Women should run the world

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Dec 30, 2000
the golf course
Evolution designed male and female to serve in different roles, the men do the heavy lifting and women nurture us and our children. Which of the two roles is better suited to leadership?

Well, if you want war let the killers kill

but if you want a world where the killers are not told to kill, women are the way to go. That doesn't mean all women leaders wont be bloodthirsty, power attracts the power hungry but the fact most serial killers are men should tell us something.

Maybe killing is how we progress technically...or not being killed. Guns germs and steel... Or maybe I'm a Momma's boy.
Well it's not like us males have covered themselves in glory.
Evolution designed

Which of the two roles is better suited to leadership?
If we are operating on this basis that men serve y role versus women as x, then men; the paramount responsibility is security, after which point nurturing may take place. What good is a nurturer to Belgium if they're being flattened by German panzers again?

but if you want a world where the killers are not told to kill, women are the way to go.
Thatcher, Meir, Gandhi...
a nurturer leading germany

sure there are women thrust into roles but those roles were created by men

Are you serious? :)

I mean, it's not a correct question in my view, to ask if "women should rule the world". All kinds of people ruled stuff, with different styles and results. Their gender (biological or otherwise) isn't the crucial factor.
It would be chaos! There would be pantsuits everywhere, hot sauce in purses, and southern accents that disappear and reappear mysteriously when one crosses the Mason-Dixon line.
Well, you got female leaders and noble prize winners like Aung San Suu Kyi, who was totally cooperatives and supports the Rohingya massacre and defend the genocide as a hoax internationally, well not until the monster turns its back to her like now.

This is as simple as the fact there are good or bad people in every gender.
I think men have the bad category wrapped up, or as Zardnaar put it

Well it's not like us males have covered themselves in glory.

Maybe trans women would be even better, like the Indian sense of the people with two spirits. If we had 1 person to send on our 'Contact' trip who would it be, somebody who embodies both sexes or just one?
If we had 1 person to send on our 'Contact' trip who would it be, somebody who embodies both sexes or just one?
That's hardly the most important characteristic. If you recall, the reason why Ellie Arroway wasn't initially chosen is because she refused to pander to the "spread the Word to the aliens" contingent on the committee, and wanted to keep it about the science and being open to whatever information the aliens chose to share.

Women are nurturing, empathic and kind? Have you ever dated bro? Or had a mom even?

Women are capable of as much evil as men they're just generally not as hormonally driven to grab the power to cause mass harm.
I think men have the bad category wrapped up

The (clear) problem there is that the differences between "men" are massive. Likewise between women or non-binary etc.
Doesn't stop there either, eg think of the differences in how the differences are picked up. Doesn't take even half a step to spiral out of control and make a generalization impractical.
This is very unstable ground but I'd say that woman are far more emotional and prone to emotional outbursts rather than "listen to reasoning and facts" , which is a downside . On the other hand man have this need to dominate and prove themselves better than other man (being alpha male) which can be very unhealthy for the rest of society. Some man in power proved themselves to become power-crazed dictators. While I agree with the premise that woman should rule in general is good , the only reservation I've got is that "listening to heart instead of brain" thing. That is my subjective opinion. Nevertheless I believe there is a "golden middle" where neither of the sexes are favored and neither are discriminated - that is the ideal solution like : "truth always lies between" ;) Man can be good leaders too You know ;) I have to admit however there were definitely too few woman in power and this should be changed , we should give woman the chance that they deserve.
There's also a flaw in that even if women are on average more compassionate and less warlike, that doesn't correlate to compassionate and less warlike women attaining positions of authority. I'm probably a better bowler than most women, but that doesn't mean there aren't women who are better bowlers than I, and in a head-to-head competition I am going to lose to the better woman bowler even if I am statistically more likely to win against the general woman.
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