Wider River Mouths


Phaethon was here
Jun 14, 2003
Your territory
New: November 6, 2010

Wide Bank Rivers

Made the banks larger, made changes to Goldfool's docks, added indication of flow in the deltas, and alot of tweaks that I will probably only notice. download post #61

New: Aug 12, 2007, I know others have done this kind of thing before, well here is my version.

I think Rivers with banks look better when they go through jungles and forests and over irrigation.

I have also used the extended deltas so that the river delta always makes it to the sea.

Downloads on post #55

Edit: Jul 14, 2007, Check out post #53 for preview and download of Extended Deltas .I have widened and extended them further into the sea so that the problem with them not reaching the water/sea is gone and if the are a little in land the they cut the terrain into islands.

Spoiler :

Edit: Jul 14, 2007, Check out post #49 for preview and download of Supersized Deltas .

Spoiler :

Pre Oct 31, 2004 posts
Spoiler :

I have widened the river mouths and recoloured the tips of the deltas (like Neissuh recoloured the tips on snoopy's greener water).

This is for Snoopy's regular terrain.

There is also a preview for muddy deltas on post#8, tell me what you think.

Edit: Oct 31, 2004, Check out post #17 for preview of Fuller Deltas and download on post #18.

Edit Nov 5, 2004: More Textured Fuller Deltas preview post #19 and download post #20.

Edit: June 16th, 2005 Added Wider Rivers with the Deltas on Post#29
Preview and download on Post #29
Go to Post #20 for the lastest download

Goes in:

C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Art\Terrain

Don't forget to backup original.

Only Wider Mouth Rivers the first one is, preview post #1

Both wider mouth and muddy deltas the second one is, preview post #8 (as the name says rename it deltatRivers)


  • deltaRivers.pcx
    22.6 KB · Views: 878
  • rename this deltaRivers.pcx
    22.9 KB · Views: 823
Looks great as usual, Pounder A great advancement over the "before" :thumbsup:
Couldn't you somehow copy the pattern from the coast terrain into the delta to make it completely invisible over the coast? That, or add some sort of alluvial plain (I think thats what I mean) graphics, like swampy areas and little mud deposits around it, that would look OK on water or land?
Weasel Op said:
Looks great as usual, Pounder A great advancement over the "before" :thumbsup:
Couldn't you somehow copy the pattern from the coast terrain into the delta to make it completely invisible over the coast? That, or add some sort of alluvial plain (I think thats what I mean) graphics, like swampy areas and little mud deposits around it, that would look OK on water or land?

I was thinking of making some muddy deltas, it is something that will have to be played with because sometime the deltas end up way inland and other times they are out to sea.

I think you are right though and for the most part some muddy colours may help.
I started working on the muddy deltas, I just started on one of them, thought I would give a preview.

I don't have time to finish them right now , if they are ok or any suggestions, then I'll finished them later.


  • muddy deltas.jpg
    muddy deltas.jpg
    21.7 KB · Views: 7,025
I have reworked them a some. Here is a preview on the various terrains.

They will show up differently on different terrains, for example; if you look at the bottom pair of terrains, both the plains and the floodplains are 9 tiles each, yet you see that the floodplains land mass appears to be larger. This causes the deltas to be more inland on the floodplains and more out to sea on the plains. Then again I am sure you have seen on random maps the deltas are facing the wrong direction and do not even meet the sea.

Tell me if this is better.


    82.2 KB · Views: 7,006
Where's the link for the muddy terrain? :(

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