Why you attack...


Jul 8, 2002
A space between heaven and hell.
I had this great game where i was placed in the end of 1 of the 2 big continents with 3 other civs as competitors on my continent...

First: I attacked the french idiots with my jaguar warriors and destroyed all theyre 4 cities before 1500 BC.
Then i got attacked by the Indians (that were located in the other end of the continent, around 0 AD did a ROP with the Persians and crushed the Indians with my army consisting of a few horsemen, few swordsmen and about 20 jaguar warriors. :)
Then i gathered troops to take over the rest of the continent: The Persians... they were dead...
I moved over to the next continent... attacked the Russians, just to get a foothold of the new continent and to get 2 new luxury resources...
Attacked the Americans to get control of a second rubber resource and when i was finished with the Jankees i got a domination victory... in about 1700 AD... :)

This story was just a Prologue to the main question... What is the min reason you attack a civ?
DAMN!!! i screw it up... :)
I pressed the wrong button and i didnt come to the poll screen... :) Oh well... i guess im still a newb to these forums...

Here comes the actual question...

Why do you attack a Civ?

Early Threat from an other civ
To retaliate
To gain control over the whole continent
To gain a resource
Just to keep myself occupied in between building city improvements.
Depends on who i am:
The persians - to get enough room for a start, then only when provoked.
The zulu - when i discover a new civ.
I almost always start preparing for a short war as soon as I see my first neighbours. It's usually necessary that you cripple your neighbour as quickly as possible. This doesn't mean that you need to take all their cities, but if, for example, at the stage of having about four to six cities each, just taking one or two of their cities will really slow them down, and probably take them out of the game. Not only that, but you can usually negotiate peace to include a couple of techs, plus you have a couple of extra cities.

I don't play higher than monarch so I can't say for emp/deity, but at Regent/Monarchy, all the games in which I have taken a couple of cities early on I have won far, far more easily.

Declaring war to gain control of a continent usually arises, but I've never needed to declare war in order to control a resource.

As Shabbaman said, it's all about winning the game.
I don't like combat, but as the old Roman general said, "let he who would have peace prepare for war". I find that in Civ3, as in real-world history, there are three main causes of war.

1. Population pressure. When the whole continent, or at least all of the good city sites, are claimed, you might find that you don't own as much territory as you'd like. It's a question of expand or be overwhelmed, and the only way to expand is by force.

2. Resource scarcity. If your neighbors have a key strategic resource and you don't, you'd better secure your own supply or leave yourself vulnerable. Trade is a temporary solution, but unreliable. Sooner or later it's advisable to capture those mines for yourself. Conquest for luxury goods is also sometimes advisable, especially if there's a source of something you don't have right outside your border. If you plan the war right, you capture the luxury good and increase your people's happiness, then sign the treaty and disperse the war weariness. Much rejoicing among the populace as the spoils of war make them richer.

3. Entangling alliances. You don't really want to take on the huge Russian empire, but you had a Mutual Protection Pact with the Aztecs, the Aztecs attacked the Zulus, and the Zulus had a pact with the Russians... before you know it, you've declared war to protect your "brothers" and the Cossacks are rolling across your border.
My reasons:

1) to gain cities. More specifically, to gain a second "core" grouping of cities - at the center of which I want my forbidden palace. This usually leads me to attempt continental conquest.

2) to gain luxuries and resources. Primarily the former.

3) to gain Great Leaders. These are required for a number of purposes: to rush the FP. To make an army for the HE and later the MA. To rush other wonders.

4) to beat tech out of the AI.

5) to wipe out several AI civs, which often helps me gain a huge tech lead later. If I've broken the AIs on my continent, chances are there are only 1 or 2 civs left that are at all strong.

6) Because I can.

i mainly attack for leaders, and since I always play militaristic may monarch seems to like it when I am at war.

i also like to see the other civ grovel.
Any reason you can think of to start a war is good enough. Just make sure that you know what you want out of the war. War weariness is a pain in the arse so unless your in for the long haul which is total war, I don't fight very long wars.
Reasons, in descending importance to me:

1) To make my empire's borders look really cool on the map.
2) Because early on while I was neglecting my military to build lots and lots of settlers, workers, etc. they demanded tributes, and I never forget it. "Who's the b*tch NOW!?"
3) To get GL's.
4) To test out my brand new shiny UU.
5) To make their colour on the power graph smaller than mine.
6) Yes, yes, to obtain resources too...
7) Because I sometimes get bored.
To take away there vital resources even if i have enough of them myself. Like in my current game i have five oil but i went to war with the indians to take theirs but it did not work cause it took to long but when i get the chance i will do it again.
For all the reasons above, above all to secure my 'own' continent so I won't get dragged into random serious wars along my borders. ;)
I love going to war as much as everyone else, but lately it seems i get my ass beaten way too often :( i never seem to get big enough fast enough and soon enough the Zulu bastards or the Aztec bastards or the RUssian bastards are attacking me
I only play conquest victory condition. Need I say more...
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