Women's allstar championship


Sep 5, 2007
This is my first story. I'm playing the newest version of History Rewritten with the following rules:

Standard siz, standard speed, 7 civs.
All Leaders are female
Fewer Religions is on
Everyone starts in the old world.


We begin at 4000BC. Seven queens from history have been chosen to compete. Whoever builds the greatest empire by 2050 wins.


Queen Isabella: "There is plenty of food in this area. We shall settle here."
The Spaniards found Madrid in a land where the food is abundant and the natives are generous. Soon, a neighboring Queen makes her presence known:


Isabella's scouting party continues to comb the lands surrounding Madrid, hoping to find where the English are located as soon as possible. While searching for the rival empire, they discover a herd of wild horses to the north of Madrid. Isabella announces that she will found a new city there.


She is so thrilled that even a game crash fails to deter her. She retraces her steps, making sure to save more frequently. Nothing really changes except that her scout runs into fewer wild animals on the way to the horses.

Isabella's scout discovers that the England lies to the north of Spain, and that they already have horses in their territory.


Isabella is formally crowned the Monarch of Spain. Meanwhile, spanish inventors attempt to create a device that will make transporting goods easier. Soon, they invent the wheel, and redirect their efforts towards finding a way to store all of the food that Spain is amassing.
Queen Isabella meets two more competitors: Pharaoh Hatshepsut of Egypt and Czarina Catherine the Great of Russia. She orders Spanish farmers to join together to form agrarian villages. Meanwhile, a group of settlers found a second city:


All is not well, however. Spain has no army and the Queen does not expect the other empires to remain friendly for long.
After Isabella's fist scout is killed by barbarians to the north, she forms a small army to protect her cities from incursions. Meanwhile She mets two more leaders: Empress Jingu of Japan and Queen Dido of the Phoenicians.


675 BC is a significant year for Spain. Spanish farmers tame horses for the first time, and Jesus Christ is nailed to a cross in Barcelona on the orders of the city's governor. Queen Isabella has the governor executed and announces that Christianity shall be the state religion of Spain.
As England expands, Isabella finds herself running out of room to expand. She expects to be able to colonize one more city peacefully. After that, she will have to start conquering British lands. "Oh well," she thinks, as she tours the newly constructed Hanging Gardens of Madrid, "They are probably heathens anyway."


Meanwhile the peasants are constructing a wall to the north, to protect spanish lands from barbarians
As Spain enters the classical era, Queen Isabella seems to be living a charmed life.

The Great Wall of Spain was constructed without a Hitch, protecting workers and their construction projects from barbarians. Surveyors have also found a source of iron near Madrid. Due to Madrid's location near the South Pole, Isabella will never have to fight to protect the iron deposit.


Though isabella is at the top of the scoreboard, Queen Elizabeth can produce goods more quickly. Fortunately, Isabella may not have to fight a war against England at all, as it is a wholesome, Christian nation.
Civ4? On a Mac?


Also, I would post this all in one big post, not a bunch of fragmented posts.
Civ4? On a Mac?


And :agree: with Mosher. Nice story (and concept) though, by the way! We don't have many stories around here that are played on a Mac, so this is the first I've seen of History Rewritten. Good luck! :)
its almost (maybe bigger) than RoM
every civ has a uniuqe wonder

and subbed
520 AD: With England colonizing every plot of land in sight, the Spanish are quickly running out of room to colonize. Isabella draws up a plan to conquer the Uzbek tribe to the west and add their village to the Spanish Empire.


Unfortunately, the Russian infidels appear to have the same idea.

600 AD: Isabella has constructed a step pyramid called Chichen Itza within Madrid. She has also given Christianity a more prominent role in her government. Meanwhile, Jingu declares war on Hatshepsut. The Empress of Japan asks Queen Isabella for help but Isabella responds that a feud between two Pesedjet followers, both of whom are extremely far from Spain's borders, is not her problem.


620 AD: Against the church's wishes Isabella constructs a temple for the renowned Oracle of Madrid. The oracle discovers Philosophy, which inspires a great scientist to study Engineering. Isabella announces a plan to construct a series of Aqueducts to provide fresh water for her people.

720: Isabella has finished the first Aqueduct in Madrid. This is also the year that her troops subjugate the Uzbek people. Meanwhile, the first Christian missionaries are on their way to Phoenecia, hoping to convert Dido to Christianity.

820: Isabella persuades Catherine the Great to abandon the Egyptian gods and convert to Christianity. The Uzbek people are pacified and ready to begin improving their village. Meanwhile, as Spanish settlers travel further and further north looking for a place to settle, they encounter another empire:


Wu Zetian has founded seven cities, one of which is the Buddhist holy city.
I dunno about that. I've found HR to be a lot more manageable than ROM (Especially since you don't have to learn a billion new civics.)

well in the version that i had they did (and i seriously doubt they would get rid of it, as it is one of HR's defining features)
860 AD: Empress Wu approaches Isabella, requesting assistance in her war on Egypt. Isabella agrees. Spanish researchers discover new methods of navigation, allowing the Spanish to build more advanced ships. Isabella vows to use the new technology in her search for uninhabited lands.

940 AD: Isabella founds Santiago near the chinese borders. Then she sets her sights on the Burgundian village to the west.

1000 AD: The Great Engineer William T.G. Morton settles in Madrid, and Isabella conquers the Burgundians. Spanish missionaries finally reach the Phoenician empire and Dido converts to Christianity.

1130 AD: The Spanish have conquered yet another barbarian city, and a mediator helps to end the uneventful war between Spain and Egypt. Meanwhile Isabella sends a caravel west to discover new lands.


1150: The nasty infidel Jingu declares war on the Virgin Queen. Isabella tries to contact Jingu, intending to formally join the war on England's side, but Jingu refuses to talk! Looks like Queen Isabella will have to organize a sneak attack. In other bad news, Catherine the Great has forsaken Christ and returned to worshipping Egypt's false gods.

1180 AD: The Japanese capture the English city of Warwick! Isabella will intervene as soon as possible, but she needs to build more forges first.

1240: The Prophet Atisha builds the Church of the Nativity in Barcelona. Meanwhile, Isabella has begun sending troops into English territory to help repel the invaders.

1260: Isabella notices that the people of Santiago have been practicing Buddhism and Hinduism instead of Christianity. She decides to send a missionary there as soon as she has more troops to deal with Japan.

One of Isabella's generals points out a bottleneck near Canterbury. The Queen orders him to send his troops there.

1340: Elizabeth appears to have liberated Warwick on her own and engineer Nain Singh settles in Madrid. Isabella has no wonders in progress for her great engineers to work on, but hopes that they will take one apprentices in case she needs to build wonders in the future.


"Oh well," replies Isabella, "I can always steal from Catherine." Then she has Herodotus drawn and quartered.

1510: Spain is in the middle of a bloody stalemate with Japan. As it turns out, the Japanese have samurai and elephants guarding Tokyo. However, a spy managed to infiltrate the city and destroy the walls.

1550: Spanish troops finally seize Tokyo. Queen Isabella spares the city so that she can use it as a staging point to conquer the rest of Japan.

1555: Japanese troops retake Tokyo, then lose it to the Spanish. Jingu capitulates and becomes a vassal of Isabella.

1580: As Spain tries to convert Jingu to Christianity, here's a look at the top 5 cities:


1595: Isabella forces Jingu to convert to Christianity.

1600: A great artist and a great prophet are born in madrid simultaneously.
Are you using Bootcamp to get Civ to run on your Mac?
Nope, I'm just using the mac version.

It's 1630 and Spain's government has changed with the times


1635: Queen Isabella wins the Apostolic Palace election.


1660: After noticing that the Earth casts a circular shadow on the moon, Spanish sailors prove that the world is round.


1670: Spanish merchant Sir Thomas Roe arrives in Moscow. He earns 2300 gold for Spain.

1680: Isabella returns Tokyo to the Japanese empire.

1710: Spain enters its second golden age (Can't remember when I entered the first one). The Museo Del Prado is build in Uzbek, Spain's first conquest. Queen Isabella attends the opening ceremony.

1725: Spain Enters the Renaissance era.

1755: Spanish merchant James Cook arrives in the Egyptian capital of Tjenu.

1760: Missionaries finally introduce Christianity to Santiago.

1770: Spain invents firearms and can now train conquistadors.

1790: "Tierra! Tierra!" The Spanish discover what appears to be an uninhabited continent.

Tensions are developing between England and Spain. Queen Elisabeth demands that Isabella stop trading with China, but Isabella wants maintain open borders with the Chinese so that she can spread the word of Jesus. Then the English catch one of Isabella's spies in Newcastle.

1805: Isabella's explorer in the new world is killed by natives. Fortunately, a galleon full of conquistadors is already on the way.

1816: Privateers, probably backed y China, are plundering the waters outsie of Santiago. Isabella sends a few of her new frigates to deal with them.

1826: Spanish conquistadors land on the unexplored continent, hoping to capture a village or two.
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