windows 10 graphics issues help please?


Feb 14, 2014
here is a screenshot of the kind of things i am seeing since updating to windows 10. the corruption is around top left and center bottom. note the social policy is just a blank blue circle.

its not just the same things - sometimes the next turn button is just text with a transparent rainbow color thing in the box. one time the desert terrain looked like a woven fabric. the blue info circles above next turn are oftne blank blue circles.

i also had to redownload and reinstall catalyst control center and amd graphics this corruption to do with amd latest drivers for win 10 64 bit?
if so what if anything can i do? its same under dx 9 and dx10/11


EDIT: graphical random corruption and issues continue. sometimes game crashes during the blurb about the leader you select being read aloud to you. that looked to me like windows brain-dead error detection and reporting thing - it used to prevent flash plugin working over a slow connection in firefox; because the flash took so long to load windows assumed it was crashed, and then froze it, causing it to really crash. unfortunately you cant turn off this idiotic behaviour for specific files.

tried compatibility for windows 8, no help, then making all the exe files run as admin and no change except civ 5 crashed several times to desktop on trying to run it, unless all the exes are set same. but since it didnt solve the problem i reverted that and reduced the crashes.

random graphics issues now include unit markers missing the icon in the little circle or triangle. in short, civ 5 is almost always unplayable now in windows 10, mainly due to graphics corruption which is mainly on units, and the interface, but occasionally on terrain. there needs to be some fix from either AMD for my graphics drivers or microsoft for windows. i would try downloading the drivers i had with windows 8.1, but the AMD site only gives me the latest driver download as an option. i am leaning towards it being an AMD driver issue right now but thats a hunch based on the fact that second life recommend using the last stable release drivers (forget what version number) not the beta or current version...

hopefully other gpu types will work fine.
if i might make suggestion to any mod reading this, maybe merge this into a windows 10 troubleshooting thread so ppl can see some of the problems some ppl may have and maybe suggest things to try or see things they can try?

oh and even same in windowed mode.

its not drivers - using the hp driver set there is still a problem so its now down to either windows 10 (x64) or directx that comes with win 10. the hp drivers update for win 10 didnt fix it, but i have had 2 windows updats and they may have fixed directx 9 version, as that has loaded correctly twice now.

EDIT: the directx 9 version works better. on save game the icons under the picture showing what map and mods are still messed up graphically before save. but thats the only glitch i see with dx9 so far. dx11 is still showing graphical random patterns especially top right and missing graphics in the circle notifiers. i have tried all sorts of things with setting dual graphics off and its not possible to redownload any directx higher than 9 so it has to wait until microsoft fix it. hopefully nvidia cards wont have these issues
another update, i went to the civ folder in the steamapps common bla bla path. there is a directx folder, in which are two files to run. D3D11Install.exe just runs then tells you that you have (braindead version, tho it doesnt say THAT) directx 11 already and exits. DXSetup.exe will run, think about things for a long time, then install a bunch of directx 9 files, and it ended with a D3D11 dll which i didnt get the name of. so there ARE some directx 11 files civ must rely on, which the win 10 implementation doesnt bother with. unfortunately it didnt fix my dx 11 graphics issues with civ 5. but the last few issues with dx 9 version seem to have vanished, when i tried it just after the install.

so MAYBE directx 9 version works now thanks to that. windows 10 is the os of the future forever more... but it drops you down a few generations graphically, so far as civ 5 is concerned. i have to play civ with win xp era graphics software, on my win 8.1 era gpus...
microsoft. feh.
ok the problem was resolved today. i installed shadow of mordor, and right at the start of the download in steam was a step which popped up a window saying installing microsoft directx. it didnt state any version but it eventually got installed and then shadow of mordor downloaded and is working fine.

on a hunch i ran civ 5 in dx 10/11 mode and its all working perfectly again. i cant say for sure what if anything is different in dxdiag but the main point is, the game is working again. maybe if i had deleted civ 5 and reinstalled it as new might have had same effect, i dont know. my hunch is that if you install a game which has as one of its first steps installing directx 11 whether or not windows 10 reports it has it installed, you might fix it if you have this problem.

it seems like windows 10 updated directx isnt a complete version.
I have got a graphic drive problem in Dell Inspiron 3442 laptop windows 7. I have got the problem when I was playing the game on my Dell laptop which it came to some video crashes. I have also asked some of the persons they also said that they didn't the answer for that. you have been facing the graphic driver problem so I can understand your problem. I installed the graphics drivers on the internet when my friend said to me finally, my problem solved. it has worked very good and till now I didn't get any problem and I hope if you install the graphics drivers then you will get better performance.
Hello. I have the same graphical issues here, since i started with Win 10
My stats:
windows 10 64 bit
Gforce GTX 1060 6gb
game motherboard Aorus Z490 Ultra
intel i7 core 10700K cpu
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