Windwaker Link 04/09/06


Jan 4, 2004
A shipyard near you
Da-dum, da, da-da-da-da! (Zelda theme by rote, in, letters, attempt...:dubious:)
Zelda mod get's their hero! It's probably about time this guy showed up here.:D

So it's Link from the Windwaker, the Hero of Winds (Time was cooler yes), need I say more? Oh, except that I had a great time with this, this makes my first fully human unit, sounds are from kid link from Ocarina of Time (cause I can't find real Windwaker sounds ANYWHERE), and I want a Master Sword :hammer:

Windwaker Link


:mad: Red RED,where is his green shirt

Red tunic link means he can survive volcano eruption and that is overpower

Great unit btw:goodjob:
:D I always liked the Goron tunic, though I think his method of getting into a volcano in Windwaker was a little more impressive...

Spoiler :
:crazyeye: negative 100 degrees Kelvin arrow

If you want green, make your Civ color green :D
Heh, Orthanky, I didn't need your little help parentheses to tell me what your Da-dums were.

I've been a life long Zelda player, but I never did play Windwaker, as 1) I think Cel shading looks like crap and 2) I don't own a game cube. However, when Twilight Princess coems out, I'll cause whatever is nessicary to get my hands on one.
Looks fantastic, Orthanc. Very nicely done.:goodjob:
@aaglo: Pretty much dead on there, it's a torus actually, scaled down so that it's almost 2D, and yes it uses a radial texture.:thumbsup:It follows the sword because it's actually 'attached' to the sword.

@Goldflash: I wasn't to happy about the cel-shading at first either, I still think they would've been better making the realistic Zelda first, cause it's what they got everyone hyped up about and it's what everyone wanted (and are only now getting...), but once I got Windwaker I have to admit I really liked it.

But yeah, Twilight Princess is the only reason you need to get a Gamecube, or a Revolution (not mentioning OTHER name), thank goodness it'll be on both:D
Thanks everyone!

@Virote_Considon: Actually, that's Attack C, his Victory is the jumping one:bounce:
Stormrage said:
So, like, I just followed some LINK! to get here.. :hmm:


Its Offical. I'm sinking Coratia into a see of Acidic Jello now.

Only I'm allowed to do puns!
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