wonder: Refrigerating


Nov 17, 2003
Wroclaw (Poland)
Just to try help towns - located in the middle of mountains - to grow over 2 citiziens I tried to double efficiency of Granaries.

What do you think about it?


  • refrigerating.zip
    36.1 KB · Views: 134
This is a very interesting wonder concept!!!:goodjob:
Would that work? I mean doubling the efficiency of granaries? I've never tried that before.
euh, need some help.
Tried this as an improvement, selecting "Doubles City growth rate", but this doesn't seem to make any difference, compared to having only a granary.
Is that possible ??
Julo or Straczynski,

How would you need to mod this to make it have some effect?

Making it an improvement, flagging "Doubles City growth rate" doesn't make any difference.

Using it as a wonder like suggested here, what flags does it need to get to this 87% or so ?

I think Starczynski knows better how this 87% works. I did not check it precisely yet, but in my idea it shold be like here:

well, that's what I did. But then I tested it, with 2 parallel version of the same game, city growing from 3 to 7. And in both versions (1 only granary, 1 granary + fridge), city growth was exactly the same; no impact whatsoever.
Or do you need both options flagged for it to work ?
Difficult to say how it really works...
I tried to flag just only "Doubles Happiness Of Granaries" and it seems it is not enough.
I did not try to flag both flags ("Doubles City Growth Rate" & "Doubles Happiness Of Granaries") yet.
When I will check it - I will tell you...
I made tests with both flags signed. It seems it is a pity: I can not see any difference if I have "Doubles City Growth Rate" & "Doubles Happiness Of Granaries" ON or OFF. It might be I made something wrong, but if I made right, I must now change my mind:

Let we make "the Pyramid" obsolete by Electricity. And Let we say "Refrigeration" to gain Granary around the world (not only around the continent). This has a bit more sense than continuation results of very old ancient wonder in modern times...

But I do not still understand why "Doubles Happiness Of" does not work with Granary... :(
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