An infantryman does, someone loading artillery pieces needs a certain amount, men in an enginerring unit doing manual labour will. There are some jobs that would better fit men, on average, but as I said, man that wouldn't (controlling a UAV, inumerable office and staff positions, all the traditional "women's work", pilot, radar operator, etc, etc).Well, in modern combat, when is phyisical strength even needed?
The main idea I see is that it provides the population with training in case of a future war. Or, even more laughably, to provide them with skills for civilian life (like a person is really coming away with anything if they don't want to).That's what I don't understand about the European countries which still force men to do military service.
So females need protecting over males?
Add sexist to your titles.
EDIT: Also Domination, it might in GENERAL be the job of the mother (although I don't know what the actual stats are), but what about the cases when it's not?
Which is why we shouldn't draft/conscript weak men into military service either, right?
Yes, women should have to register for the draft, just like men. But because of basic physiological differences, women will never make up as large of a proportion of the military as men. (As long as there are reasonable standards, anyway -- and the current standards are already way too weak for women; they should be the same for everyone. I think it's reasonable to have lower physical requirements for non-combat roles, but basing them on sex is silly, and sexist.)In my long fight for women liberation, I came upon yet another example of sexism and ignorance: the army. The idea that women should be drafted the same as men is obvious to me. But should we aspire for 1;1 ratio in the army? Or should army be coeducational?
I dont like conscription but what they should do, is a physical test, and the physical test will determine what sort of military you go in. So a woman bodybuilder might fight alongside the men and a wimpy male can do cooking or something.
I made a mistake in the poll. I should also ask if the draft during the war should be for women or for men. Lets say that draft during the war is for both sexes, OK?
Again theres a problem with your arguement Domination. What if a women isn't needed at home to raise children but a man is? Would you support taking that man away from his family?
Should men be granted the same exemption?in general however I do not think women should be drafted if they are needed at home to raise kids.
Except any single married person is less likely to be needed to raise a child because the partner would be there. As opposed to any single parent.And I'd rather draft ANY capable single person than a person who is needed to raise kids, man or woman.
Well, by the virtue of diffrent hormones, men generally have more mass and muscle than women. Although if a male conscript is undernourished or sickly weak, for whatever reason, they will be exempted from service or given lighter duties. Usually female volunteers serve in physically less demanding roles.
Note that I haven't at any point argued that women shouldn't serve because of some percieved weakness. If a woman is able to haul that mortar tube around, she can. I know one who did just that. See my first post in this thread, if you want to see why I oppose conscription of both genders.
Besides it would be hugely impractical. Most women, if faced with compulsory service, would probably opt for civil service rather than for armed service. Civil service is basically low-end public jobs, and I think that the system would badly choke trying to provide meaningful tasks to tens of thousands of new applicants each year.
To put it shortly, instituting truly universal conscription would be a costly and impractical way to fix a rather meaningless equality issue. If equality is most important, scrapping the whole conscription system would be better, but that's a whole another can of worms.
No, I would support drafting the woman. However, this isn't usually the case.
EDIT: And I'd rather draft ANY capable single person than a person who is needed to raise kids, man or woman.
That's funny.
why is it funny?