here is a screenshot of the kind of things i am seeing since updating to windows 10. the corruption is around top left and center bottom. note the social policy is just a blank blue circle.
its not just the same things - sometimes the next turn button is just text with a transparent rainbow color thing in the box. one time the desert terrain looked like a woven fabric. the blue info circles above next turn are oftne blank blue circles.
i also had to redownload and reinstall catalyst control center and amd graphics this corruption to do with amd latest drivers for win 10 64 bit?
if so what if anything can i do? its same under dx 9 and dx10/11

EDIT: graphical random corruption and issues continue. sometimes game crashes during the blurb about the leader you select being read aloud to you. that looked to me like windows brain-dead error detection and reporting thing - it used to prevent flash plugin working over a slow connection in firefox; because the flash took so long to load windows assumed it was crashed, and then froze it, causing it to really crash. unfortunately you cant turn off this idiotic behaviour for specific files.
tried compatibility for windows 8, no help, then making all the exe files run as admin and no change except civ 5 crashed several times to desktop on trying to run it, unless all the exes are set same. but since it didnt solve the problem i reverted that and reduced the crashes.
random graphics issues now include unit markers missing the icon in the little circle or triangle. in short, civ 5 is almost always unplayable now in windows 10, mainly due to graphics corruption which is mainly on units, and the interface, but occasionally on terrain. there needs to be some fix from either AMD for my graphics drivers or microsoft for windows. i would try downloading the drivers i had with windows 8.1, but the AMD site only gives me the latest driver download as an option. i am leaning towards it being an AMD driver issue right now but thats a hunch based on the fact that second life recommend using the last stable release drivers (forget what version number) not the beta or current version...
hopefully other gpu types will work fine.
its not just the same things - sometimes the next turn button is just text with a transparent rainbow color thing in the box. one time the desert terrain looked like a woven fabric. the blue info circles above next turn are oftne blank blue circles.
i also had to redownload and reinstall catalyst control center and amd graphics this corruption to do with amd latest drivers for win 10 64 bit?
if so what if anything can i do? its same under dx 9 and dx10/11

EDIT: graphical random corruption and issues continue. sometimes game crashes during the blurb about the leader you select being read aloud to you. that looked to me like windows brain-dead error detection and reporting thing - it used to prevent flash plugin working over a slow connection in firefox; because the flash took so long to load windows assumed it was crashed, and then froze it, causing it to really crash. unfortunately you cant turn off this idiotic behaviour for specific files.
tried compatibility for windows 8, no help, then making all the exe files run as admin and no change except civ 5 crashed several times to desktop on trying to run it, unless all the exes are set same. but since it didnt solve the problem i reverted that and reduced the crashes.
random graphics issues now include unit markers missing the icon in the little circle or triangle. in short, civ 5 is almost always unplayable now in windows 10, mainly due to graphics corruption which is mainly on units, and the interface, but occasionally on terrain. there needs to be some fix from either AMD for my graphics drivers or microsoft for windows. i would try downloading the drivers i had with windows 8.1, but the AMD site only gives me the latest driver download as an option. i am leaning towards it being an AMD driver issue right now but thats a hunch based on the fact that second life recommend using the last stable release drivers (forget what version number) not the beta or current version...
hopefully other gpu types will work fine.