double standard dare I say it, outright hypocrisy. Every effort seems to be made not to offend anyone in the slightest, because you know, these Firaxis guys are decent and open-minded people, of course. Next up, stay tuned as we remorselessly and unabashedly rip on the leader of the free world and, by consequence, on the ONE HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS who still support him.
Seriously, does anyone else think those sketches were in bad taste? You dont have to be a Bush supporter to believe that those things were in bad taste. Not to mention, unfunny and unoriginal to a fault.
But I digress.
It all seems to come down to Firaxis not wanting to get too many letters. Thats why they dont dare toy around with religion, they minimize the brutality of slavery to an avatar, and they shy away from emulating the real life repercussions of oppressive regimes in the game. True, they arent the only ones in the videogame community or elsewhere driven by this safety-first ultra-caution, but I always wanted to believe, like Im sure many of the games fans do, that Civilization was a (for the better) different kind of game, a more intellectual and mature one. A game which, by requiring a particular cerebral and strategic effort by its player while involving him/her into a very insightful tour of history featuring some people, places and events which some of us dont even hear about until college, sets itself aside from the overwhelming majority of videogames out there where its all about save the princess, kill the monster, push the right buttons as fast as you can, keep pushing them, press X for turbo, 4 out of 9 Crystals of Love found. In short, by being the way it is, Civilization attracts to it a, dare I say it, more sophisticated audience. Right?
So it might come easy to give Civ credit where credit is due, and of course I wouldnt be here if I wasnt a fan yet if Civilizations audience is so intelligent and so mature, then why do the games continue to be made as if the audience is made up of over-sensitive idiots wholl get upset over anything?
How many of you would seriously reject a non-family-friendly Civilization game? How many of you, on the other hand, would welcome and embrace a Civilization game that instead allowed for the implementation of intensely brutal and horrifying governments and civics? How many of you would be disgusted by the possibility of taking the role of Kim Jong Il, nuking North Koreas way into Asian dominion and starving the entire continent? How many of you, on the other hand, would delight in engaging in an epic struggle a true clash of civilizations - between yourselves as the Great Depression-stricken but righteous and humane United States against the incontrollably bloodthirsty Third Reich which has managed to conquer not just Europe, but the entire eastern hemisphere and has successfully exterminated every Jew under its rule? (Hows that for religion in the game?)
Is it just me, or doesnt all of this sound fifty times more captivating than How about I trade you spices if you adopt Serfdom, Genghis Khan?
So what keeps such a new take on Civilization from being born, like a Great Person in Civ4? Is it our own morals? Our own supposed decency? Are we so friggin upright that we draw the line for some things even in friggin videogames? Hmm, well, lets look at the game as it is now. You know, even though those troops may not be seen bleeding and make laughably cartoonish noises when they die, at the end of the day, YOURE STILL TRYING TO WIPE OUT AN ENTIRE CIVILIZATION. (And wiping out all of them remains the most basic of victory conditions.)
Is it perhaps the limits of game engines? I dont know, Im no game developer, but I think it shouldnt be too impossible to design some of the features Im about to pitch out here. (Oh, you didnt think I wasnt going to lay out some ideas for this darker Civ, did you?)
Perhaps most probably, its all about the market. After all, Civilization has always been an E (Everyone. Because Everyone begins with an E, you see) rated game. Well, you know what I say? I say, maybe it shouldnt be. Or rather, maybe it shouldnt just be that. Sure, maybe little Timmy is not yet ready to play a game in which you can gas your own people but since when are little Timmy and his peers the sultans for whom we specifically tailor everything? So maybe Timmy can go to bed later tonight, after having played his kid-friendly version of Civ (complete with cute smileys to denote citizen happiness and angry red faces to indicate the opposite I mean, come on, people!) and thats when we, the gutsier, older folks who just so happen to be running this world, and whose prominence on the videogame market surely cant be ignored by game developers, pop in that darker Civilization game and proceed to transform England into a Talibanesque oligarchy, but with Anglicanism rather than Islam or play as secular Arabia and fight against this theocratic British empire.
Heres another thing we should consider. By making way for immoral extremism in this hypothetical game, you are also automatically extending the possibilities for righteousness and enlightenment on the other end of the spectrum. By playing a Civ game in which five out of ten nations are allied rogue states, you are enforcing the moral glory of the other five nations, who are now fighting more devastating and gruesome wars than ever before in the name of goodness and virtue. Take my current Civ4 game I talked about. In a game such as this darker, more realistic one (and you cant argue that what Im proposing isnt inspired by real life civilizations all around, both in the past and in the present), my theocratic, autocratic America would be encouraging my secular and emancipated neighbor in this case, Catherine of the Russians to confront me about my human rights abuses and if need be declare war on me (or protect itself from me) in what becomes none other than a heavily polarized battle between good and evil. In short, the presence of possibilities for inhuman governing would boost the drive for justice of other more humane civilizations. Instead, the way Civ4 works, a history of good trading and a couple of technologies I spared her is making sure that universal suffrage and free speech Catherine is one of my biggest fans. Lame.
Now that Ive done all I can to make a case for this new macabre spin on Civ and hopefully prevent any flame wars (your just sick gigliozzi!!!), I can finally go ahead and pitch some ideas for what some of these new governing features might be.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES The one that comes to mind first. This one could be incredibly multi-faceted. Segregation. Deportation. GENOCIDE! Yes, I said it. All the people in your civilization are categorized, based on their gender, race, creed, and all those other things you cant refuse to hire someone based on. You can have your pick of a particular group of people, and do whatever you want to them. Segregate the gays. Put the Confucianists in work camps. Kill all the whites. Sell the mentally ******** as slaves to other nations. Turn all the newly conquered foreigners into sex slaves for the natives.
Imprison dissidents. Imprison sympathizers. Imprison whoever the hell you want, for no real reasons. Execute rebels. Cut off entire areas of the empire from food and resources. Yes, Im talking about STARVING YOUR POPULACE. Women are not allowed to work or learn. You name it, you can do it. After all, its your own people, you can do what you want with them.
PATRIARCHY/MATRIARCHY/GENDER RIGHTS Men rule completely and women are just objects. Or if you want to, the opposite! That would be pretty damn spiffy, you gotta admit. A nation of Amazons, with a thirst for conquests. Every man is sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor and drained for sperm when reproduction is called for. They are executed whenever they are no longer physically useful or turn out to be infertile. Imagine losing one of your cities to a society like this. Knowing what your own people are going through in there. I doubt that would make you seek a peace treaty anytime soon.
MEDIA CONTROL/CENSORSHIP The best and worst from every dystopian novel you have ever read. 1984. Fahrenheit 451. Anthem. Brave New World. Im talking book-burning, demolition of art, massive censorship, false information, hardcore indoctrination and re-education. Speaking of which, what do you think of newspapers and news networks as a game feature in general?
ROGUE STATES No matter how many civilizations end up being clumped closely together in Civ4 and its predecessors, it seems as if at the end of the day, everyone simply minds its own business. The U.N. Resolutions feature, while mildly interesting, is a joke. Make the civilizations more dependent on a certain global order. Allow for rogue states and superpowers. If Im a puny civ with inhuman civics and no standing army, Im getting my a$$ handed to me. But let me develop some nukes, and see the other civs bow before me. As current events are proving, there are more ways of exercising international influence than simply having a noble history and prominent industry. All you need to be is crazy and armed, and people will listen to you. Make the game like this. Have opportunistic civilizations striking deals with rogue states and other civs confronting them instead, paving the way for one hell of an international crisis or world war. I love this.
TERRORISM Either fight it or be responsible for it. Fund it. Sponsor it. Train for it. You could be a tiny civ flanked by two major superpowers who are always taking advantage of you. Become a hard labor police state and indoctrinate your people (see how it all ties together?). Then, get them to go blow stuff up in the nations that are giving you trouble. Perhaps enlist the help of another puny state desperate for some dignity. Again, this would make the game more fun, because it would allow any kind of civilization, not just the biggest and most sophisticated ones, to have an impact on the game. Or perhaps, you can have an independent terror organization backed by no government in particular spring up here or there with their own agenda. You can choose to join the rest of the civilized world in fighting to eradicate these murderers from the face of the planet or you can unite with the terrorists instead. Offer them protection and support from your country, in return for a few favors from them.
ANTITHEISM Why did they omit this in Civ4? Talk about offending. No religion. None of it. All forms of it strictly forbidden. Its not secularism. Its antitheism.
LEADER WORSHIP Indoctrinate your people into believing that you are the ruler they must be not just willing, but glad to die for. Seclude them from the outside world so much that all they will know is the intolerable misery and cruelty under which you subject them and make them love it. Construct statues and monuments of yourself all over your land. Name everything after you. Make everything about you. Or, just have your subjects obey your every word but secretly loathe you inside. Thats more fun, if you ask me.
These are but a few of my own suggestions. Far from an exhaustive list. We as a species have a bottomless repertoire of atrocities to draw inspiration from. Seems very inappropriate, perhaps even cowardly, to make a game dedicated to the history of man and very conveniently omitting all the bad parts.
Please post your own suggestions/feedback/insults. Thats the reason I started this thread I assure you, not just to listen to the sound of my own typing.
But allow me to close by addressing one last issue: a name for this hypothetical game/expansion pack. So far, Ive referred to it simply as the darker Civ, but I do have a few ideas on what it could be titled too. Here are some of them.
CIVILIZATION: DOWNFALL (yeah, its a little lame, but it does have a certain no it doesnt, its just lame)
CIVILIZATION: DARK SHADOWS (bleh, it sounds kinda cool, but it makes no sense, and besides, shadows are always dark anyway, so thats redundant)
CIVILIZATION: DEATH OF RAINBOWS (okay, its stupid, but its funny, come on)
CIVILIZATION, OR LACK THEREOF (a somewhat witty one for the pseudo-intellectuals)
CIVILIZATION: DYSTOPIA (this ones nice. It gets the message across, and uses a fancy word for it, thereby making it seem intelligent)
CIVILIZATION: HIDE THE KIDS! (creative, no, but mighty practical, and gets the disclaimer out of the way immediately)
CIVILIZATION: NAUGHTY, NO-GOOD CIVS (the way your grandmother would title it)
CIVILIZATION: THE DEATH OF HOPE (overly dramatic? Maybe, but its got the word death in there, which always makes an impact)
CIVILIZATION: THE DEATH OF MICKEY MOUSE (see what I mean? It has nothing to do with Mickey Mouse, but the word Death in there still gets to you. Admit it)
Dont forget to post your ideas for titles as well.