Wonders on city view


Nov 13, 2003
Sorry if this has already been asked, but didn't see it on the front page at least. When completing one of the new wonders (like Zeus's statue) they don't seem to appear on the city view...is this right? It's a bit dissapointing to wait 40 turns for a wonder then not be able to admire it. :(

And if they aren't supposed to be there, any ideas on if a patch might eventually add them in?
In the end we sacrificed art assets for gameplay. It was bite the bullet and release without the full art asset package or drop the Wonders from the game.

My apologies!
Or how about extend the release date and give us a COMPLETE package with all art, all updated civilpedia entries, and further Beta testing.

When I buy games I want quality, if that means waiting till Summer 2004 to get a great packaged game with everything BASIC that is expected in a released game! (Like art!!!)

Do you go to the store and Buy, say Adobe Paintshop, and expect to only be able to edit JPEGs and not GIFFs. (Ok bad example) OR how about do you go out and buy a telephone and it only have the numbers 1-8 and no 9 on it. NO, cause you expect it to have all the numbers, as we expect C3C to be complete at delivery time. Sorry, but YOUR Boss needs to be reading these posts and needs to be told that release dates are not money makers, but happy consumers are! I for one will say this, If Atari(Or breakaway or Firaxis who ever is in charge) doesn't wake up and realize that completing a project is more important than sending it out the door then one day they will be bankrupt due to loss of consumers. Good products sell and make more money than incomplete products ever will.
I'd think that it would be more like buying a phone that had all 10 (dont forget the 0!) buttons, but the ink for the 8 & 9 had rubbed off...
Point taken TAVIS... either way you understand what I am saying. I don't hold you responsible as you were just doing what your boss told you, that is get it out or else. So, please have a word with your boss, for his sake, the companies sake, and ultimatly your jobs sake.
Unfortunately Nexushyper, the decision to not complete City View Art so that we could include the late game units (TOW, Flak, MobileSAM) and polish the Conquests art assets was ultimately my decision. As the saying goes, The buck stops here.

After years of battling for art my instincts always push for more gameplay even if there aren't art assets to fully support them. The sad alternative (there have to be schedule & budget concerns) is to cut the gameplay so the "complete package" is falsely present (while the forums fill up with "Why isn't this in the game!?".

I'm sorry that you are unsatisfied with my decision, but unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about it now. However, it will always serve as a reminder of the lesson.

Be assured that I put forth tremendous efforts to learn from my mistakes.

Thanks for the support,

Jesse Smith
Producer, C3C
Originally posted by Tavis
Unfortunately Nexushyper, the decision to not complete City View Art so that we could include the late game units (TOW, Flak, MobileSAM) and polish the Conquests art assets was ultimately my decision. As the saying goes, The buck stops here.

After years of battling for art my instincts always push for more gameplay even if there aren't art assets to fully support them. The sad alternative (there have to be schedule & budget concerns) is to cut the gameplay so the "complete package" is falsely present (while the forums fill up with "Why isn't this in the game!?".

I'm sorry that you are unsatisfied with my decision, but unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about it now. However, it will always serve as a reminder of the lesson.

Be assured that I put forth tremendous efforts to learn from my mistakes.

Thanks for the support,

Jesse Smith
Producer, C3C

Tavis (or Jesse),

although I am currently rather mad with how C3C at the current state is (and having stated this in a very open manner, I guess), I greatly appreciate that you do communicate and try to explain!

Since here at the forums seem to be quite some artists, I would like to ask you, if there is any chance that player-made graphics for the city-view could be collected by your company and being offered to the community as a "purely graphics patch"? They could then perhaps get some benefit as a free copy of Civ4 or something like that - or a t-shirt :p

If there would be this chance I guess that most people would feel satisfied with this.
Just a remark from one of the 'whining guys'.
Boy... The gang at Firaxis was caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

They get screamed at since the decided to leave out some visual art that has no impact on game play instead of delaying the release date.

Had they delayed the release date, they would have been screamed at for not having it ready on time.

Tough call. I know it does not matter, but in my eyes, you made the right choice.
I like Commander Bello's idea. Is it possible for users to create the needed art, (First of course we need a list of what all is missing) and have Firaxis/Atari collect the art, like from this site, and then group it all into a patch that can be downloaded from the Civ III webpage. All Firaxis/Atari would have to do is package it as a patch and let the players make the art. hat is if anyone here wants to make the stuff. I would, if I could, but I can't.

Just an idea, what say you Tavis?
Thankyou Tavis for placing Gameplay before Graphics. :) It's reffreshing to see this in games. Keep up the great work and remember for every naysayer there are 10 more happy people having too much fun playing Civ to say anything in the forums for a good few months. :)
Originally posted by Nexushyper
I like Commander Bello's idea. Is it possible for users to create the needed art, (First of course we need a list of what all is missing) and have Firaxis/Atari collect the art, like from this site, and then group it all into a patch that can be downloaded from the Civ III webpage. All Firaxis/Atari would have to do is package it as a patch and let the players make the art. hat is if anyone here wants to make the stuff. I would, if I could, but I can't.

Just an idea, what say you Tavis?

I feel more than just honored, that my suggestion seems to be exceptet: here

[edit] What ever it means, what I originally wrote... I should have had written "accepted", of course. I have to excuse for my bad English. Sorry.
Way to go Commander Bello and thank you Tavis!

@TAVIS: Sorry to be so snappy at you, my apologies. I do apreciate the effort on gamplay and am greatful that you provide such support for your products. You could just releash a game and move on, but you choose to listen to the players and the bugs they find, and the suggestions they have for game play. Then you actually take those bugs, and ideas and implement them in the game and even give us BETA patches to test and try out and work hand in hand with us to polish the product.

Regardless of the graphics decision, what I mentioned above speaks highly of you Tavis, and your dedication for producing quality products. In the future, any game that you produce will be a sure buy for me as I know I can trust it will be supported and simply because it has your name on it which should be synonmous with quality. Thank!
Originally posted by Commander Bello

I feel more than just honored, that my suggestion seems to be exceptet: here

I have to say that I'm impressed that not only did I get a 'Firaxian' reply in under 10 minutes, they actually listened. :)


You know what I really hated about C3C? That there weren't any $100 bills hidden in the packaging. C'mon, get to it. :D
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