Originally posted by onejayhawk
Interesting take on an old hot point. The census indicated a number of new seats, so a new map had to be drawn to fit them in. The process of redrawing was turned into a huge show, but it really is nothing more than has been done every ten years since Texas became a state. One difference. Before this year, the Democrats had control of the legislature. This year it was the Republicans. For some reason, the Democrats like it less when it is done over their objections than when they were doing it over Republican objections in years past.
I'm really beginning to wonder where you get your facts, OneJayHawk.
By law, the Texas map has to be redrawn every 10 years. It was redrawn in 2000, as required, by the courts, since the legislature wanted nothing to do with it at the time.
Then Delay decided that the map wasn't good enough, so he convinced Perry to hold 3 special sessions, costing the state millions and millions of dollars, to redraw the maps AGAIN. The map that was eventually approved cuts Travis County in
4 different districts, some of which stretch to Houston, in an attempt to cut up liberal strongholds. It is one of the worst examples of gerrymandering in recent history.
Now, the matter will go back to the courts, as the Democrats are suing to keep the map from being implemented. Which will cost the state even MORE money. All because Delay wanted a few more Republicans in congress.
Your "one difference" is completely misleading. There were a number of things that set this redistricting apart from past ones. First of all, this redistristricting was held outside of the timeframe mandated by law. Second, the leader of the Texas senate, Dewhurst, eliminated senate rules that allowed one-third of the senate to prevent a measure from coming to the floor. Democrats never did this to Republicans when they controlled the legislature. And finally, when the issue was put before Texas voters, they overwhelmingly expressed opposition to the redistricting.
If you're going to "tsk tsk" people, at least give them the real story.