The defensive aspects of the abilities in the title are obvious, but which is better for attacking cities?
It seems like the 50% withdrawal chance from Guerilla III gets cut WAY down in practice, at least as far as attacking cities is concerned*, and I read somewhere on these very forums that if the defenders have first strike and the attackers have first strike, the defender gets the FIRST first strike** ... so against archer pumping enemies, the first strikes don't really help...
It seems like in the end, the Woodsman III healing effect really tips the scales against Guerilla III.
Thoughts? Comments? Escargot?
Does anyone even bother getting these promotions?
*I assume that in the field, at least, the 50% chance to retreat actually works out to be something close to 50%?
**if this is false, please let me know... likewise, if you can confirm this, please chime in
It seems like the 50% withdrawal chance from Guerilla III gets cut WAY down in practice, at least as far as attacking cities is concerned*, and I read somewhere on these very forums that if the defenders have first strike and the attackers have first strike, the defender gets the FIRST first strike** ... so against archer pumping enemies, the first strikes don't really help...
It seems like in the end, the Woodsman III healing effect really tips the scales against Guerilla III.
Thoughts? Comments? Escargot?
Does anyone even bother getting these promotions?
*I assume that in the field, at least, the 50% chance to retreat actually works out to be something close to 50%?
**if this is false, please let me know... likewise, if you can confirm this, please chime in