If they're conscripts they don't need to be as good as men, they just have to get in the way of the bullets so the better fighters can survive for longer. Same with children really - I don't see why we should discriminate based on age. Children have proven themselves to be quite deadly in conflicts. After all, if you're violating rights anyway by forcing innocents to go to war, you might as well go the whole hog and get a real advantage of numbers.
Not really violating 'rights'. Certainly not in a legal sense, and I would say that in situations where your country needs to call up soldiers then it's probably almost a moral duty to enlist voluntarily.
Why can't women be a part of that team? I may be odd, but I associate with people and have friends across gender lines.
Not odd at all. But would you play Rugby (or Football in yankeestan) with them exactly the same as with the blokes? It's not a comparison; if you talk to military people (you yanks especially never seem to shut up about it) you'll hear about the sort of 'extra close bond' that combat units have. I take it you've never seen the old State of Mind videos that the Marines put out? There's one in which they have a marine standing at the end of a narrow gap between two buildings, and say 'trust means you have eyes in the back of your head' and you see another one at the other end. That's the sort of bond that's required.
Here's the video:
Link to video.