Will Fez bonus kill your science overflow?


May 28, 2016
Im playing a HOF-game now so I dont want to just save and load to figure it out. Does anyone know how this will work? Earlier any Instant science or culture would kill overflow, but I think they fixed it for boosts now while pillage still kills overflow? But what about Fez and GS that give Instant science?
Had no idea about this issue - is the main implication that you should not pillage when you have just finished researching a tech / civic (wait until the next turn instead)?
Im not sure how it works now, but it was a problem earlier. But right now the problem with pillage will only concern Norway I guess.
Last time I checked Fez didn't reset science overflow (but I haven't re-tested it under the current patch).
Unless they broke it again, it should be fine.

Thats great news. Thanks. That actually means that you are not restricted to one Tech per turn as long as you have Fez in the game. Hmm… Wonder if that will have an impact on things...
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