Will Civ VII be released on GeForce Now?


Apr 30, 2016
La Paz, Bolivia
On Thursday, GeForce Now added Civ IV, V, VI and Beyond Earth to their game Library. This surprised me after Firaxis pulled Civ VI out in 2020. So, adding four of the games now might indicate that they will support Nvidia's streaming service in the future with Civ VII. I personally hope so especially if Aspyr is working on the Mac version of the game. They are not good.

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 20.44.35.png
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I was happyliy suprised to find my 2k games in geforce now. I assume this is in relation to the decision of 2k to remove the 2k launcher from its games. Since they also mentioned that it won't come back for civ VII i have great hope that civ VII will be on geforce now as well.
AFAIK it's really easy to bring a game to Geforce Now, as it doesn't require porting. It's just a business decision to opt in. With the other FXS games coming back recently (they have been on GFN some years ago iirc, before it was fully publicly released), I have high hopes. I would prefer to run it natively on my mac, but my experience form civ VI, with patches coming months later or simply never, I think GFN is my preferred method of playing. I have a PS5 as last straw alternative, but it's not the kind of game I like to play on TV and controller.

@zweid yeah, the release cooccurred with the drop of the launcher. Yet, many games have a similar launcher and work on GFN just fine. It doesn't seem to be a technical limitation.
Spoiler Obsolete, see Post #7 :
No info either way yet, but if I had to guess, my guess would be it will be released on GeForce Now, later than February 11th. Potentially a long time later.

Since this post, we've also seen Firaxis add Civ VI to Netflix (which many of us didn't even know had games). My guess is it's an intentional strategy to get as many people as possible playing Civ, especially those who are new to the game, several months ahead of VII's launch, to maximize the potential audience who would buy Civ VII during the first month. Every person who tries VI (or V or IV) this autumn because it's on GeForce Now, and who wouldn't have tried it otherwise, is a potential Civ VII customer. It's a smart strategy really.

But if they include VII on GeForce Now, or Netflix, etc. at launch, they remove the incentive to buy it at full price, which is their most profitable way of selling the game.

Additionally, VII is very unlikely to have high minimum hardware requirements, IMO - it's not going to be the equivalent of Crysis in 2007 where launching on GeForce Now (had it existed then) would have made quite a bit of sense. I've been playing Civ VI on the desktop I built in 2011 over the past week or two, with its midrange 2016 graphics card, original CPU, and Civ VI stored on a traditional hard drive, and it plays just fine on Ultra settings (at 1920x1200) and Large maps, with reasonable loading times. The only thing that isn't buttery-smooth is leader animations, and they're still 30 FPS. Firaxis knows how to strike a balance looking good and running for a very large part of the potential audience, so there is unlikely to be a requirements-related reason to need to launch on GeForce Now.

I could be proven wrong, but given the number of premium options for purchasing VII at launch, I'd be quite surprised if Firaxis/2K passed up potentially significant profits by including GeForce Now at or near launch.
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No info either way yet, but if I had to guess, my guess would be it will be released on GeForce Now, later than February 11th. Potentially a long time later.

Since this post, we've also seen Firaxis add Civ VI to Netflix (which many of us didn't even know had games). My guess is it's an intentional strategy to get as many people as possible playing Civ, especially those who are new to the game, several months ahead of VII's launch, to maximize the potential audience who would buy Civ VII during the first month. Every person who tries VI (or V or IV) this autumn because it's on GeForce Now, and who wouldn't have tried it otherwise, is a potential Civ VII customer. It's a smart strategy really.

But if they include VII on GeForce Now, or Netflix, etc. at launch, they remove the incentive to buy it at full price, which is their most profitable way of selling the game.

Additionally, VII is very unlikely to have high minimum hardware requirements, IMO - it's not going to be the equivalent of Crysis in 2007 where launching on GeForce Now (had it existed then) would have made quite a bit of sense. I've been playing Civ VI on the desktop I built in 2011 over the past week or two, with its midrange 2016 graphics card, original CPU, and Civ VI stored on a traditional hard drive, and it plays just fine on Ultra settings (at 1920x1200) and Large maps, with reasonable loading times. The only thing that isn't buttery-smooth is leader animations, and they're still 30 FPS. Firaxis knows how to strike a balance looking good and running for a very large part of the potential audience, so there is unlikely to be a requirements-related reason to need to launch on GeForce Now.

I could be proven wrong, but given the number of premium options for purchasing VII at launch, I'd be quite surprised if Firaxis/2K passed up potentially significant profits by including GeForce Now at or near launch.
GFN isn‘t like GamePass, Netflix or Stadia. It requires that you own the game on Steam/Epic/Ubisoft. Hence, 2k doesn‘t lose profits (besides the initial cost to bring it to GFN).
Is there a single denuvo game on geforce now? It does not sound like the two technologies are compatible. But maybe they figured out a way...
Is there a single denuvo game on geforce now? It does not sound like the two technologies are compatible. But maybe they figured out a way...
I‘ve played Anno 1800 which has Denuvo on there for years. Never had any problems. But I also never tried to start 20+ games in a day.
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GeForce now is just a big room of server style computers that you remote into one and play a game on, it elegedly doesn't require anything more than the dev/publisher opting in on it on a supported platform

So it's literally not a question of if it's possible, it's just a question on if 2k will allow it and as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be any of 2k's more recent hitters on it so I kinda doubt it'll be opted in at launch
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