Winning on Emperor with 24 Civs and Maxed City-States on Huge Maps?


Dec 22, 2024
How do you adjust your strategies to win on Emperor difficulty with 24 civilizations and maxed-out city-states on a huge map?

I’ve struggled to win under these conditions, as the additional civilizations seem to add significant complexity. By the time I’ve established my first city, the AI has already filled the map with dozens of others due to their bonuses like extra settlers. While I’ve seen advice for winning on Emperor+ difficulties, it often focuses on smaller games (e.g., 8 or 12 civs), which feels more manageable. I want to avoid nerfs like playing a water-based map, where the AI is inherently weaker.

Spies can slow down some civilizations, but with 24 civs in play, there aren’t enough to meaningfully impact the game. The map also feels far too large to make domination viable. I can consistently win on huge maps with 24 civs on King difficulty but struggle to make it work on Emperor without reducing map and civ size. It seems the sheer number of civs makes the game harder, amplifying the AI bonuses. By the time I have one city settled, there are already 46 other competing AI cities across the map.

Does anyone have specific strategies for handling the unique challenges of a maxed-out game with 24 civs, maxed out city states, on huge maps using Emperor or higher difficulty?
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