Wildmana 6.0 Download and Bugreport


Jan 25, 2009
download of latest Version is here

List of Wildmana features

Installation requires BTS 3.19 and FFH installed (so it can copy the art files from FFH). The mod only supports english so change BTS language to english before you run it.

"known Issues":
rarely graphics from Freyas Citystyle Mod cause a CTD while loading a savegame. So far only happened when playing Amurites. In this case just install the FFH Base graphics module. Won't break saves.

Patch 7.0 (unreleased)
Spoiler :

  • Fix: Pirate Ships aren't always hostile
  • fixed Gold repay from Overflow
  • Fix: Frozen can now perform the Ascension ritual (requires Illians to complete the Draw before, Illian AI values Rituals very high)
  • Fix: Scion Palace will give additional Mana with the more Mana option
  • Fix(Base FFH): Amurite Worldspell doesn't block some Abilities like Feasting, Gift Vampirism,...
  • Fix(Base FFH): Spell Costs scale with Gamespeed
  • Fix(Base FFH): Tolerant Trait works correct for Free Buildings from Wonders
  • fixed a very very rare WoC related to defensive only units (like settlers) becoming enraged (might not even be an issue in Wildmana but only base FFH)
  • Fix: Force and Creation Mana spawns as Wildmana
  • Fix: adjusting points for Gameoption Advanced Start
  • Fix: handicap Bonus vs. Animals isn't applied for Barbarians
  • AI: more likely to use Catapults to bombard
  • AI: will value Fishing tech higher (to adjust for Kelp and the ability of Fishing Villages)
  • AI: much better use of Rituals (Elves will go for Pact of Nilhorn to get siege Units, Illians use their rituals, AI uses Purge the Unfaithful when attempting a religion Victory, etc.)
  • AI will remove Units from Groups who have no moves left when starting the turn (movement 1 units hit by Slow, etc.)
  • AI: fixed an issue with AI_isFinancialTrouble() triggering too often, resulting in AI disbanding units when it should not (not sure if it was a Khazad AI only issue)
  • AI: improved Use of Grigori Adventurers
  • AI: won't harm their Growth anymore by sometimes building a settler for the second city too early
  • AI: Kuriotates more likely to spread out Cities
  • AI: will start exploring Lairs later
  • AI: will start exploring epic Lairs a lot later
  • AI: Elohim won't plunder Unique Improvements
  • AI: smarter use of Permanent Summons
  • AI: will use Animals to construct Buildings (so far only relevant to FoL Tigers)
  • AI: Kuriotates won't use City States/Aristo Civic
  • AI: uses Heron Throne, Bazaar, Grigori Adventurers Guild better
  • AI: Better UnitPower Calculation (higher Level Units give more Power)
  • AI: Fallow Leader blocked from using Farms, Aristo Civic
  • AI: uses Barbarian Trait better
  • AI: Clan of Embers uses Rantine to Convert Barbarian Cities
  • AI: Bannor make better use of Clerics
  • AI Calabim: uses UNITAI_FEASTING better
  • AI: more likely to build culture buildings in a City where it is loosing a Culture War
  • AI Doviello: better use of their ability to turn slaves into melee units
  • AI: much much better Civic selection (Bannor go for Cottage Economy, Doviello for Slavery, etc.)
  • deactivated cannotDoCivic python callback
  • AI Doviello: better use of wolfpacks and worldspell
  • AI Elohim: value Buildings higher which increase purity counter
  • AI Grigori: Better use of Grigori Medics
  • AI Calabim: Moroi will use Burning Blood Spell when attacking at low odds
  • AI: Religion Victory Strategy enhanced. AI will build Inquisitors and use them to remove Religion from non enemy cities
  • Svartalfar AI: Understand to use Kidnap ability: Rangers will travel to rival cities to kidnap GP if some criterias are met (combination of attitude and power)
  • AI: understands how to spread Esus.
  • AI: War tactics of AI are less predictable. It will display WHEOOHRN only when it is the only reason for it to denial a war trade
  • AI won't use Assasins for city defense
  • AI: when giving Attack Orders will ignore Summoned Units most of the Time
  • AI: uses Spells only when they won't trigger a war
  • AI: uses Tsunami now (should make Octopus Overlords AI a lot more scary)
  • Merged Parts of BTS Better AI v. 082
    • worker AI, City Governour
    • AI diplomatics
    • speed tweak, minor tweaks
    • Better use of Bombard Units
    • Air Units(birds) can be automated
    • small tweaks to Stack of Doom logic
  • Merged Unofficial Patch 1.3
    • Building a City doesn't remove floodplains on the plot
    • small bugfixes (most you will never notice)
    • cityAcquiredAndKept python callback won't cause OOS anymore
    • Discovering Resources will scale with gamespeed
  • Merged Denevs Multiple Production Mod
  • Gameoption Flavour Start added (based on Jean Elcards FlavourMod)
  • GameOption Passive Training added
  • GameOption No Animals and Barbarians spawn in visibly Land added
  • GameOption Noble Houses of Erebus added
  • added GameOption WinAmp GUI
  • Elohim Purity Counter also depends on State Religion
  • Barbarian at the Gates Event won't effect Worldunits
  • Slow Spell is much easier to Resist
  • Bannor+: Number of available Clerics depends on Religios Techs known (same maximum 4 lategame)
  • Hyborem starts at Peace with Barbarians/animals and at War with Wildmana Guardians and Pirates
  • Feature Upgradechance (Ancient Forest), Feature Growth (Forest, Kelp) scales with Gamespeed
  • Infernals will spread Ashen Veil only to cities they don't immideatly raze
  • Updated custom mapscripts (kelp, haunted lands)
  • Clan Worldspell: adjusted to new Barbarian system. Number of Barbs gained capped at 20
  • Clan Worldspell: Chance to Convert depends on Proximity to Clan Of Embers empire. Less likely to Convert Barbarians that live far away
  • added Concepts Sections Emergent Trait, Module Scions of Patria Lite
  • Vitalize can turn Marshlands into Grassland
  • Infernal Worldspell is usable in Multiplayer
  • Spell Force III will now only give +50% defense modifier to city, no level effect (was buggy and AI doesn't understand it yet anyway)
  • Brigit Held gains Magic Immunity (lost when captured)
  • Dead people have no voting rights in the councils anymore
  • missing Diplo Texts for new Leaders added
  • New Leaders module finished (on average, every civ gets 3 new leaders now)
  • Bison Resource added (+1 health, +1health with smokehouse, +1happy with tavern)
  • Dwarves use Bisons now as mounts, not pigs anymore
  • NationalWonder Cathedral added. Requires Theocracy civic. +1 hammer to all priests.
  • Aquae Sucellus: cost reduced to 450, gives 1 Health to all cities (and another one to cities on same continent)
  • Celestial Compass, Hall of Kings, Temple of Temporance, Theatre of Dreams Bonus adjusted, Tower of Eyes Cost reduced
  • Strategic Resource Stone added (gives discounts on some Worldwonders)
  • Worldwonder The Senate added. Requires republic civic. adds 2 free specialist in the city that build it and a free Courthouse in every city
  • Worldwonder Arrow Tower added. Requires Archery. increases city defense, gives free archery range in every city. +1 GPP Commander. Increases Global Training of Archers (with Gameoption Passive Training selected)
  • Worldwonder University added. Requires Scholarship civic. +50% research, free elder council in every city
  • Worldwonder Caminus Aureus added. Requires Mithril Working. Gives 1 free mithril resource
  • Worldwonder Tree of Succellus added. Requires Animal Handling. Gives 1 free Nature resource. Changes all Forest and Jungle close to the city to Ancient Forest
  • Worldwonder Engineering Academy added. Requires Engineering Tech. Gives Engineering Trait
  • added Resource Silver (+1 happy with Temple of Kilmorph), Amber (revealed by Iron Working), Tea (revealed by Trade, gives +1 happy with Inn), Spices (revealed by taxation, gives +1happy), Salt (revealed by Priesthood)

Patch 6.51 (doesn't break saves)
  • fixed an issue with XML loading
  • Fix: Corlindale is Elohim only
  • Fix: Only Illians and Frozen have access to Winter Tech

Patch 6.5 (breaks saves)
  • Module Elohim+ added
  • Module: Frozen Civ added (by TC01)
  • Gameoption Tamed Wilderness added
  • Gameoption: Challenge- Pirates added. Greatly reduced chance to spawn Pirates without the Gameoption.
  • Random barb/animal spawns will start later
  • number of maximum spawns from lairs reduced
  • AI will leave Units behind in newly conquered Cities if they have some to spare
  • AI: will heal immortal units upon rebirth
  • AI Leaders with Fallow trait blocked from using Agrar civic
  • AI Amurites, Sheaim value Catacomb Wonder higher, Infernals won't build it
  • AI: Calabim won't feast their cities to tiny size
  • AI: Handicap bonus against Animals adjusted (same as vs. Barbs)
  • AI: Invisible Animals a lot less likely to enter rage
  • fix: ancient towers, etc. will spawn on map again
  • fix: gold trading
  • Fix: display of messages when exploring dungeons/ruins (and some other messages that were shown in black)
  • Fix: Scion Worldspell can be cast only once per game
    than against barbs)
  • channeling1 is only needed to learn tier1 spells, not to cast them
  • Govannon doesn't teach channeling1 anymore
  • workshops have no Food yield prereq anymore (so they can be build in snow or desert)
  • All Undead Casters can use Corpus magic (not just Scions)
  • Orthus, Tumtum start with 2 first strikes, will make better use of their Hero Promotion
  • Orthus spawns in a Goblin Fort, if there is one on the Map.
earlier patchnotes
Spoiler :

Patch 6.4 (break saves)
  • fixed an issue with wrong prereqciv for second Kuriotates Hero
  • Fixed an issue with Barbarians from Lairs spawning with UNITAI_ANIMAL sometimes (Hill Giants for example)
  • Event Pirate Invasion: set RandomGold to 0
  • art reference for "mark of the Spider" Promotion fixed
  • updated to Denevs FFHBUG Sevopedia v 0.7 (fixes some txt keys in the Sevopedia)
  • updated Help for Scions Keep
  • updated Doviello+ module
  • javellin thrower :hammers: cost lowered to 60 (same as archers which they replace)
  • AI will launch counter-attacks on cities in War even if not in conquest mode
  • AI is more willing to give in to a demand to change their favorite religion (it's still blocked when they value their religion very high)
  • AI Barbs and Animals will heal more often

Patch 6.3 (break saves)
  • fixed a WoC related to AI using Summons
  • fixed an issue of elephants becoming weaker as time goes on
  • fixed issues with Korinna and Alcinus Keep (Scions)
  • added Help Text for Scions World Spell
  • fixed an issue of BonusAptitude not showing in the Civilopedia
  • fixed an issue AI adepts not building mana nodes
  • improved AI understanding of new barbs and Animals challenge
  • Animals will trigger the "Enemy has been spotted near City X" alerts
  • BarBarians blocked from attacking Wildmana Guardians (they will still battle the Minions)
  • Random Barbarian/Animal Spawns won't be outcrowded by Lair creatures anymore
  • Erebian Sea
    • Terrain Feature Kelp added, growth on Coastal water, +1 food and commerce (merged from Orbis)
    • All Civs except Lanun can build Fishing Villages (a weak version of the Lanun pirate Coves)
    • New BarBarian Civilization: Pirates of the Erebian Sea
    • Pirates start at Peace with the Lanun
    • Hidden Nationality Ships will show the Pirate Flag, not a Barbarian Flag
    • Lanun Improvement Pirate Port spawns Pirate Ships
  • Merged from Tweak Mod
    • Demagogs from Crusade start with metal promotions
    • Genesis Ritual removes Hell Terrain
    • Bannor have UB Cathedral (replaces Pagan Temple, has Special Ability in Conquest)
    • Seven Pines always spawns in Forest grassland
    • Building Temple of the Hand (Illian UB Pagan temple) spawns Blizzards
    • Genesis Ritual works Different for Illians (turns tiles to Snow, not grassland)
    • Finishing Samhain gives Illian Cities some happiness
    • Illian Project the Deepeening has greater Effects
    • Manes and Angels do not spawn from fallen Grigori Units
    • Events when Order and Veil or Empyrean and Esus coexist in a city
    • Calabim Vampires Feast from Cities they raze
    • Planar Gates Spawn Chance scales with Gamespeed
    • Mimics blocked from stealing rusted promotion
    • Basiums First City starts with a few free buildings
    • Reading the Grimoire now has many more possible results
    • FoL holy building increases chance of Treants spawning on the defense
    • Arcane trait gives +5% research
  • Module Bannor Plus included
  • Module Doviello Plus included
  • Basic Naval AI
    • AI builds Naval Defense
    • AI settles other islands/continents once it has fully settled its main continent

Patch 6.2 (breaks saves)
  • Barbarian access to nightmare removed
  • fixed the "Frostling Invasion" more different types of Barbarians will spawn (warriors, beastmen, mercenaries later, etc.)
  • Barbarian and Animal strength increase balanced for Difficulty level
  • Muris Clan Goblin Event (-1 :food:) removed
  • Polar Bears can only spawn on snow terrain
  • more Animals merged from Rife, strong Animals will only spawn later in the game
  • fixed issue with unrestricted Leader/end of winter gameoption

Patch 6.1 (break save games)
  • Fixes issues with hidden gameoptions selected
  • Fixed XP gain from many barbarian/animal units
  • Culture near an unowned Plot will greatly reduce chance for barbarians to spawn
  • Lairs spawn with more defenders, defenders strength increases later in the game
  • Fixed diplomatic modifier from Somnium
uncomplete changelog Version 6.0
  • FIX: events aren't loaded modular for now (could cause bugs/OOS)
  • FIX: AI tech trading
  • FIX: Scoreboard shows War Status
  • fixed an display issue with manors/pillar of chains
  • FIX: Pieces of Barnaxus will be removed from the game if they are the only unit from Luchuirp and they can't be permanently destroyed by HN units.
  • FIX: possible CTD when declaring war fixed (was related to the CAR mod merge)
  • FIX: some rarely happening WoCs (waiting of civilization loops)
  • FIX: rewrote some basic functions to prevent OOS
  • AI: Patrols improved
  • AI: Summon use improved
  • AI: Prefers to Heal in City if it is close
  • AI: starting settler now moves distance depending of world size
  • AI: Barbarian Cities gain access to strategic resources later in the game
  • AI: Elohim/Malakim also go into Conquest Mode
  • AI: leaders will pressure other leaders only into their favorite Religion
  • AI: favorite Religion and Alignments have a much larger impact on AI diplomatics
  • AI: able to give help to other friendly AI (same way it sometimes gives help to friendly human player)
  • AI: able to make demand maps/gold/techs from hostile AIs (same way it sometimes makes demands to human player)
  • AI: in ConquestMode more likely to ask someone else to join its war
  • AI: in ConquestMode more likely to join someone else war
  • AI: will ask to stop trade less often
  • AI: Altar Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Culture Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Religion Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Production choosing improved
  • AI: Conquest Logic improved
  • AI: fixed a few issues with promotion selection
  • AI: improved use of Equipment (orthus axe, spellbooks)
  • AI: Better tactics to deal with Barbarians
  • AI: Lots of leader related improvements
  • AI: Prophecy of Ragnorok blocked for non evil AI
  • AI: Defense of Cities adjusted to stronger animals/barbarians
  • AI: grouppower function added to improve battle calculations
  • AI: if attacks odds aren't very high, AI will prefere to attack with low lvl units to soften up defenders for it's high level units
  • AI: fixed problem that could cause conqueststacks to retreat to cities too often
  • AI: will use conquest civic a bit smarter
  • AI: better AI gold management
    • allows AI to save up gold used only to hurry victory buildings
    • allows AI to save up gold used only for trading
    • allows AI to save up gold used only for production hurry (or better said this allows the AI not to waste their gold on production hurry)
    • allows AI to save up gold used only as a reserve (Khazad, events)

  • Gameplay change:impossible now to hurry victory buildings
  • Gameoption: can hurry victory buildings added
  • Gameplay change:Conscripting has a small chance to create several units (since units without XP are at a greater disatvantage in FFH I think the mechanism needed a boost)
  • Animals are now at war with Barbarians
  • Animals have a small chance to enter a Rage
  • Animals/Wild Mana Guardians strength increases later in the game.
  • more dens for Animals (from Orbis)
  • SPEEDBOOST: Gameoption Barbarian World
  • lairs always start with a defender
  • Improved Placement of Unique Improvements
  • Gameoption Influence Driven War improved
  • Maximum trade routes in City increased from 8 to 12
  • ADDON (or maybe its a FIX?): CommerceChangeDoubleTime mechanic from BTS got to working again.
  • gameplay change:UnhappyProduction (used by manors and pillar of chains). Bonus to :hammers: from happy population reduced by 50-66%, bonus from unhappy population increased by 50%
  • high level units are immune to many bad effects from lairs
  • balseraph puppet spells can be set to autocasting
  • merged Hated Civic Concept (from Operas LENA mod)
  • merged better Blizzards (by TC01) and rebalanced a bit
  • merged a few Animals from FF+
  • merged militiamod (made by Tholal)
  • module tweaked buildings added (small tweaks to buildings to make build selection more interesting. Granaries/Smokehouses now allow cities to export small amounts of food to another city)
  • module tweaked Civics added (some civics got a small boost (republic, consumption,...), agrarism a small nerf. Most civics unchanged). Idea is to make civic selection more interesting.
  • module Balseraph+ (a few leaders added with unique traits. Courtesan UU requires halls of mirrors and has shapechanging abilty, taunt spell should work more stable)
  • module Scions lite added (will need quite a bit of work since FF has a lot of custom functions I do not use). Civliziation is set to human only so they won't show up as AI.
here are a whole bunch of options selected, but not visible on the options screen. Looking through my settings, they included, no animals, no lairs, no Octopus Overlords, No council of esus.

Edit: Nm, had to start a game to wipe all opions, and it was oK.

However, this time I chose Sidar instead of Sandolphon, (I kind of wanted Jundal back), and I got Garrim Gyr as a leader. So now it would seem, if I pick an enemy civ, I might get something like Os-Gobella leading elohim.... :/
Now choosing a civ/leader has become really screwy. I know I am choosing Sandalphon, ( I quadruple checked this time) but I am just getting random civs. First I got Amurite led by Dain, this time I got Balseraph led by the illusionist.

Furthermore, I specificied I wanted Perpentach and Os-Gabella in the game, opened world builder, and they were no-shows.

I uninstalled/reinstalled, no luck. Civ choice worked the first two times, so I think there was a setting that was triggered when I did the above post, (Play now, in post 5, to wipe settings)

to somewhat fix it, I had to choose both Sandalphon and Sidar in player set up.
Barbarian spawning mechanism seems wacky. I'm constantly having barbarians spawn in my line of sight or even right next to my borders. Is spawning not restricted to fog of war anymore?
Barbarian spawning mechanism seems wacky. I'm constantly having barbarians spawn in my line of sight or even right next to my borders. Is spawning not restricted to fog of war anymore?

That's how they spawn in Fall Further. :/ Kind of annoying... but free Xp.. :p
I uninstalled/reinstalled, no luck. Civ choice worked the first two times, so I think there was a setting that was triggered when I did the above post, (Play now, in post 5, to wipe settings)
I think it was the LEAD_ANY_CIV gameoption. I load up a patch to fix this.
And it's actually the system used in ALL major modmods now, though it came from FF... It's in Oribs, RifE, and now Wild Mana. ;)

The only thing Wild Mana spawn system has in common with FF is that Animals and Barbs are seperated Civs.

Gonna change it so that Barbs will spawn a lot less near culture boarders.
A divided soul with animal mastery did not capture a lion pride when it was attacked. However, it did capture a regular lion when it attacked it.
The only thing Wild Mana spawn system has in common with FF is that Animals and Barbs are seperated Civs.

Gonna change it so that Barbs will spawn a lot less near culture boarders.

Yeah, I worded that poorly. I meant more that the basic mechanic (Barbs can spawn even if you can see the plot, so long as it's unowned) was in all the major modmods. Your system was rewritten from scratch... And if you don't mind, I'd like to steal it for RifE. :lol:
Some lairs don't seem to be defended (barb lairs, not beast ones). Whilst this can be the case when the defender is killed, and not replaced by a new spawn, I have seen a lizardman 'pick up' a skeleton whilst travelling through, so that is not the only way it can happen.
Bug report: apparently WM 6.0 no longer works with Ozzy's unofficial map of Erebus -- it CTD's the instant I try to start a new game on the pre-made Erebus map. I was looking forward to an Erebus-conquering session with the new WM 6.0 changes, but I guess I'll have to settle for random maps for now.
this mod has strange on again off again bugs. Sometimes XP works properly, sometimes not. Right now, my bounty hunter promotions do not seem to be giving me money for kills.

edit: nm, experience is not working.
Orthus is guarding lairs... And that was even with a Goblin already guarding the goblin fort.

Also, I've gained a few chanters from lairs, and none of them are capable of using escape.
You have two things going on with lairs:

1) lairs respawn after they're destroyed
2) high-level units are immune to negative lair effects

Individually these changes are awesome, but the combination of the two means that heroes or other highly promoted units can too easily farm awesome things from unsettled areas with lots of lairs. Maybe you could reduce this by slowing down the rate of lair respawning? I had a lair respawn two turns after I destroyed it (getting a zealot); the second time I explored it, I got a great commander.
In this file, if you open it, there is a hero divided soul in the SW corner. Next turn, he should be able to beat a Lion if you attack the lion.

However, he will not get the bounty. the bounty works sometimes, sometimes it does not. It was working for this unit earlier in the game.


  • NoGoldFromBounty.CivBeyondSwordSave
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