WARING: This post is going to change often* due to mod development.
Current version: 0.1.0
This mod adds more buildings, often mutually exclusive with existing ones, and reworks building paths for every district. Goal is to give player more choice in districts of the same type and thus create feeling of diversity at the level of building placement. Now "plaiyng map" and "playing situation" are not bounded to districts and their adjacencies but are further developed by this mod. Example is (vanilla) building path in Comercial Hub and entirely new path which focus on luxury resources within city borders. Hopefully at the end of a game player will not end up with similar building distribution in major cities.
Stability and support:
While the shape of the mod is quite well outlined, some of its content may change drastically. Currently Harbor district is the only one I'm content with enough so I can suppose it would "survive" until the release in unchanged form. Have in mind that rest of the districts may evolve.
Mod is (conception/assumption) going to keep 3-tier buildings paths but at the same time it will try to provide cover for specialization aspect of the game for most districts. One of primary goals is to keep it as clean as possible and without any boundaries.
Significant part of things awaiting to do is confirming functionality of all introduced buildings. As this is something that requires intense gameplay (often with specified purpose to check given functionality) I would apprecieate any help from those interested in topic.
Also suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Code does not return any errrors but there is posiibility that I used wrong requirements for particular objects or simply used some requirement / effect that developers've put into datbases but not codded into game engine. Pointing out these situations as soon as possible would really help.
As for now mod is stable with unmodded game with all DLCs. It does simple
database edits and thus should be free of conflicts with most mods, especially UI related. Deleted data refers mostly to building yields. Some connections on modifiers have been dropped but modifiers itself are preserved.
Current focus:
For now I've led mod to a state of concluding all basic ideas I had about buildings and to the point when functionality can be tested and mod itself can provide stable gameplay. This initial release is intended to widen (form 1 person
) the circle of people who who are interested to start a game with it and by this fasten confirming if all of its components (I would name it "building abilities") are working.
Second focus point is to introduce art for this mod. Since it's something I've never done before for civ this will probably absorb my attention in near future. I will start with providing any icons and follow evolving it.
Things to do:
Loose notes (more to my own reference):
[some commentary about intention of making this actual mod, not a waif]
Tahnks to NycholusV for; include it in next version of modinfo.
Spaceport. Original idea came from need to do something with Spaceport. And it is still empty. Irony. Specific ideas stored somwhere else. Probably will not be touched before release of DLL.
Building_paths.jpg shows basic idea about what I had in mind when creating buildings.
*and by often I mean more often than regular mod written somewhere on the forum
Current version: 0.1.0
This mod adds more buildings, often mutually exclusive with existing ones, and reworks building paths for every district. Goal is to give player more choice in districts of the same type and thus create feeling of diversity at the level of building placement. Now "plaiyng map" and "playing situation" are not bounded to districts and their adjacencies but are further developed by this mod. Example is (vanilla) building path in Comercial Hub and entirely new path which focus on luxury resources within city borders. Hopefully at the end of a game player will not end up with similar building distribution in major cities.
Stability and support:
While the shape of the mod is quite well outlined, some of its content may change drastically. Currently Harbor district is the only one I'm content with enough so I can suppose it would "survive" until the release in unchanged form. Have in mind that rest of the districts may evolve.
Mod is (conception/assumption) going to keep 3-tier buildings paths but at the same time it will try to provide cover for specialization aspect of the game for most districts. One of primary goals is to keep it as clean as possible and without any boundaries.
Significant part of things awaiting to do is confirming functionality of all introduced buildings. As this is something that requires intense gameplay (often with specified purpose to check given functionality) I would apprecieate any help from those interested in topic.
Also suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Code does not return any errrors but there is posiibility that I used wrong requirements for particular objects or simply used some requirement / effect that developers've put into datbases but not codded into game engine. Pointing out these situations as soon as possible would really help.
As for now mod is stable with unmodded game with all DLCs. It does simple

Current focus:
For now I've led mod to a state of concluding all basic ideas I had about buildings and to the point when functionality can be tested and mod itself can provide stable gameplay. This initial release is intended to widen (form 1 person

Second focus point is to introduce art for this mod. Since it's something I've never done before for civ this will probably absorb my attention in near future. I will start with providing any icons and follow evolving it.
Things to do:
- confirm functionality (see second post)
- take a look at Fleet and Armada training
- unique buildings revision
- provisional icons
- 2D art
- provisional 3D art
- 3D art
- text revision
- checks for misinformation and ambiguity
- checks for grammar and typos
- convergence with vanilla game style of descriptions
- citizen slot yields revision (Harbor in the first place)
- evolving of some district' building paths
- Campus and Theater Square being primary focus
- resource/terrain based paths
- Campus and Theater Square being primary focus
- other things I do not recall at the moment of writing this
Loose notes (more to my own reference):
[some commentary about intention of making this actual mod, not a waif]
Tahnks to NycholusV for; include it in next version of modinfo.
Spaceport. Original idea came from need to do something with Spaceport. And it is still empty. Irony. Specific ideas stored somwhere else. Probably will not be touched before release of DLL.
Building_paths.jpg shows basic idea about what I had in mind when creating buildings.
*and by often I mean more often than regular mod written somewhere on the forum
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