will there be a patch to fix the graphics in Civ VII?


Dec 23, 2024
Will there be a patch to fix the graphics? The more I see, the more I find the goofy, cartoonish leaders to be indistinguishable in style from the ones in Civ VI. It makes me angry to look at them. And what's with the color palette in general? Every screenshot I see of cities is full of little blotches of weird day-glo and pastel colors that are most unaesthetic, especially in contrast to otherwise decent architecture. I want to support Sid and the rest of the team by buying Civ VII, but I'd like the option to get a version with decent graphics.

In future versions, please put the graphic concept of "readability" on the ash heap of history where it belongs. It is not a style that can stand the test of time.
I personally wouldn't bet on a patch that changes most of the models in the game happening.
If you don't like the art style, that really sounds like a personal problem, not something the devs need to "fix."
If you don't like the art style, that really sounds like a personal problem, not something the devs need to "fix."

If you asked Vermeer whether he liked the leader art from 5 or 6, he'd pick 5 in less than a second.
Very obviously not. But you're free to work on your own mod for the game. Have fun with the modeling and texture work, can't wait to see what you put out!
Very obviously not. But you're free to work on your own mod for the game. Have fun with the modeling and texture work, can't wait to see what you put out!
I know it's too late to save this game. My earnest hope is that this problem will be fixed in Civ VIII
If you asked Vermeer whether he liked the leader art from 5 or 6, he'd pick 5 in less than a second.
Considering Vermeer loved bright colors and vivid lighting, I highly doubt he'd like the muddy, drab palette of Civ5. But you are, of course, entitled to like ugly games. :p
I know it's too late to save this game. My earnest hope is that this problem will be fixed in Civ VIII
Could you please outline the issues you find so glaring in a clear, objective manner? Remember, since this is such a big obvious problem, don't include any subjectivity that may detract from your point. :)
Considering Vermeer loved bright colors and vivid lighting, I highly doubt he'd like the muddy, drab palette of Civ5. But you are, of course, entitled to like ugly games. :p
Vermeer loved light, not jarring color palettes. And he portrayed humans as humans, not crude caricatures.
Vermeer loved light, not jarring color palettes. And he portrayed humans as humans, not crude caricatures.
Again, that's your subjective opinion, which you're entitled to, not an objective fact.
Could you please outline the issues you find so glaring in a clear, objective manner? Remember, since this is such a big obvious problem, don't include any subjectivity that may detract from your point. :)
The leaders are portrayed as cartoons. There's no attempt to create the illusion that you are facing off against real people with real motivations. It is unserious.

Likewise, the color palette in general is off. Most screenshots of cities I've seen contain oodles of weird colors that no one would decorate entire cities with. And the terrain seems diseased somehow, with colors you wouldn't ordinarily see in nature unless there was some kind of blight infecting the landscape.
Again, that's your subjective opinion, which you're entitled to, not an objective fact.
I've seen Vermeers in the flesh, and they are indeed full of light, not weird colors that make your eyes bleed. Fact. And he portrayed humans in a realistic manner, not cartoons. Fact.
I've seen Vermeers in the flesh, and they are indeed full of light, not weird colors that make your eyes bleed. Fact. And he portrayed humans in a realistic manner, not cartoons. Fact.
Good for you, but that Civ7's (or Civ6's) art style is "bad," "ugly," or "cartoonish" is not a fact, nor is the idea that you are the sole target audience of the franchise. :dunno: You're welcome to dislike it. You're in the minority. Firaxis won't change it just for you.
These opinions are all baffling to me to be honest.

Will there be a patch to fix the graphics? The more I see, the more I find the goofy, cartoonish leaders to be indistinguishable in style from the ones in Civ VI. It makes me angry to look at them. And what's with the color palette in general? Every screenshot I see of cities is full of little blotches of weird day-glo and pastel colors that are most unaesthetic, especially in contrast to otherwise decent architecture. I want to support Sid and the rest of the team by buying Civ VII, but I'd like the option to get a version with decent graphics.
I don't understand why people are opposed to vibrant colours in these games like vibrant colours don't exist in real life.
For one, I am in love when a game displays people in a vibrant way. Showcasing colour, people, architecture, market sounds, nature, in comfortable and relaxing tones is a pretty cool innovation from games like Humankind.
However, I can't deny the equal appeal of the grimy, realistic, down-to-earth look and feeling of games like Civ5.
Not to say one is better than the other, I definitely want both, I think they can both fit in the same game depending on the circumstances.

In future versions, please put the graphic concept of "readability" on the ash heap of history where it belongs. It is not a style that can stand the test of time.
This is another baffling comment. Readability is very important to a game. Old and new games alike attach a lot to readability. I think people really underestimate how important this is.
It's made for newcomers foremost, it helps people to know what are hills and cliffs, what are farms and mines or lumberyards. Without some exaggerated visual distinction, players will get confused and generally speaking the game won't look as nice or play as easily in my opinion.

Considering Vermeer loved bright colors and vivid lighting, I highly doubt he'd like the muddy, drab palette of Civ5. But you are, of course, entitled to like ugly games. :p
I don't think Civ5 is ugly. At least not in terms of the argument you are making. I agree it's aged a bit badly but I think it's possible to have Civ5's art style but with modern graphics to make it look nice.

Vermeer loved light, not jarring color palettes. And he portrayed humans as humans, not crude caricatures.
All characters are 'caricaturised' to an extent. In gameplay and visuals, I actually think the characters should be more 'caricaturised' and less boring swaps. While Civ5 characters are exaggerated in playstyle and personality, the Civ6 characters are exaggerated in visuals alone... and that creates a large disconnect.

For me, I think it's okay that the characters don't look distinctly realistic, but if they also behave in linear boring predictable patterns, that becomes a major problem too. (TLDR: Either they look exaggerated AND act exaggerated or they look subdued and they act subdued)

Summary opinion: I think there is a sweet spot between Civ4/5/Millenia art styles and Civ6/Humankind art styles and actually Civ7 got it pretty spot on.
I'd like to see how it performs as a complete package before I make judgement though
Good for you, but that Civ7's (or Civ6's) art style is "bad," "ugly," or "cartoonish" is not a fact, nor is the idea that you are the sole target audience of the franchise. :dunno: You're welcome to dislike it. You're in the minority. Firaxis won't change it just for you.
Leader art in Civ V is more realistic, objectively so. Catering to what people think the majority wants is a creative mistake. Art that stands the test of time is created according to the standards of the artist.
Leader art in Civ V is more realistic, objectively so. Catering to what people think the majority wants is a creative mistake. Art that stands the test of time is created according to the standards of the artist.
What makes something realistic? That's an aesthetic quality that something can have, but not a statement of fact.
I don't think Civ5 is ugly. At least not in terms of the argument you are making. I agree it's aged a bit badly but I think it's possible to have Civ5's art style but with modern graphics to make it look nice.
I think Civ5 was ugly when it released. The map is muddy. The palette is drab. The leaders look like animatronics. The UI was nice, though.

Leader art in Civ V is more realistic, objectively so.
Yes, but that realism is superior is not objective.

Art that stands the test of time is created according to the standards of the artist.
Glad we agree. :)
These opinions are all baffling to me to be honest.

I don't understand why people are opposed to vibrant colours in these games like vibrant colours don't exist in real life.
For one, I am in love when a game displays people in a vibrant way. Showcasing colour, people, architecture, market sounds, nature, in comfortable and relaxing tones is a pretty cool innovation from games like Humankind.
However, I can't deny the equal appeal of the grimy, realistic, down-to-earth look and feeling of games like Civ5.
Not to say one is better than the other, I definitely want both, I think they can both fit in the same game depending on the circumstances.

This is another baffling comment. Readability is very important to a game. Old and new games alike attach a lot to readability. I think people really underestimate how important this is.
It's made for newcomers foremost, it helps people to know what are hills and cliffs, what are farms and mines or lumberyards. Without some exaggerated visual distinction, players will get confused and generally speaking the game won't look as nice or play as easily in my opinion.

I don't think Civ5 is ugly. At least not in terms of the argument you are making. I agree it's aged a bit badly but I think it's possible to have Civ5's art style but with modern graphics to make it look nice.

All characters are 'caricaturised' to an extent. In gameplay and visuals, I actually think the characters should be more 'caricaturised' and less boring swaps. While Civ5 characters are exaggerated in playstyle and personality, the Civ6 characters are exaggerated in visuals alone... and that creates a large disconnect.

For me, I think it's okay that the characters don't look distinctly realistic, but if they also behave in linear boring predictable patterns, that becomes a major problem too. (TLDR: Either they look exaggerated AND act exaggerated or they look subdued and they act subdued)

Summary opinion: I think there is a sweet spot between Civ4/5/Millenia art styles and Civ6/Humankind art styles and actually Civ7 got it pretty spot on.
I'd like to see how it performs as a complete package before I make judgement though
You're correct that readability is necessary in the sense of being able to distinguish terrain features, game interface and so forth. I just don't want it to be so "readable" that it detracts from authenticity. Someone in clown makeup is very "readable".
I think Civ5 was ugly when it released. The map is muddy. The palette is drab. The leaders look like animatronics. The UI was nice, though.

Yes, but that realism is superior is not objective.

Glad we agree. :)

If the purpose of a Civ game is an immersive experience that makes it feel like you're inside of history, realism is necessary, and any winking neon sign that says "THIS IS A GAME!!!" will ruin that experience.
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